Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 172

Yemen Press Reader 172: Der Jemenkrieg in den Medien: Fünf Artikel - Jemen: Äthiopische Migranten - Saudi-Arabiens regionale Hegemonie - Saudi-Arabien förderte Extremismus in den USA - Kämpfe

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The Yemen war in the media: Five reports - Ethiopian migrants in Yemen - Saudi Arabia: Hegemony in the region - Saudi Arabia promoted extremism in the US - Air raids and fighting

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It could save lives: Safety for those in ‪#‎Yemen with information on water, communications, dengue fever, cluster munitions etc
important points for Yemenis in Yemen (many links)

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

20.7.2016 – Muftah (*** A K P)

Special Collection: War & the Media in Yemen (Part 1)

Based on a workshop convened in May 2016 by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Office Gulf States, this special collection brings together journalists and academics from Yemen, the Middle East and North Africa region, and the West, to discuss various perspectives on the Yemeni conflict, the problematic media landscape in and on Yemen, and media standards that are hindering coverage or distorting reporting on the country’s on-going conflict.

This war is being fought not only on the battlefield, but also through the media. News outlets have played a decisive and, often times, destructive role in the conflict, becoming weapons in the struggle for political power.

After the Houthis seized power in Sanaa, they took control over state media, using it to strengthen and legitimize their position. Temporarily based in Riyadh, the exiled Yemeni government, under President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi, created parallel state media outlets, with the help of Saudi Arabia, to delegitimize the Houthis, as well as (re)strengthen its position in the conflict. With few independent media organizations in the country, local Yemeni journalists have aligned themselves with one of these two narrative discourses. Most regional and international journalists have also followed either the Houthi or Hadi government line on the conflict.

Published in conjunction with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, this collection of articles – which makes up part one of a two-part collection (the second half will publish on July 25) – looks at these various themes.

We encourage you to share your thoughts and reactions to these pieces on our site, as well as on Twitter and Facebook. Engage with the authors, ask questions, and share your point of view – by Mareike Transfeld / Erin Kilbride / Hiba Zayadin

The articles are as follows:

20.7.2016 – Muftah (** A K P)

Who Is Telling the Real Story in Yemen?

Unfortunately the media is currently failing Yemen. Outside the country, news outlets have either misreported or turned a blind eye toward the war. Inside the country and regionally, media has become a tool for war and propaganda, instead of a vehicle for transmitting credible information.

Where are the stories in the international media about this humanitarian drama, about the human suffering, about the war, about the siege of Taiz, about the aerial bombardments, the fear, bloodshed and destruction? Where are the stories about a cruel war that is militarily unwinnable by any of the participating parties?

Compared to coverage on Syria’s war, reporting on Yemen’s conflict has been extremely poor and limited.

The fact that the Yemeni war is so under reported is largely because of difficulties in framing the story.

Yemen’s various conflicts over the last half-century have regularly been underreported in the global media. Yemen is a distant land, with a different culture that is difficult to identify with.

Before providing background, details, and analysis, journalists must first understand the most important parts of a story. This is very unclear in the case of Yemen.

[And the] final question, about the good guys and the bad guys. In Yemen, there seem to be very few good guys around. There are no heroes in Yemen’s conflict, only villains and victims. It is, as such, a very unattractive war to cover.

On top of all this, Western governments involved in the conflict, like the United States and UK, have little interest in intense media coverage on the war or its humanitarian and regional implications. To put the policies of Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries in the spotlight would be very counter productive for these governments.

In contrast to the international media’s minimal coverage, the war in Yemen is covered intensely by national Yemeni media, as well as news outlets in the Gulf and Arab world. All parties in the Yemeni war have their own media to disseminate their own narrative.

This split in Yemen’s media landscape has generated two competing narratives on the conflict. One narrative echoes the rhetoric of Saudi Arabia. The other narrative communicates a more Iranian [???? Iranian????; Houthi: yes; Iranian certainly: no] perspective.

Yemen has become a terrible place for journalists. In 2016, Reporters Without Borders ranked Yemen 170 out of 180 countries on its World Press Freedom Index – by Jan Keulen

Comment by Judith Brown: This is an article about the lack of reporting of the Yemen war, but it is far too simplistic in the reasons why the war has not been reported. Just over a decade ago I completed research for a PhD which examined the influences on Arab imagery in the British media. Earlier media research and theories revealed that particular events are selected by the hegemonic power as 'truth' and then circulated.

The Yemen story was and is dramatic; Yemen suffered aerial assaults led by its powerful and non-democratic neighbour, causing huge casualties that has been under estimated, damage to ancient and awesomely beautiful buildings that were UNESCO World Heritage sites, the use of banned and illegal weapons against the civilian population, the presence of Shia militias, and the exponential growth of Sunni extremist militias that we have been told are a threat to our way of life - AQAP, ISIS, and Muslim Brotherhood.

There were and are harrowing pictures of desperately ill babies starving due to ongoing embargo and sieges. There was also a danger by the possible blockage of oil supplies to Europe because of ships needing to pass through the very narrow Bab Al Mandab, a centre of the arena of war.

What is clear to me is that the powers that select 'truth' for circulation in the world's media chose to ignore Yemen's plight; there were stories about religious minorities under threat in Iraq, and stories of UNESCO sites in Syria which had far less damage prominent in the media at the time that the plight of Yemen was being ignored.

Despite many stories by citizens one can only speculate why the world wanted to keep the attack on Yemen secret, but the fact is that USA, UK and France were deeply involved from the outset and it clearly suited their agenda for the war to be hidden from their populations. That is why the world did not, and does not, hear about what is going on in Yemen.

Comment by me: Brown is absolutely right when saying: “that particular events are selected by the hegemonic power as 'truth' and then circulated”. That are the interests of this “hegemonic power” which determine this selection. Look at my comment to Peter Salisbury’s article below. That’s it.

20.7.2016 – Muftah (** A K P)

Elusive Search for “Objectivity” in Reporting on the Yemen War

In their domestic reporting, Rosen argues, many Western – particularly American – media organizations demand a form of “objectivity” that is quite different from a self-conscious, Nagelian worldview:

“In pro journalism, American style, the View from Nowhere is a bid for trust that advertises the viewlessness of the news producer. Frequently it places the journalist between polarized extremes, and calls that neither-nor position ‘impartial.’ … American journalists have almost a lust for the View from Nowhere because they think it has more authority than any other possible stance.”

This form of journalism is aimed squarely at presenting news so that it does not offend different political actors or the wider status quo. This is achieved by presenting all sides of an argument, as if they had equal weight. And it means journalists must often weaken positions that might offend or lead to accusations of bias, while strengthening arguments that are weak or problematic, to create the impression of ‘balance.’

Worried that they will not be seen as “objective”, many media organizations choose not to display the full factual panorama. This distracts from “the serious work of journalism–digging, reporting, verification, mastering a beat” as Rosen puts it.

This form of “objectivity” becomes particularly problematic when writing on international affairs for a Western audience. Foreign correspondents are often forced to be “fair and balanced,” while speaking in an authoritative voice, often in a few hundred words.

Editors are mindful that readers will have their own preconceived notions, and that something that clashes too much with those ideas may not be well received. Unsurprisingly, this tends to suck the nuance out of reporting. Journalists currently working in Yemen for British or American newspapers are, for example, pushed toward a more simplified narrative of a regional proxy war

The working theory is that this approach will not too badly confuse or offend readers, or be seen as partisan by political leaders at home. For a relative minnow of a country, like Yemen, to make it into newsprint, it is also helpful if the pitch feeds into a wider regional story that involves Western powers (the United States in particular).

Once this “objective” line has been identified by one media outlet, it often leads to groupthink and clusters of stories published on the same subject, as reporting on Yemen’s civil war demonstrates – by Peter Salisbury

Comment by Judith Brown: I like this article by Peter Salisbury. I try to find stories from the press all over the world that report opposing 'truths' relating to Yemen and you wouldn't guess it was the same war. I like Peter's comment about terminology - and the way that if you try to explain that the terminology is actually meaningless, then mainstream media are not interested at all because you are not speaking through their prism. The two sides sometimes use exactly the same terminology to describe opposing sides in the conflict - 'Yemen Army' and 'popular forces' being but two. I am told by those supporting the Houthi-Saleh alliance that I am pro-Saudi, and by those who support the Saudi led coalition that I am a Houthi stooge. The truth is, I just hate all of the war in Yemen and all sides are working together to destroy wonderful Yemen and the lives of ordinary Yemeni people.

