Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 55

Yemen Press Reader 55: Der Westen und der IS - Türkei fördert IS - Auch die Niederlande haben Waffen an Saudis geliefert - Zerstörung einer Fabrik mit britischen Bomben: AI- und HRW-Bericht

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Allgemein / General

25.11.2015 – Middle East Eye

Yemen war: The conflict everyone wants to forget

Things are bad in Yemen; even worse than bad. Nine months since the Yemen war began and the impact of the violence does not only continue to rip the country apart but it has also sent the majority of the population into destitution.

There are two main reasons behind the general indifference towards the war in Yemen. One is how the media coverage is highly dominated by the two main warring parties’ mouthpieces - whether the Saudi-affiliated or the Iranian-affiliated media, giving a false impression that the Yemen war is primarily sectarian.

The relatively independent local press inside the country is under fire and mostly silenced. Thus, the dominant media narrative about the Yemen war has a sectarian language that does not reflect the major political dispute. This influences the international public understanding about the Yemen war and greatly dehumanises Yemenis.

The other reason is the Yemen war has become a lucrative business for great powers and ordinary countries alike. Saudi Arabia is the UK’s largest foreign customer of weapons and the US State Department recently announced its approval of a new $1.29 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia.

Soldiers from several countries such as Colombia and Sudan have found opportunity for recruitment in Yemen war. Many seem to benefit from the war in Yemen, and it’s of their great interest that this war continues. Of course, that is at the expense of Yemeni lives.

Yemenis’ ordeal is summed up in Thucydides’ saying: “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” With global apathy toward the war in Yemen, Yemenis know that they are alone in facing a double-faced evil. One of the world’s poorest nations stands helplessly against the Saudis’ power-machine and the Saleh-Houthi alliance’s aggression.

The world’s apathy over the atrocities in Yemen makes its people feel abandoned and, more painfully, makes them realise how Yemenis’ blood counts for nothing. It’s difficult to comprehend how the world can fail to acknowledge that this situation is beyond a tragedy; it is a shame on humanity – by Afrah Nasser

24.11.2015 – Critical Threats

2015 Yemen Crisis Situation Report: November 24

Both al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) are exploiting Yemen’s ongoing security vacuum to expand throughout the country. ISIS’s strength is growing in parts of eastern Hadramawt governorate and AQAP continues to strengthen relations alongside tribal militias in al Bayda and Taiz.

ISIS-linked groups in Yemen are increasing their operational capabilities and attempting to drive recruitment away from AQAP, which remains the dominant jihadist organization in Yemen.

AQAP militants are fighting alongside anti-al Houthi popular resistance forces in central Yemen.AQAP’s insurgent arm, Ansar al Sharia, claimed credit for at least 17 IED and direct fire attacks on al Houthi forces in al Bayda and Ibb governorates in central Yemen between November 9 and November 19. Ansar al Sharia also claimed at least five sniper and mortar attacks on al Houthi positions in Taiz city between November 15 and November 17. AQAP-linked social media posts indicate that pro-AQAP fighters are active on all of Taiz’s major frontlines. The mobilization of anti-al Houthi tribal fighters with known connections to AQAP, as well as the Saudi-led coalition’s cooperation with Salafi militias, provides further opportunities for AQAP to leverage its connections and spread influence along the coalition’s frontlines. Coalition airstrikes on al Houthi-Saleh forces in Bayhan, Shabwah may also benefit AQAP militants in the governorate, as AQAP fighters cooperate with local tribes and reclaim territory from the al Houthis. (Sources available upon request)

The UN-led peace process is continuing, but the parties will not go to Geneva for talks at this point.

Emirati statements may indicate the Saudi-led coalition’s objectives before a political resolution in Yemen. Emirati Minister of Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash promised a rapid coalition victory in Taiz and highlighted coalition victories in Ma’rib and around Bab al Mandeb on November 20. Gargash’s statement probably reveals the coalition’s objectives to control the Bab al Mandeb Strait, Taiz, and then up through Ma’rib city, though fighting is still occurring along this entire frontline.

The primary frontlines in Taiz and Ma’rib remained fixed.

Al Houthi forces continue to attack Saudi military targets near the Saudi-Yemeni border.

Any negotiated political settlement between the al Houthi-Saleh faction and Hadi’s faction will not resolve the ongoing power struggle between local factions on the ground. The protraction of the conflict will continue to open operational space for both ISIS and AQAP – by Emily Estelle

24.11.2015 – Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

Die Kollateral-Opfer der bombenden Leidkultur !

Was ist an der Ermordung von unschuldigen Opfern durch die Bombenabwürfe und wissentliche Tolerierung von Kollateral-Opfern anders als an gezielten Terrorangriffen durch Terroristen?

Diese Frage ist schon zu stellen, angesichts der Tatsache, dass die westliche Werteallianz vergessen hat, dass Bombardierungen gegen unschuldige Zivilisten Kriegsverbrechen sind und bleiben.

Glaubten diese westlichen Drohnenkrieger und Bomber tatsächlich, dass diese nicht immer mehr Hass und Vergeltung fördern?

Diese westliche Werteallianz, die in einer unerträglichen Arroganz ihre vermeintlichen Werte über die Welt bombt, hat eine „Gewalttoleranz“, die angeblich durch das internationale Völkerrecht gedeckt ist, aber faktisch eben nicht.

Schon der Ausdruck „Kollateralschaden“, der bedeutet nichts anderes, als die zynische Inkaufnahme von unschuldigen, zivilen Opfern. Denn ebenso wie die Terroristen, nehmen die „westlichen Leidkultur-Bomber“ die Kollateralschäden in Kauf.

Während die Terroristen, wie in Paris, Opfer ohne Rücksicht als Zielscheibe ihres Hasses töten, versuchen die westlichen Allianzen, diese Angriffe und daraus entstehende Kollateralschäden noch als „humanitär motivierte Interventionen“ zu legitimieren.

Wenn afghanische Hochzeitsgesellschaften von US-Drohnen „versehentlich“ ins Visier genommen werden, oder saudische Bombardierungen im Jemen hunderte von Zivilisten-Kollateralschäden anrichten, wenn ein deutscher Oberst Klein aus fehlgeleiteten Schlüssen heraus, ein Massaker unter afghanischen Zivilisten anrichten lässt, Bombenangriffe durch die vermeintlich „Guten“ der westlichen Allianzen Massaker unter der Zivilbevölkerung anrichten lässt, dann ist das nichts anderes, als Terrorangriffe von Terroristen!

Die westliche Werte-Allianz, vergisst in ihrer unerträglichen Arroganz, dass der Begriff Werte, ein sehr dehnbarer ist. Was sind Werte? Freiheit, natürlich, aber haben wir jemals daran gedacht, die Freiheit einzufordern, wenn es um Palästina ging, die Freiheit für das palästinensische Volk, das sich im Kampf gegen die völkerrechtswidrige Besatzung befindet? Warum sucht sich die Werte-Allianz, immer nur die Freiheit aus, die sie als Freiheit verordnet?

Diktatoren werden eingesetzt, und Diktatoren, wenn sie denn ausgedient haben, werden „weg gebombt“. Diese Freiheit nehmen wir uns!

Was ist los in Deutschland und in Europa? Hysterisch wird die Angst instrumentalisiert, um so eine falsche, gelenkte Solidarität zu erzeugen. Damit nur noch der schreckliche Terror wahrgenommen wird, während der Ursprung des Terrors, die westlichen Bombenangriffe, Destabilisierungen und Regime-Changes, die Kriege der westlichen „Wertegemeinschaft zur Nebensache werden.