Comment: I think Salisbury in this article overstresses the pursuit of “objectivity” in Western media and underrates the fact that meanwhile nearly all so-called Western “mainstream” media at least in some (and that are the most important!) essential fields follow a clear political agenda – that means they more or less have developed to spread propaganda. Salisbury casually touches this in just one sentence: “This form of journalism is aimed squarely at presenting news so that it does not offend different political actors or the wider status quo.” But actually, this is a very important point.

These “essentials” of “mainstream” media mainly are two, which Robert Parry had called “neoliberal” and “neocon”.

“Neoliberal”: The social, economic and political order as we actually have it, with “free” markets, privatization, deregulation, supremacy of big corporations, has no alternative in the media and might not basically be questioned.

“Neocon”: The interventionist foreign policy of the US and – following it in most cases – the EU as well: “war on terror”, militarization, expansion of NATO, confrontation with Russia, interventions in various Middle East countries, “regime changes”.

Especially reporting on Ukraine, Russia, “Putin”, the annexion of Crimea, Syria in our “mainstream” media is mainly propaganda. Now we can add the reporting about “Brexit” in German media or the media campaign against Jeremy Corbyn in Britain.

In all these cases there is no “objectivity” – as “objectivity” is described by Salisbury here – at all: reporting all arguments, whether they really are odd or not. I think this sort of “objectivity” mainly is claimed in cases when the arguments for the own propaganda agenda are absolutely odd and beside the point and the other side’s arguments could not be ignored. By such an "objectivity", you at least can claim the same value for the own propaganda.

Who in the West really generally questions the mainstream propaganda viewpoints in subjects related to the “neoliberal” and “neocon” essentials is not answered by arguments, but is excluded (by the media!) from the discussion by defamation “ad personam”. Look at Jeremy Corbyn and many others.

As far as the Yemen war is concerned, the multisided implication of the West as supplier and seller of arms, as political partisan and ally of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, as following the US geopolitical interests in the region, has a very great impact on the Western media coverage of the Yemen war – as it had been for the war in Eastern Ukraine and now the war in Syria.

For the Yemen war, I wrote on this subject here: (in German) and a survey in English here:

I twice tried to post this comment at the comments on the Muftah page, the second time without external links. Comments are indicated to be revised; this comment was not accepted. because of crossing the "Red Line" protecting the two "essentials"?

20.7.2016 – Muftah (** A K P)

As Yemen War Rages, Iran-Saudi Tensions Seethe in Lebanon

Yemen’s war has had a direct impact on tensions within Lebanon’s already fractured society, as rival political camps and their regional allies have attempted to dominate the media narrative to serve their own political agendas. While this competition unfolded primarily in the media, its consequences have been felt off camera as well.

The media war, which has taken place between outlets favoring Hezbollah/Iran and those aligned with Lebanon’s pro-Saudi March 14th movement, is another chapter in the ongoing battle between Iran and Saudi Arabia over political narratives in the tiny Mediterranean country. Even before the Yemen war began, both sides were using the Lebanese media to promote their competing interests in the Syrian conflict, inflaming divisions and tensions across the country.

But, it was not until the war in Yemen that the rhetoric on both sides rose several notches, signaling a sharp break from the existing rules of engagement. Local factions fought to dominate and shape the media narrative on Yemen, in an effort to push their political agendas. In doing so, they staked out maximalist positions, manipulating anti-Zionist and sectarian feelings to obfuscate the real nature of what was happening inside the Gulf state.

Over the last year, two very provocative and divisive media campaigns have been carried out by Iran and Saudi Arabia’s local allies. But, has this media spat changed much in terms of public opinion regarding the conflict in Yemen, or even the influence of these regional players? In essence, no – each side has fed their narrative to their supporters without really convincing the other side.

The media war has had real consequences for Lebanon, however – by Nour Samaha

20.7.2016 – Muftah (** A K P)

The Yemen War in the Saudi Media

Portrayals of the war have been overwhelmingly positive in the Saudi press, which is unsurprising given the controlled nature of media in the Kingdom. Saudi news outlets have historically served as a tool of the state, propagating national narratives and state ideologies. Although traditional media outlets in the Kingdom are privately-owned, their owners and founders are part of the royal family or have strong ties to it.

Broadly speaking, the Saudi media promoted two main arguments in favor of the war. On the one hand, the intervention was presented as absolutely essential to defending Saudi Arabia’s interests. In domestic, as well as in international media, official Saudi representatives, including politicians, ambassadors, and journalists, presented the war as a matter of self-defense against an external aggressor (the Houthis). On the other hand, the war was promoted as a religious obligation and sacred duty, primarily to Arabic-speaking audiences. This argument relied on sectarian language, focusing on the Houthis as members of the Zaydi tradition, a branch of Shiite Islam, and their alleged alliance with Iran.

These and other portrayals have been a key part of the Saudi-led intervention, which has been as much about media strategy as it has been about military tactics.

Saudi Interests in the Yemen War

The Saudi government also has several other strategic interests in intervening in Yemen, however – and the Saudi media has actively helped it in realizing these goals.

[5 interests reported]

The Saudi Press and International Media Criticism

Saudi media has rejected this international criticism, peddling a logic that is best captured by an anonymous article in the Saudi Gazette: “Outside parties are trying to instigate revolt against the Kingdom’s leadership through fake social media accounts under Saudi names and fabrication of information.”

Saudi press has countered international criticism, in part, by pointing to the Kingdom’s so-called efforts to help the Yemeni people, including its establishment of the King Salman Humanitarian and Relief Center.

By ignoring certain aspects of the conflict, Saudi media has also attempted to insulate the government from international criticism. Journalists and editors are aware of the red lines they are not allowed to cross.

Shaping International Public Opinion: a Saudi “Public Relations Blitz”

After the launch of the Yemen war, the new Saudi government began a “public relations blitz” in the international media, organized by some of the world’s largest PR companies. European newspapers such as the Telegraph , in the UK, and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in Germany, published interviews with or op-eds from Saudi state officials, who tried to explain and legitimize the Yemen campaign.

As part of this international public relations strategy, the Saudis have described the Yemeni war differently in Arabic and English-language Saudi media. English-language newspapers, such as Arab News and Saudi Gazette, which are largely directed at foreigners living inside and outside the Kingdom, have generally avoided ideological or religious arguments to legitimatize the Yemen war, and, instead, emphasized its political and security dimensions. By contrast, arguments in Arabic-language media have mostly been driven by religious, sectarian, and other ideological narratives.

Saudi Arabia has made enormous efforts to mobilize its population in support of the Yemen war, and spread its interpretation of the conflict across the region and the world. More than one year after the military campaign began, the official media discourse remains an important element of Saudi government propaganda. – by Sebastian Sons and Toby Matthiesen

20.7.2016 – Muftah (** A K P)

Interviewing Mohammed al-Qadhi, a Yemeni War Reporter in Taiz

Mohammed al-Qadhi, an experienced war journalist, has been reporting from the frontlines of Yemen’s on-going war, from both Sana’a and Taiz, since the very start of the conflict. In his eighteen years as a reporter, al-Qadhi has covered stories both for local and international news outlets. His work focuses mainly on community issues, politics, economics, security, terrorism, civil society, and diplomacy. Since the start of the current conflict, al-Qadhi has been targeted for his reporting by various warring factions and has managed to escape death several times.

Currently, al-Qadhi is one of the very few reporters still working on the ground in the besieged and war-torn city of Taiz. He arrived eleven months ago and has worked, under extremely dire conditions, every day since.

Questions by Mareike Transfeld: Can you explain to our readers what the situation in Taiz has been like over the last several months?

Mohammed al-Qadhi: The humanitarian situation in Taiz is absolutely beyond description. The fighting in and indiscriminate shelling of residential areas has been relentless.

Why has the fighting been particularly fierce in Taiz?

From a geopolitical perspective, Taiz is very important for Saleh and the Houthis, who have been using all available means to maintain their presence in the city.

In addition to being a large population center, Taiz is the main gateway to the south.

What has the humanitarian situation in Taiz been like, since you have been based in the city?

Have you ever been targeted or physically harmed?

How would you assess the coverage on Taiz in international media?

There are very few of us who are reporting for international media here in Taiz. Since the conflict began, few if any foreign journalists have worked from Taiz, or I would suspect, from Yemen generally, except during short visits to the country.

Why is the conflict in Taiz underreported in the international media?

I think the security situation is concerning for foreign journalists. I have been approached by some foreign reporters, from time to time, who have said they wanted to come to the country, but they never did, as far as I know. I understand their security concerns, but, of course, all war zones are dangerous and risky. Conflict zones, like Taiz, need brave journalists.

What needs to be done to support journalists reporting from isolated war zones, like Taiz?

What motivates you to continue reporting on the war? – by Mohammed al-Qadhi & Mareike Transfeld

20.7.2016 – The New Yorker (** A H)


The journey across the sea to Yemen, which costs migrants about a hundred and forty dollars, is one of the safer parts of their trip, if they manage to find an adequate boat. Unfortunately, many of the ships are small, old, and do not have adequate equipment to make the crossing. The dangers at sea, however, hardly compare to what they will face when they get to Yemen.

Many Ethiopian migrants have been shot and wounded by groups in Yemen, or kidnapped and detained when they arrived in the country because they couldn’t afford to pay smugglers. Mellis said that he had not brought money to cross Yemen, though he estimated that the trip would cost him around five hundred and thirty dollars; he would ask his family to send him the money as the need arises, he told me. Situations like these are particularly dangerous. “In Yemen, if you don’t have the money, you’ll be detained, you’ll be beaten, your family will be made to send you money,” Jefri said. In the previous month, the I.O.M. had helped negotiate the release of twelve hundred and fifty migrants who had been imprisoned by Houthi rebels, he told me. Many of them were in bad shape. “So many of them whom we have evacuated had broken limbs, broken legs, broken hands,” he said.

Neumann and Jefri both told me that some of the rescued women reported that they had been sold into sexual slavery in Yemen and in Saudi Arabia. Neumann added that she suspected that human-trafficking rings could be moving women through Djibouti – by Nicholas Niarchos

19.7.2016 – Hurst (** B K P)

Saudi Arabia and the quest for regional hegemony

Saudi Arabia’s new king, Salman, has developed a doctrine to help Saudi Arabia become leader of the Arab world. Madawi Al-Rasheed highlights the religious, political and social obstacles preventing that dream.

There are several reasons why the Saudis will struggle to be an uncontested regional power in the Arab world. At the heart of their unsuccessful bid to lead, inspire, defend and cool down the Arab hot spots is the archaic Saudi religio-political system. A traditional absolute monarchy struggling to cast itself as an ultra-modern state, while maintaining its adherence to the most exclusive religious tradition, is truly unappealing across the region. If Saudi Arabia has ever been tolerated or even beloved, it’s been because of its massive wealth, now dwindling under the pressure of collapsing oil prices. Its mythologized sacred geography, inflated Islamic credentials, massive oil wealth and charismatic patriarchs have yet to guarantee its rulers the undisputed stature they aspire to.

Both the US and European powers have exaggerated the Saudis’ ability to be an “island of stability in a turbulent Arab sea”, a “neutral arbiter in regional conflicts”, and a “moderate voice” among radicals and extremists – by Madawi Al-Rasheed

19.7.2016 – The Washington Times (** A P)

Saudi government funded extremism in U.S. mosques and charities: report

The 28 pages also touch on an issue beyond the question of the attack itself. The Saudi government and Saudi citizens were funding groups that spread jihadi messages against the U.S., funded terrorist groups and were seen as recruiters for Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda terrorist leader.

Saudi Arabia was funding Muslim radicalism in mosques and charities at the time the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers were gathering in the United States and making contacts with Saudi nationals, according to a declassified intelligence document.

To jihad watchers, the paper confirms their charges that the Saudi government and its wealthy citizens fund extremist teachings in America. To this day, the kingdom is pressing its harsh Wahhabi Sunni Islam on American Muslims as it seeks to spread Islam around the world, they say.

In the document, one Saudi who was receiving money from Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Riyadh’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time, made a startling statement to an FBI informant. The man, who had ties to some of the hijackers, told agents that it would do the U.S. no good to limit entry visas because a sufficient number of Muslims were already in the country to destroy it and create an Islamic state.

Here are some of the Saudi-linked entities mentioned in the 28 pages, which derived from the FBI’s and CIA’s earliest investigation into Sept. 11:

Jihad watchers in the U.S. say the 28 pages are further evidence that Saudi money ends up in the hands of extremists.

“Next to Iran, which is the leading state sponsor of jihad, what we call ‘terrorism,’ Saudi Arabia has spent more money funding the global Islamic movement than any other nation on the planet,” said former FBI agent John Guandolo, who runs the nonprofit Understanding the Threat website. “The U.S. State Department and our national security apparatus should see Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States.”

According to a 2011 survey by Islamic groups, there are now more than 2,000 mosques in the United States, an increase of nearly 100 percent since 2000.

Anti-jihad scholars estimate that 80 percent of U.S. mosques are funded by Saudi money – by Rowan Scarborough

cp2 Allgemein / General

21.7.2016 – Wall Street Journal (* B K P)

Saudis See Time on Their Side in Yemen War

Some in the kingdom argue a premature deal could be more dangerous for Saudi Arabia’s domestic consensus, writes Yaroslav Trofimov

To the many critics of Saudi Arabia, the kingdom’s 16-month-old intervention in Yemen has morphed into a messy quagmire. But the view from Riyadh is far more upbeat: On balance, officials here say, the war was worth it and time is working in the Saudis’ favor.

Over the past year, coalition and loyalist Yemeni forces have been able to reconquer large parts of the country, especially in the south and east, and reached within 30 miles of San’a. Thanks to a Saudi-enforced blockade, the Houthi-run administration there is on the verge of running out of money, Western officials say, just as the Yemeni factions engage in the latest round of so-far fruitless peace talks in Kuwait.

Such a stalemate is far better than what would have happened if Saudi Arabia and its fellow monarchies in the Gulf Cooperation Council had allowed the Houthis to overrun the entire country last year, said Abdulaziz Sager, chairman of the Gulf Research Center, a Saudi think tank.

[Houthi] resistance, however, hasn’t altered Saudi calculations. “The cost to the Saudis is surprisingly negligible and there is very little sense in Saudi Arabia that there is a war going on. That being said, the Houthis retain an ability to strike across the border, which allows them to continue to be a nuisance,” said Adam Baron, Yemen specialist at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Mr. Khashoggi, other Saudis and foreign diplomats here agreed that whatever popular discontent exists remains limited in scale. Riyadh, they said, isn’t under any significant domestic or military pressure to end the Yemen war before the country’s main goals are met.

To the contrary, some argue, agreeing to a premature or unfavorable deal could be far more dangerous for Saudi Arabia’s domestic consensus—and for the standing of Prince Mohammed, widely seen as the intervention’s main architect – by Yaroslav Trifomov

7.2016 – Tanenbaum (* B K P)

Peacemakers in action: Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Marwani | Yemen

Hope lies at the edge of the city – at the Dar Al-Salaam Organisation (DASO) which means “House of Peace”. Founded in 1997 by Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Marwani, DASO is a Yemeni NGO working in conflict resolution, negotiation and countering violent extremism through engagement of tribal and religious leaders and by working with youth. Fiercely driven by his devout Sufi beliefs and a vision of a peaceful Yemen, Sheikh Al-Marwani travels throughout his country tackling volatile and seemingly intractable conflicts.

within Yemen’s remote villages and towns, that Al-Marwani and DASO work hard for stability by negotiating peace between tribal leaders. This work is not without risk. At least 15 members of DASO have been killed in crossfire between warring tribes as a result of their peacemaking work.[v] The Sheikh, himself, has been targeted for murder. Yet he fearlessly continues his work, despite the risks and the toll it takes.