Sicherheitskabinette tagen, Städte wie Brüssel werden lahmgelegt, Fußballspiele, Weihnachtsmärkte – alles unter „Terrorbedrohung“? Angst essen Seele auf und die Freude auch!
Wer spricht noch von den Ursachen, wenn der Terror in unseren Städten angekommen ist? Libanon, Irak, Türkei, Jemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali, Palästina – alles weit weg, die Kollateralschäden, so wie der Begriff abstrakt ist.

Aber wenn französische Opfer, also in Menschen in unserer Nachbarschaft zu beklagen sind, dann sind sie existent. Kämen wir jemals auf die Idee, Schweigeminuten für Libanon, Türkei, Russland oder Palästina-Opfer zu halten? Aber durch diese Zeremonien der Trauer für „unsere“ Opfer, heben wir wieder die Gleichheit der Opfer auf und weisen auf die Unterschiede hin. So also wird politisch und medial der schlimme Terror bei uns zu einer Metapher für die Tolerierung der deutschen Auslandseinsätze und der immer größeren Freiheitseinschränkung – von Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

Kommentar: Auch der Jemen ist nur eines der Kollateral-Opfer des Westens.

Und hier gehört auch der folgende sehr lesenswerte Artikel in der Zeit aufgeführt, denn er versucht eine Gesamtbetrachtung der Probleme im Nahen Osten – von denen der IS wie der Jemenkrieg nur Teilaspekte sind. Immer wieder geht es darum: Was haben wir – der Westen – dort angerichtet?

24.11.2015 – Die Zeit

Das Ende der Arroganz

Kolonialismus, Interventionen, Krieg gegen den Terror: Die "Realpolitik" des Westens ist gescheitert. Wir müssen unser Verhältnis zu den Muslimen grundlegend ändern.

Vierzehn Jahre Krieg gegen den Terror – und was ist herausgekommen? Mehr Krieg, mehr Chaos, mehr Terror. Wo vorher Al-Kaida war, ist nun der noch mächtigere und brutalere IS. Wo vorher Staaten Terroristen beherbergten, zerstören Terroristen nun Staaten. Außerdem gibt es jetzt etwas, das es vor Beginn dieses gloriosen Kampfes gegen den Terror so nicht gegeben hat: Abermillionen Flüchtlinge, die nach Europa wollen.

Und nun alles noch einmal? Wie von Sinnen versucht der Westen erneut, mit dem Vorschlaghammer ein Ei zu pellen.

Wäre es nicht vielmehr an der Zeit, die westliche Strategie im Mittleren Osten, ja unser ganzes Verhalten gegenüber der islamischen Welt einmal gründlich auf den Prüfstand zu stellen? Und sich die tief beunruhigende Frage zu stellen, warum so viele Muslime sich vom Westen verletzt und gedemütigt fühlen und warum es für den Terrorismus infolgedessen ein offenbar unerschöpfliches Reservoir an Menschen gibt?

So fest stecken Amerikaner und Europäer in der Ideologie einer vermeintlichen "Realpolitik", dass sie die Realität oft nicht mehr sehen. Generationen von Politikern und Journalisten wurden durch diese Denkschule geprägt; wird sie nun nicht überwunden, droht der Kampf gegen den Terror ebenso zu misslingen wie die viel beschworene Bekämpfung der Fluchtursachen.

Weil die "Realpolitik" des Westens über so immense Mittel verfügt, muss sie sich um die Realität nicht wirklich kümmern, sie kann sie ja jederzeit auch zusammenschießen, wegputschen, aufkaufen oder ihr einfach den Rücken kehren.

Fehlende Verhältnismäßigkeit sowie die Gewohnheit, Fehler unter noch größeren Fehlern zu begraben, haben aus der "Realpolitik" im Mittleren Osten ein Pilotspiel gemacht. Nehmen wir hier nur einige Stränge heraus, die verdeutlichen, wie dieses Spiel funktioniert und wieso es in seine Schlussphase eingetreten ist – von Bernd Ulrich

English version:

24.11.2015 – Die Zeit

The End of Arrogance

Colonialism, interventions, the war on terror: the West's Realpolitik has failed. We have to fundamentally change our relationship with the Muslim world.