Over the years, Sheikh Al-Marwani and DASO have used other approaches to build peace. They have: led mass rallies calling for peace; secured the release abducted foreigners; resolved disputes involving marginalized minorities, including Jewish and Somali communities; promoted dialogue between Sunnis and Shias; engaged religious leaders to reduce violence; and carried out awareness campaigns against weapons and armed violence. And he does not stop there; he works with schools and youth, persuading those subjected to a culture of extremism and terrorism to embrace a culture of peace, sometimes in fun ways, such as through plays.

In a country flooded with weapons, Al-Marwani travels without a weapon as a powerful example of peace. Trusted by many tribal leaders, the Sheikh meets with Yemeni government and international representatives, perhaps serving as the strongest link between the nation’s government and the tribal leaders.

Comment: Yemen is still looking for a new president.

21.7.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A K P)

It's been a year and a half of war against Iran in #Yemen. .really disappointing if ends before I see an Iranian captured or killed here.

21.7.2016 – Government of the United Kingdom, Government of the United States of America, Government of Saudi Arabia, Government of the United Arab Emirates

A joint statement from the Governments of the UK, USA, Saudi Arabia and UAE following a meeting about the situation in Yemen

The Foreign Ministers of the United Kingdom, USA, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates met on 19 July in London to review the situation in Yemen, following the resumption of UN led-peace talks in Kuwait on 16 July.

The Ministers expressed their concern about the deteriorating humanitarian and economic situation in Yemen and reiterated their strong support for the UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and for the role of the UN in mediating a lasting political solution to the crisis, based on the agreed references for the UN talks, namely the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, including Resolution 2216, the GCC initiative and the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference.

Comment: Nice bedfellows. The incendiaries and the sellers of fire wood, fire accelerants and matches tell us their wisdom about the Yemen war. – “would require the withdrawal of armed groups from the capital and other areas”, they say “armed groups” and really mean “Houthis”. If all armed groups, including the whole so-called “popular resistance”, militia president Hadi had declared “army” and all external armed groups (Saudi Arabians, Emiratis, US) also withdraw, the thing could work.

Comment by Jane Novak: US UK: conflict in #Yemen should not threaten #Saudi but zero on (US & UK backed) Saudi indiscriminate airstrikes.

Comment by Moon of Alabama: The Saudi rulers are incensed [by the Houthis advancing into Saudi Arabia]. That is not the way their war was supposed to be fought. How dare those Yemenis to invade Saudi land?

The Saudis ran off to their mommies "western" allies and demanded a strong response. A response was dully given, with a silent smirk, ... in a joint statement, [therefrom]:

“The Ministers agreed that the conflict in Yemen should not threaten Yemen’s neighbours”

This should be noted in history books as the most funny diplomatic note ever. "Please, please don't hit back while we invade your land." "Please yield to these impotent men. Please don't move while we try to rape you."

As the Saudis are unable to successfully change the balance in Yemen, and incapable of protecting their own land, the Obama administration prepares to add to the chaos by sending more U.S. troops to Yemen. But if the Saudis, with the most expensive U.S. war toys available to them, are unable to win the fight, the U.S. can't either.

The best comment is this statement:

20.7.2016 – Oxfam (A K P)

Oxfam statement ahead of Yemen talks in London

Speaking ahead of the London talks amongst the UK, US, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on the Yemen crisis, Mark Goldring, Oxfam GB's Chief Executive, said:

"After more than a year of war Yemen has become one of the most pressing humanitarian crises in the world with 80 percent of its people needing emergency aid.
"The four governments meeting today have been complicit in this human suffering, either through active involvement or fuelling the war with their arms sales. They have a responsibility to help end the war, fund the urgent aid effort and help Yemen rebuild, once peace and stability is secured."

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

21.7.2016 – International Labour Organization, Government of Yemen (A E H)

Yemen damage and needs assessment: crisis impact on employment and labour market

Based on a request by the Government, the ILO, in collaboration with the Yemeni Central Statistical Organization (CSO), has conducted a rapid assessment survey to assess the impact of the crisis on employment in Sana'a, Aden and Al Hodeidah using samples extracted from the 2013–14 Labour Force Survey. The rapid assessment focuses specifically on (a) the impact of the crisis on employment status, (b) vulnerability profiles, and (c) the coping strategies of individuals and households. and in full: =

21.7.2016 – World Food Propgramme (A H)

Yemen Operation Overview - April to June 2016

The Logistics Cluster is supporting the humanitarian community in Yemen with logistics coordination, information management and common logistics services to improve the overall response operation. Activated in 2010, the Logistics Cluster scaled up its activities since the deterioration of the situationin mid-March 2015.

During the reporting period the Logistics Cluster shared 37 information products including maps, situation reports, infographics, and real-time flash logistics updates, on the dedicated Yemen Logistics Cluster webpage: and in full: =

20.7.2016 – Sarah Max (*B H)



How anyone could sleep peacefully knowing that there are some people who fight to survive and some children who die because they are not strong to endure?! I am not sure that we can ever come back to the point where we have lost our humanity. It is simply gone. We used to read news about men,women and children being killed in the war zones without feeling anything but indifference or basic curiosity to follow the drama like happy house wives are following the soap operas every afternoon. The world nowadays is overwhelmed with tragedies so the bad things are turned into routine and people dont take personally other people suffering any more. The empathy and compassion is lost in the daily struggle to conclude what is important to be informed about and what is not at all. The human beings are now processors with possibility to start and stop emotions drivers as they want or as they need.

Yemen’s silent pain is not described in media but horrible moments of human suffering in this country come to us reflected in thousands of heart-breaking photos of children who are wounded, sick or died from malnutrition. The last thing is one of the worst consequences of Yemeni’s war and it hits mostly very young children, who are dying before they have ever lived, in the area full of dust, blood and agony.

what is the fact is the bad economical situation which was getting worse since the Saudi-led coalition planes were striking all over the land, trying to defeat the rebel but injuring the ordinary people and making their life conditions being impossible.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supported by the US is trying to fight Houthi rebels and Islamists but instead of cleaning the country from ISIS virus, they are cleaning the country from innocent people and their children – by Sabdra Maximovic (with photos)

20.7.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

Yemen: Emergency Dashboard, June 2016

20.7.2016 – World Bank (* A H)

Amidst Conflict, World Bank Reaches 1.5 Million Yemeni Children with Polio Vaccines

All World Bank Group operations in Yemen were suspended when the conflict worsened, but a partnership with the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) has allowed for the continuation of key activities of two Bank-funded health projects.

The Health and Population Project has provided critical support for the national polio campaign that has managed to vaccinate 1.5 million Yemeni children despite the conflict.

Yemen’s Health and Population Project (HPP) has a simple, evidence-based outreach delivery model for health services in coordination with UNICEF and WHO, in order to procure some of the essential medications and medical supplies needed for the outreach campaigns.

This has enabled the Bank to continue its support to the project, when the war escalated and the Bank’s whole portfolio in Yemen was suspended, through channeling grants from the International Development Association (IDA – the World Bank’s fund for the world’s poorest countries) directly to UNICEF and WHO to deliver vaccinations and basic health services such as nutrition and reproductive health to children and women, respectively.

Since the project’s activities resumed in January 2016, around 1.5 million Yemeni children under 5 years old were reached by the national polio campaigns supported by the project, which represents about 30 percent of the whole target population nationwide. =

20.7.2016 – World Bank (A H)

World Bank Approves US$50 Million Grant to Help Communities and Institutions in Yemen Cope with the Conflict

The grant is part of a new World Bank Group strategy for Yemen, also endorsed today by the Board of Executive Directors, focused on enhancing Yemen’s resilience by preserving national service delivery capacity, while preparing for post conflict recovery.

The new approach to Yemen over the next 24 months, outlined in the 2017-2018 Country Engagement Note (CEN), is guided by the World Bank’s regional strategy of addressing both the impact and drivers of conflict, to promote stability as the necessary condition for recovery and reconstruction. The Bank’s goal in Yemen is to work with partners on the ground to preserve the basic services that millions of Yemenis rely on, by ensuring the resilience of the institutions that deliver them. The Emergency Crisis Response Project (ECRP) will support two existing and well-established national programs—the Social Fund for Development (SFD) and the Public Works Project (PWP). =

20.7.2016 – World Food programme (A H)

Yemen mVAM Bulletin #9 - April 2016: High level of food insecurity persists

In April, food security indicators remained persistently poor.