Fourteen years of war on terror and what has come out of it all? More war, more chaos, more terror. Where once there was Al-Qaida, we now have the more powerful and more brutal Isis. Where once states harboured terrorists, terrorists now destroy states. And we are now seeing something which hadn't been seen before the start of this glorious war on terror: countless refugees trying to make it to Europe.

And are we to now repeat it all over again? And as if it's lost its mind, the West is once again attempting to peel an egg with a sledgehammer.

Is it not about time to take a step back and carefully examine Western strategy in the Middle East and indeed our entire relationship with the Islamic world? And pose the deeply-worrying question why so many Muslims feel hurt and humiliated by the West and consequently, why there is a never-ending stream of people turning to terrorism?

America and Europe are so stuck in their ideology of a supposed "Realpolitik" that they often lose sight of reality. Generations of politicians and journalists have been influenced by this school of thought. If we can't defeat it now, the fight against terror threatens to end in failure just like the much touted fight to address the causes of the recent wave of mass migration.

Given that the West's "Realpolitik" has such immense resources at its disposal, it doesn't really have to deal with reality, especially when it can, at any time, destroy, overthrow, buy up or turn its back on a situation. That's just one reason as to why "Realpolitik" often loses sight of reality.

Missing proportionality as well as the custom of burying mistakes under even bigger mistakes have made a pyramid scheme out of "Realpolitik" in the Middle East. If we take out just a few strands, we can illustrate how this programme works and why it has entered its final phase – by Bernd Ulrich

Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

24.11.2015 –UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O'Brien - Statement on Yemen

I am deeply concerned by the worsening humanitarian situation for people living in the central Yemeni city of Taizz. Since September fighting has intensified there, and some 200,000 vulnerable civilians are living under a virtual state of siege, in dire need of drinking water, food, medical treatment, and other life-saving assistance and protection.

Civilian neighbourhoods, medical facilities and other premises around the city are continually hit by shelling, while checkpoints are preventing people from moving to safer areas and seeking assistance.

Al-Houthi and popular committees are blocking supply routes and continue to obstruct the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid and supplies into Taizz City. Those hospitals that are still functioning are overwhelmed with wounded patients and face severe shortages of doctors and nurses, essential medicines and fuel.

Despite repeated attempts by UN agencies and our humanitarian partners to negotiate access and reach people, our trucks have remained stuck at checkpoints and only very limited assistance has been allowed in. I am also alarmed by reports that some of the aid destined for Taizz City has been diverted away from the people it was intended for.

This is unacceptable. I call on all parties to work with the United Nations and other neutral and impartial organizations to urgently facilitate the delivery of life-saving assistance and protection to civilians and the safe and unhindered access of humanitarian workers to Taizz City, without further delay.

Thousands of families are living in fear and without basic aid in other locations across Yemen. It is vital that all parties in this conflict do their utmost to protect all civilians. People must not be denied life-saving help. The international community must hold all parties who violate humanitarian and human rights law to account.

Commentary: It is true that in this war, all parties where they can are using food and humanitarian aid as a weapon, and 'sides' see that their own oppressors do this, but do not recognise that those whom they see as fighting for them do the same thing. In an article I posted earlier today published by Middle East Eye, the writer states that the Saudi led coalition is preventing food from going to areas where Houthis are active, and in doing so, starving millions of civilians - this is sadly very true. On a smaller scale it is happening in Taiz, where the Houthi-Saleh alliance surrounds the city, and various militias are fighting from the inside: Islah and others. The Houthi-Saleh alliance is imposing a further siege. It is certainly possible for the Saudi led coalition to break this siege by dropping food and medical supplies, but they choose not to do so; as in Aden they want the starving population to feel 'liberated' if they ever manage to drive the Houthis out, and then they will ensure they have plenty of food and feel grateful. As it is, all the Saudis drop are weapons, received by the Salafist militia leader Abu Al Abbas. This shows the cynicism of both sides towards the ordinary Yemeni people.