Nearly two-thirds of internally displaced households have poor or borderline food consumption.

Respondents are concerned about the shortages of food and basic necessities.

Conflict has led to an increase in the level of displacement by 13 percent; more than 2.7 million are internally displaced. This increase in displacement mostly occurred in Amanat Al Asimah, Taizz, Al Hudaydah and Amran (Task Force on Population Movement 8th Report, April 2016).
On 13 and 14 April, heavy rainfall caused severe flooding in Al Hudaydah, Amran, Hajjah, Sana’a,
Aden, Marib and Al Mahwit, affecting 49,000 people and causing 24 deaths. The floods have damaged houses, infrastructure and roads (OCHA: Flash Update 2, 19 April 2016). Data collection took place before the flooding in April, and therefore the findings of this bulletin do not capture its impacts on food security. =

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

20.7.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Yemen explosion kills four soldiers: security forces

A blast in the southern Yemeni city of Aden killed four soldiers and wounded six, the city's security administration said, in an attack claimed by Islamic State.

The militant group said it had detonated an explosion among a group of soldiers in the port city, according to a statement posted to its online news agency Amaq.

One eyewitness told Reuters the bomb, which hit a checkpoint in the central Caltex area of the city, was planted in a plastic bag by a roadside.

Security officials and other witnesses said the blast was set off by a suicide bomber detonating an explosive vest. and image:

20.7.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen Qaesa/ISiS Confirmed killing 7 and injuring 6 soldiers in Aden south earlier today (image)

20.7.2016 – WAM (A K P)

UAE hands over police, Civil Defence vehicles

The UAE has delivered to the authorities in the Yemeni province of Aden several police and Civil Defence vehicles, as part of an initiative to enhance security and stability in the province.

Since the liberation of Aden, the UAE has provided police vehicles, firefighting trucks and special firefighting equipment to the police stations and civil defence centres in different areas of Aden. The UAE has also organised advanced police and firefighting training courses for police and civil defence personnel in Aden.

Comment by Judith Brown: More signs that UAE is not planning to be active in Yemen as it hands over its vehicles to Yemeni officials.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

21.7.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Kuwait Refuses to Hold Yemeni Talks if Deal Not Reached Within 15 Days

We have set 15 days to Yemeni parties for settling matters," Jarallah told Al Arabiya TV, adding that Kuwait has been hosting the peace talks for quite some time and this is enough. and by Al Arabiya:

Comment: What is this? Putting pressure on the participants of the peace talks, the Houthi side in special, as Kuwait itself is siding with the Saudis and the Hadi government.

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

National delegation demands revealing fate of detainees held by UAE, Saudi Arabia

The members of the national delegation in the committee on prisoners and detainees demanded on Wednesday revealing the fate of prisoners and detainees held by the aggression countries, particularly the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
The representatives of the national delegation in the committee stressed the need that the other party should take similar actions after the army and popular committees released hundreds of detainees and prisoners during the past period.

Comment: National delegation = Houthi / Saleh delegation.

20.7.2016 – Citizens for Global Solutions (* A P)

Yemen negotiations move ahead slowly – post-war planning needed

There is a serious need first for post-war planning to be followed by international aid for development. “Reconstruction” would be the wrong term since there was little that had been “constructed”. Rather, we need to look to a post-war socio-economic construction developed on a basic needs approach.

The Basic Needs Approach to Development with its emphasis on people as central to the development process is embodied in the June 1976 World Employment Conference Declaration of Principles and Programme of action.[1] The Declaration underlines the importance of the individual and the central role of the family and household as the basic unit around which to work for development.

The Basic Needs Approach concentrates on the nature of what is provided rather than on income − income having often been used as the criteria for drawing a ‘poverty line’ . The Basic Needs Approach is concerned not only with the underemployed but also with the unemployable: the aged, the sick, the disabled, orphaned children and others. Such groups have often been neglected by the incomes and productivity approach to poverty alleviation and employment creation.

For Yemen which is largely structured on the basis of clan- extended family institutions, the Basic Needs Approach is most appropriate – by Rene Wadlow

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A P)

National delegation calls for backing Yemeni economy

The National delegation renewed on Wednesday its commitment to peace based on stopping Saudi aggression and lifting the unjust siege on the country.
In a consultation session held with UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the national delegation emphasized the need for reaching a comprehensive agreement in Kuwait.
It underlined the necessity of the UN to assume its responsibility to stop the continued airstrikes on Yemen, calling the UN and international community to support the Yemeni economy.

Comment: National delegation = Houthi / Saleh delegation.

20.7.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Houthis’ Rebellion will End this Year, Yemen’s Permanent Representative to U.N.

In an exclusive interview with Asharq al-Awsat newspaper on Monday, [Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the U.N ] Al-Yemany said that the rebellion in Yemen would end this year, but did not specify whether this would be achieved through a political solution or a military intervention.

Al-Yemany said that Houthi rebels were still betting on divisions inside the international community and the Security Council over the crisis in Yemen and were hoping to receive international recognition and support to partake in the government. In this context, the Yemeni ambassador said that his government would maintain its efforts with the U.N. and Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, to restore legitimacy in Yemen and hamper the Iranian project in the region.

The Yemeni representative to the U.N. stressed the importance of abiding by international resolutions to end the war in Yemen. He noted that UNSCR 2216 should be the basis and framework for any peace negotiations, adding that such resolutions should not be ignored or overlooked by the concerned parties, in particular the U.N. envoy to Yemen.

He added that the full implementation of UNSCR 2216 would establish sustainable peace in Yemen and restore government’s legitimacy towards the building of a modern Yemeni democratic state – by Arafat Madabish and Jordan Dekamseh

Comment: Nothing new at all. Has been commented often enough now.

20.7.2016 – Pars Today (A P)

Jemen: Ansarollah fordert Direktgespräche mit Saudi-Arabien

Die laufenden Jemen-Friedensgespräche in Kuwait könnten vom Erfolg gekrönt sein, wenn die Saudis darin eingebunden würden.

Dazu teilte der Sprecher und Spitzendunterhändler der Ansaraollah-Bewegung, Mohammed Abdulsalam, heute in einem Gespräch mit dem Fernsehsender "Al-Mayadeen, mit: Vertreter des zurückgetretenen Präsidenten, Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi, bei den Friedensgesprächen in Kuwait besässen keine Kompetenzen, und dies bereite dem Verhandlungsverlauf Schwierigkeiten.

Abdulsalam fügte hinzu: Da sich Riad in die Verhandlungen einmische, dort seinen Einfluss gelten mache und somit den Verlauf der Verhandlungen torpediere, bleibe nur noch die Alternative, mit den Saudis direkt in Verhandlung zu treten, um keine weitere Zeit vergeuden zu lassen.

20.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Yemen's Houthis demand direct talks with Saudi Arabia

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement says it should directly talk to Saudi Arabia because the kingdom's current interlocutors in peace talks have no authority of their own.

Last week, Houthis resumed peace talks with representatives of Saudi-backed Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Kuwait after weeks of deadlock.

However, Houthi chief negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam said on Tuesday that the negotiations were a waste of time.

"The opposite side's problem is that it has no authority of its own and all decisions have to be made by Saudi Arabia," he told Lebanon-based al-Mayadin television.

Hence, "no time should be wasted in negotiating with Riyadh's representatives. Rather, we should directly talk to the Saudis," he added.

Abdulsalam said Saudi leaders have rejected any Yemen solution without their involvement while Ansarullah is opposed to any foreign interference.

The Ansarullah spokesman further dismissed Hadi as a party to peace, saying the former Yemeni president was in favor of the continuation of the conflict.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / See cp1

20.7.2016 – AFP (A P)

Saudi Arabia revives ban on 'un-Islamic' Pokémon in response to app

Top clerical body republished 2001 edict to address illegal downloads of Pokémon Go, stating game promotes gambling, evolution and polytheism

The kingdom’s Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta said in its latest announcement on its website that it has republished a 2001 edict on the game after “receiving many questions” on it from the public.

The 15-year-old fatwa said the game was too much like gambling and that the concept of its characters appeared to be based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is rejected by Islam.

t also said most cards on the game carried symbols of “deviant” religions and organisations, such as “international zionism” and Israel, Christian crosses, freemasonry, and symbols from Japan’s native Shinto religion.

The Pokémon game was un-Islamic as it contains polytheism, said the edict, without specifically referring to the popular smartphone app.

Comment: Both sides of the border, now, are witnessing death and destruction.
Saudi Arabia is still busy bombing Yemen and depriving the country of any possible mean of life and hope, Ansarallah forces are gaining ground in KSA's Jizan, Asir, Najaran and... and Saudis are busy with this.

cp9 USA

Siehe / See cp1

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

21.7.2016 – The Guardian (* A P)

Foreign Office retracts statements to MPs on Saudi campaign in Yemen

Government says incorrect statements do not indicate an attempt to mislead, and other statements made clear its position

The UK government has been forced to retract numerous written and oral statements to parliament which said ministers had assessed that Saudi Arabia was not in breach of international humanitarian law in Yemen.

The admission, issued on the final day of parliament before the summer recess, led to calls by the Liberal Democrats for an investigation into Saudi behaviour inYemen and a suspension of UK arms sales. The Liberal Democrats have repeatedly claimed that the Saudi military campaign has targeted civilians.

The Foreign Office said the incorrect statements, made by three different ministers, some as far back as six months ago, were errors and did not represent an attempt to mislead MPs over its assessment of the Saudi campaign.

It stressed that other written answers had made clear that the UK government had made no assessment of whether the Saudis were in breach of humanitarian law – by Patrick Wintour and also

21.7.2016 – The Telegraph (* A P)

British Government performs embarrassing U-turn over its claim Saudi-led Coalition has not breached humanitarian laws in Yemen

Coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia could have breached humanitarian laws in Yemen, the Foreign Office has admitted in an embarrassing about-turn on the British Government's position over the conflict.

The Foreign Office on Thursday issued an unprecedented six corrections to statements from ministers in Parliament over the past few months that international humanitarian law (IHL) had not been breached by the coalition.

The British Government has dropped over its assertions that coalition forces led by Saudi Arabia have not breached humanitarian laws in Yemen in an embarrassing about-turn in Parliament.

Tobias Ellwood, a foreign office minister explained that the changes had been made after officials “recently reviewed all correspondence and parliamentary proceedings on the subject” and found they did “not fully reflect HMG’s [HM Government's] policy” – by Christopher Hope

Comment: A new government, a little more realistic view? Ellwood himself was among those who were looking extremely away and always backed the Saudis with all their crimes.

And how the British government sees the humanitarian situation in Yemen:

21.7.2016 – Foreign & Commonwealth Office (A P)

Human Rights Priority Country update report: January to June 2016

Human rights abuses in Yemen continued on a large scale in the first half of 2016, including: intense conflict affecting the civilian population; the use of child soldiers; attacks on journalists and human rights defenders; intimidation of humanitarian workers; arbitrary detentions; and destruction of civilian infrastructure.

The UK continued to support the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition military action, which has a clear and lawful basis in response to President Hadi’s request. Saudi Arabia has stated that major combat operations in Yemen are coming to an end.

There have been a number of reports by NGOs, including Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, and a UN Panel of Experts detailing the allegations of breaches in IHL by all sides to the conflict.

Comment: You must read it like the Prawda of bygone times. Saudi air raids are mentioned as little as possible.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

20.7.2016 – 21. Century Wire (A K P)

YEMEN: Israel Has a Man Down after Officially Entering Saudi Genocidal War Against Yemen

It has been reported that Israel has recently, officially, committed to supporting the NATO backed Saudi Coalition war of aggression against Yemen. Importantly, Israel is imposing the condition that it has use of the Taiz air-base in the Red Sea. It is also being reported that Israel has another casualty in this asymmetric war of aggression, a warfare very familiar for Israel after three wars of disproportionate force against the tiny besieged Gaza enclave.

Israeli ambassador answered that Tel Aviv is ready for military cooperation with Saudi Arabia in Yemen. But he also noted this cooperation depends on the provision to Israel of the air base Taiz on the Red Sea.” – by Vanessa Beeley

19.7.2016 – France 24 (A P)

Middle-East: Israel’s former military intelligence chief sheds lights on Israel-Saudi cooperation

Amos Yadlin , who headed Israel’s military intelligence between 2006 and 2010, tells France24 that contacts between the Gulf kingdom and Israel are taking place “below the radar”, stressing that both countries face the same enemy in Iran. He also confirmed an Iranian claim that Saudi Arabia had provided intelligence to Israel during its war against Hezbollah in 2006, a time when he was in office.

20.7.2016 – New News (A P)

Media watchdog denounces Bahrain’s prosecution of journalist

Reporters Without Borders has strongly censured Bahrain’s prosecution of a female journalist after the Manama regime accused her of working for foreign media without permission.

On Wednesday, the Middle East chief of the world’s leading press advocacy body, known by its French acronym RSF, described the charge against Nazeeha Saeed, a Bahraini correspondent working for the France 24 news channel and Paris-based Radio Monte-Carlo Doualiya, as politically motivated – by Ahmed Alkhazzan

19.7.2016 – ALSDDY (A P)

Bahrain : Clashes Between Riot Police APC and Youth Protesters

19.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Supporters of Bahraini top cleric rally in his hometown

19.7.2016 – Fars News (A P)

US, UK Criticise Bahrain’s Ban on Largest Opposition Group: A Diplomatic Cause Celebre?

The governments of the United States and Britain have criticised the regime in Bahrain for banning al-Wefaq, the largest opposition group in the nation.

As always, Manama has been quick to react. It has issued a statement angrily condemning the US and Britain for their “unacceptable interference” in internal policy. But what about sanctions and diplomatic restrictions? After all, the US State Department has called al-Wefaq a “nonviolent opposition” (for now), warning that banning them is undermining regional stability in the Persian Gulf.

The US-UK criticism should never become a diplomatic cause célèbre due to the political games and double standards being played by the White House, the Israelis and their European allies. As is, it is the US government that is undermining human rights in Bahrain by seeking to appease Saudi Arabia and it's vassal, the Al Khalifa regime.

18.7.2016 – Amnesty International (A P)

EU risks making a mockery of its human rights foreign policy if concerns not publically raised with visiting Gulf ministers

As Ministers of the European Union (EU) and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) convene to discuss economic and security relations in Brussels today (18 July), Amnesty International is urging the EU to seize the opportunity to push for an end to repression and human rights violations within the GCC states. The organization also asks that the EU publicly calls for the release of all prisoners of conscience with each of the GCC governments, and that human rights concerns be clearly expressed in official statements.

In addition to its Treaty obligations on foreign policy, the EU has made clear commitments to raise human rights issues in its dealings with other countries. Despite this, and in some cases even the face of gross and systematic violations of human rights, the EU and its member states have kept largely silent.

cp13 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / See cp1

21.7.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (* A H)

Republic of Yemen Fact Sheet June 2016

Life before displacement was already hard for the people of Yemen, with major underdevelopment, financial crisis, and poverty. The escalation of the conflict, over one year ago however has forced 2.1 million people to leave behind the one place where they found peace and calm: home.

IDPs staying in collective centres (private buildings, schools, hospitals, etc.) and spontaneous settlements often do not have the option of staying with host families/friends and often face extremely poor living conditions and lack of access to social services. Additionally those staying in schools are under a lot of pressure from the host community to vacate the buildings so educational activities can be resumed. Basic amenities, primary health care and other services and support are often lacking in collective centres. IDPs often cite the challenges as feeling unsafe, lack of privacy, limited representation of their needs, limited freedom of movement and harassment from other IDPs or the host community.

Spontaneous sites are often very basic forms of informal camps where families have been provided with emergency shelters or have constructed rudimentary shelters which are not durable enough to withstand longer periods of displacement, multiple displacements, and climatic conditions.
IDPs have limited access to clean water and appropriate sanitation. The sites can present safety concerns and land disputes which are not uncommon. Displaced families have reported that they often face harassment from the local communities with whom they share already scarce resources, including often limited water supply and in full: 0

20.7.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Djibouti: Inter-agency update for the response to the Yemeni situation #44 (21 June - 16 July 2016)


Ensure protection of refugees and asylum seekers and provide assistance. Provide documents to refugees. Work with the government to ensure access to territory and freedom of movement. Continue to develop the infrastructure at Markazi camp. Continue border monitoring activities.


According to the latest available statistics from IOM and the Djibouti government, 35,862 persons of mixed nationalities have arrived in Djibouti as of 16 July 2016 (since 26 March 2015). Of those, 19,936 persons (56 per cent) are Yemeni nationals, 13,962 (38 per cent) are transiting migrants and 1,964 persons (6 per cent) are Djiboutian returnees.

As at 16 July 2016, there are 3,568 refugees currently in Djibouti (pending forthcoming verification exercises in Obock town and Djibouti city). Markazi camp hosts over 1,400 refugees. and in full:

20.7.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees (A H)

Yemen: Shelter/CCCM/NFI Cluster 3Ws (Who Does What Where) for May 2016

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / See cp6

20.7.2016 – Radio Vatikan (A T)

Jemen: Neues Foto von entführtem Pater Tom?

Auf dem Facebook-Account von Salesianierpater Pater Tom wurde am Dienstag ein Foto veröffentlicht, auf dem ein Mann mit leidendem Gesichtsausdruck, langen Haaren und langem Bart zu sehen ist. Der in englischer Sprache veröffentlichte „Post“ zum Foto kündigt die bevorstehende Veröffentlichung eines „Bittgesuchs“ des entführten Priesters an, berichtet der vatikanische Nachrichtendienst Fides. Unklar sei, wer das Foto und die Nachricht „gepostet“ hat. Wie indische Medien berichten, erkennen Angehörige von Pater Tom auf dem Foto den entführten Priester. und dazu auch

20.7.2016 – English Manorama (A T)

Fr Tom Uzhunnalil's 'Yemeni friend' seeks to 'expose lies' of Indian govt.

[In this article there is a video of a person, blind folded, being mistreated by 'terrorists' and claimed to be Father Tom.]

20.7.2016 – The News Minute (A T)

Photo of Fr Tom Uzhunalil feared captive in Yemen emerges, family relieved he is alive

The photo shows the once clean-shaven priest, now looking weary and tired, with a long beard.

Months after he was feared abducted by ISIS or some such terror group in Yemen, a picture of Father Tom Uzhunnalil, a Catholic priest who hails from Kerala has been posted on Facebook.

Though the priest had gone missing in March this year, the government had inisisted that he was safe.

While it is unclear as to who posted the photo on Facebook, the status claims that an 'Entreaty' or plea would be uploaded soon.

The photo shows the once clean-shaven priest, now looking weary and tired, with a long beard.

20.7.2016 – Asia News (A T)

Msgr. Hinder: doubts over video of Salesian kidnapped in Yemen; hopes he is still alive

A video posted on line shows Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil still in the hands of his kidnappers and being beaten. The Vicar of Arabia believes the images are not new and do not provide "definite information". Vicar of the Salesians: It is important to keep case in public attention.;-hopes-he-is-still-alive-38092.html

cp15 Propaganda

21.7.2016 – Edmund Fitton-Brown, UK ambassador for Yemen (A P)

The Houthi/GPC delegation must agree to security withdrawals for progress to be made towards peace in #Yemen

Comment by Dr. Karim: While Saudi co continue bombing & shelling Yemen. UK complicity in Co crimes & mass starvation is shameless!

Comment: Why the Houthi side, as there is no victory by any side bust just a stalemate, should accept any „solution“ which is totally one-sided to their disadvantage?

21.7.2016 – Saudi Gazette (A H P)

Salman Center extends SR1.56b in relief aid to Yemen in one year

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center has carried out 80 relief and welfare programs worth $416 million (SR1.56 billion) during the past one year. The programs benefited more than 62 million Yemenis, the center said in its annual report.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, adviser at the Royal Court and general supervisor of the center, was to present the annual report during a function in Riyadh on Wednesday in the presence of Yemen’s minister for health and population and other dignitaries.

“The center carried out 29 emergency relief programs inside Yemen benefiting 17.7 million people,” the report said, adding that it spent $193 million on these programs.

More than 600,000 people benefited from the center’s food security program in Yemen and also Asharq Al-Awsat:

Comment: Demonstrating Saudi Arabia as a philanthropic donor in Yemen is a main part of the Saudi propaganda related To Yemen (see cp1, The Yemen War in the Saudi Media). The mere figures show what really is of importance for Saudi Arabia: The sum of 418 million $ they are boasting with is the equivalent of the costs of just 2 days of aerial war against Yemen.

Comment by Judith Brown: Saudi Arabia does not report the killing fields caused by their bombs, but instead reports its good deeds in supplying food to people - many of whom were previously independent and not in need of aid.

Comment: #‎Yemen needs more than this. Yemen did not need a war and the constant massacre of its population. It did not need the total siege and the total destruction of the country. Saudi propaganda.

21.7.2016 – Saudi Gazette (A K P)

Yemen’s Hadi blasts Houthis for attacks on Saudi border regions

Yemeni President Abdrabbou Mansour Hadi lashed out at the Houthi rebels for their repeated attacks on Saudi border regions, describing the aggression as a flagrant violation of the truce reached in April between the two Yemeni sides in the Yemeni conflict, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

At a meeting with his close aides in Riyadh on Wednesday, Hadi said the violations by the Houthi troops and forces loyal to deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh are surging on all fronts, and they continue targeting civilians through their siege of residential neighborhoods. and by Al Arabiya:

Comment: Certainly the Houthis and the forces loyal to ex-president Saleh have to be blamed for this. But Hadi, being little more than the poodle of the Saudis, not in this moment and never before had said any word against the Saudi coalition air raids destroying half of Yemen and killing scores. Saudi air raids after April 10, 2016: no “flagrant violation of the truce”, as Hadi does not blast the Saudis for that?? – The headline Al Arabiya took for this report “Yemen blasts Houthis for attacks on Saudi border“ really is nonsense as if just president Hadi is “Yemen” and the Houthis would be not.

21.7.2016 – Arab Times (A P)

Yemen talks deadlocked

THE Yemeni peace talks are still swinging on the same spot as a result of the inability to build trust after more than three months of negotiations. It seems the coup plotters wanted this scenario to improve their positions through thousands of ceasefire breaches.

Undoubtedly, the suffering of Yemenis intensifies as each day passes by without reaching an agreement. Up to this day, the negotiations have yet to reach the stage of building trust due to coup situations created by the Houthi-Saleh team, whereas the government delegation is seeking to overcome the obstacles in a bid to end the suffering caused by coup plotters who seem to connect their internal crises with files of the region in response to the Iranian demands. This is what the statements of the officials in Tehran have conveyed.

It is a fact that there is an end to negotiations; they will not continue forever, so the legitimate government, Popular Resistance and Arab coalition will not hesitate in finding a military solution to prevent the loss of more lives after they managed within a year and a half to drive away the coup plotters from most cities and governorates which the latter occupied and surrounded including Sanaa.

Saleh and his Houthi cronies must learn with certainty that whatever transpired in the last months was a blow to the back of the Iranian project – by By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, Arab Times =

Comment: The same as usual. All blame at the Houthis and ex-president Saleh, here labeled as “coup plotters”. For breaking the ceasefire, look at cp16. Between the lines, Al-Jarallah himself says who blocks the peace talks: The Hadi government (or the Saudis behind them) who have tried to use the Kuwait talks as a tool for achieving a 100 % victory by peaceful means. But this is the way peace talks – between two sides who militarly cannot defeat each other – never work. Look at Hadi’s statement above and the Houthis’s and other statements in cp7. The story is quite evident and visible also to those who hardly have any sympathy for the Houthis. And, once again: Iranian influence in Yemen is too marginal for any “Iranian project” playing any role in Yemen.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

The Saudi war jets waged a raid in Northern al-Dood Mountain of Jizan, according to the official.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raids kill two in al-Matmah

Two people were killed on Thursday by Saudi bombings on al-Matmah district of Jawf province, a local official said.
The Saudi warplanes launched four raids on the district causing great damage to the citizens' houses and properties, the official added.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi aggression intensifies raids on Sa'ada

Saudi aggression waged on Thursday many air raids on Majz and Baqem districts of Sa'ada province.
The Saudi warplanes launched five air raids on al-Hajar area in Majz district, injuring a citizen and a number of children, a security official said.
The warplanes also launched three raids on different areas in Baqem district. Many citizens were injured in the raids, the official added.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raid injures child, woman in Jawf

A child and a woman were injured on Thursday in a Saudi raid on Jawf province, a local official said.
The hostile raid targeted Ben Hamamah farm in al-Moton district, causing great damage to the farm, the official added.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage 30 raids on Haradh

The Saudi aggression launched on Thursday more than 30 raids on Haradh city of Hajjah province, a military official said.
The raids launched by Saudi fighter jets, Apache helicopters and artillery and aimed to back an advance the Riyadh's hirelings carried out on the area of Haradh Customs.
However, the army and popular committees repelled the advance, killing or injuring many of the hirelings, the official said, adding three hireling military vehicles and a Bradley armored vehicle were destroyed in the clashes.

Comment: On the advance of the Hadi troups against Harad see cp17.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets launch raids on Kutaf

The Saudi warplanes waged on Thursday two air raids on Kutaf district of Sa'ada province, a military official said.
The hostile raids targeted al-Atifian area in Kutaf, the official said, adding the raids caused huge damage to citizens' houses and properties

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi war jets wage raids on Taiz

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes launch raids on Jawf

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi war jets continue to breach ceasefire in Yemen

The Saudi-led war jets waged 13 raids on a number of provinces during the past few hours, in flagrant violations of the ceasefire, a military official said Wednesday.
The Saudi warplanes waged four raids on Serwah district of Mareb provinces and continued to fly in the sky of the province, the official explained.
The hostile war jets launched two raids on Al-Amri Schools in Thubab district and three others on Auman Mountain and dropped two light bombs in Taiz province.
The official pointed out that the Saudi war aircrafts waged two raids on al-Atfain area in Kitaf district of Sa’ada province and another raid on Haradh district in Hajjah province, as well as one raid targeted al-Maslob district in Jawf province.

20.7.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

Day of DESTRUCTION: 16 killed & 20 homes attacked in 24 hrs from 36 Saudi airstrikes & clashes in 4 #Yemen regions.

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi jets wage raid on Serwah

The Saudi war jets launched on Wednesday an air raid on al-Matar area in Serwah district of Mareb province, a local official said.

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi war jets launch raids on al-Matar

20.7.2016 – Legal Center (A K PH)

19-7-2016: Targeting and bombing civilians by the warplanes of Saudi Arabia and its alliance.
* Casualties and Damages (list of all air raids)

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army hits Saudi artillery site

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Thursday an Uragan missile on Jizan region, a military official said.
The missile accurately hit a Saudi army artillery site in Abu Madhi area and left huge damage to the enemy's ordnance.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army fires Zelzal-3 on camp in Najran

The missile force of the army and popular committees fired on Thursday a ballistic missile on Najran region, a military official said.
The missile force launched a Zelzal-3 missile on the Saudi National Guard camp.

Comment: Army = loyal to ex-president Saleh, on the Houthis’ side.

21.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Aggression continues to breach ceasefire

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries have continued to breach the UN-sponsored ceasefire in several provinces, a military official said.
During the past few hours, the hirelings launched artillery shells on al- Hamra village in al-Wazeiyah district and Sarari Village in Saber-al-Moadem district, the official explained.
The aggression's mercenaries opened fire on Melha area in Nehm district of Sana'a province. They also pounded al-Maslob and al- Ghayl district with artillery shells.

21.7.2016 – Gulf News (A K PS)

Yemeni forces launch offensive against Al Houthis near Saudi border

Observers link the surge in Al Houthis military operations across the country to the current peace talks in Kuwait

Yemen government forces launched on Thursday a major military offensive to wrest the strategic Haradh city from Al Houthis in the northern province of Hajja near the border with Saudi Arabia.

The official page of the 5th Military Region on Facebook announced the offensive against the Iran-backed rebels and posted photos of the region’s commander, Major-General Ali Hamed Al Gushibi, inspecting the front-lines and soldiers firing heavy machines at Al Houthis positions.

The page reported that the troops launched the offensive from the Saudi side of the border and managed to recapture an old border crossing with the kingdom and stationed 2km from the city’s downtown.

Officials say capturing the entire city would calm part of the Saudi border as the rebels use Haradh as a launching point for shelling Saudi territories

Comment: From the Gulf media. Just pay attention to the title: Yemeni forces. As if to say that 'Al Houthis' are not Yemeni

Addition by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Frenzy of airstrikes in Haradh after coalition & #Yemen gov ground forces failed to retake in morning. Scorch earth?

21.7.2016 – Tony Toh (SA K PH)

Hadi forces launches new offensive in a bid to capture Midi area located in NW #Hajja governorate

Shortly after pro-Hadi failed offensive in NW #Hajja, #Saudi Coalition carries out 30 airstrikes at border areas of Huthaira, Harad & Midi

Army/Houthi repelled Hadi forces from advancing towards Harad #Hajja, large casualties among Coalition/Hadi troops

Many pro-Hadi vehicles including Bradley IFVs were also destroyed in process as they are trying to seize Harad land port at #Hajja border and and and

21.7.2016 – Almasdar (A K PH)

The Houthi forces, backed by the Yemeni Republican Guard, reportedly captured the Jizan Cement Plant that was used by the Saudi Army as a temporary military post near the Yemeni border.

In addition to capturing the Jizan Cement Plant on Thursday morning, the Houthi forces and their allies also imposed full control over the Sang Military Camp in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan Region, leaving a large number of Coalition fighters dead in the process.

Following the capture of the Sang Camp, the Houthi forces seized the small mountaintop of Jabal Fadna after a short battle with the Saudi-led Coalition.

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

The aggression’s hirelings continued their breaches in Taiz province, where they pounded al-Ghawi and al-Hamra areas in al-Wazeiyah district with artillery shells.
The official said the mercenaries bombed citizens’ homes in Baliom area in Usilan district of Shabwa province, noting that they also attacked different parts of Nehm district in Sana’a province with various weapons.

20.7.2016 – Almasdar (A K PH)

Saudi base goes up in flames after Yemeni missile strike: video

The Yemeni Army’s missile battalion struck another Saudi military installation near the imperative town of Najran on Tuesday night, causing much of the base to go up in flames.

According to local reports, the Yemeni missile strike hit the Saudi National Guard’s headquarters near the Yemeni-Saudi border (with video) and other video: and also

20.7.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

Saudi BURNING: 10s Houthi rockets attack Saudi military base in Najran killing 3 troops in new phase of #Yemen war (image) and also

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Three Saudi soldiers killed in Jizan

Three Saudi soldiers were killed on Wednesday in a rocket attack of the army and popular committees in Jizan.
The missile force of the army and popular committees launched the al-Mostahdath site with three Uragan rockets, a military official said.
The rockets also caused great losses in the enemy's ordnance.

20.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

The Riyadh's hirelings continued to target al-Mashjah, Hailan,Wadi Nawa'ah areas in the district of Serwah, Marib province.

19.7.2016 – News TV Yemen (A K PH)

Film: Taiz Military escalations in Sarari village 19 7 2016

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

20.7.2016 – Reuters (* A E H)

Yemen cenbank expects fund transfers 'in coming days', to ease import crisis

Yemen's Central Bank Governor said on Wednesday a second round of transfers of bank funds abroad to facilitate imports would take place in the coming days.

Reuters exclusively reported last week that the disruption of Yemen's banking system due to the civil war had left importers unable to buy new food stocks from abroad as over $200 million was stuck in banks.

"The issue of transferring foreign currency and feeding the accounts of national banks abroad will be resolved," the Houthi-allied Saba news agency quoted central bank governor Mohammed bin Hammam as saying.

"Outside partners have agreed to go ahead with the second phase within the coming days and the process will continue until the crisis is completely resolved," he said.

Hammam did not elaborate on how the transfers would take place.

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