Commentary: And what about the blockade in the rest of Yemen, causing 81% of the population to face severe acute food insecurity, and 500,000 children to suffer severe malnutrition? Don't they count? And for God's sake, if Saudi forces can airlift weapons into Taiz, why don't they drop food and medical supplies? Surely that would be very easy?

24.11.2015 – Doctors Without Borders

Yemen: "The Situation is Devastating"

Afghan MSF doctor Mahmood Menapal describes the situation in Taiz, and remembers the conflict he grew up with in Afghanistan.

When we arrived in Taiz, the situation was quite tense and there were many injured people due to the fighting and airstrikes. MSF therefore decided to intervene and provide medical supplies to the main hospitals in Taiz like Al-Jumhori, Al-Thawra, Al-Rawdah, Military, and Al-Qa’idah (Ibb Governorate). These hospitals have been receiving many war victims and had a huge need for medical supplies.

The humanitarian situation was horrible in the areas affected by the fighting such as Aden, Lahj, Al-Dhale’, and Taiz. Thousands of people were trapped behind the frontlines and were unable to access the remaining operating health facilities; unable to get food and clean water. In Taiz the situation escalated in the last months, which enabled us to reach the hospitals. Most of the hospitals and health facilities were shut down because of [a] shortage of medical supplies, fuel, and water. Yemeni people are living in very difficult conditions, they don’t have access to health care, food, or water [either]. The situation is devastating there.

When I was in Yemen, I had so many flashbacks from the war I lived. As an Afghani who had lived through many years of airstrikes and fights, being in Yemen brought all these memories back. I felt the importance of MSF and for more doctors to be there.

A month before I left Taiz there were 4,000 injured in one hospital. If we were not there the number of dead people would be much more. People would die easily, as there is a huge lack of medical supplies such as chest tubes, anesthetic drugs, IV fluid, sutures, and antibiotics. We were doing relatively well in saving lives of people in Taiz in particular and in Yemen in general.

I’m so sad to leave Taiz. My colleagues and I started the project from zero. I hope that the crisis in Yemen will end soon, but if it did not, I would still love to go back to Yemen to save the lives of those who are suffering from this indiscriminate war – by Mahmmood Menapal

23.11.2015 – UNHRD

response to the crisis in Yemen

Since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015, UNHRD has supported 6 Partners responding to the crisis by sending 323 MT of critical relief items, equipment and medical supplies to Djibouti and Yemen. Most recently, UNHRD dispatched 4 armored vehicles and medicine to Djibouti on behalf of WHO and IOM. and

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch

25.11.2015 – Amnesty International / Human Rights Watch

During its on-site investigation Amnesty did not observe any evidence that would indicate that the factory had been used for a military purpose. The organisation observed that the area directly surrounding the factory compound appeared to be residential and that it was next to a hospital, which was hit on 26 September.

The strikes on the factory caused minor damage to the hospital. Amnesty visited the hospital on 6 November and observed the damage and spoke with staff who had been there during the strike.

The owners of the ceramic factory, which opened in 1994, said that it was the only such facility in the country, and employed around 330 workers, primarily from the village of Matna. However its owners said they were forced to stop operations in April due to security fears for its staff and difficulties obtaining fuel to operate machinery.

International humanitarian law prohibits deliberate attacks on civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities and on civilian objects, and attacks that do not distinguish between civilians or civilian objects and combatants or military objectives, or that cause disproportionate harm to civilians or civilian objects in relation to the direct military advantage that may be anticipated. Such attacks are serious violations of IHL and if committed with criminal intent can constitute war crimes.

An independent international inquiry should be established to investigate alleged violations by all parties to the conflict in Yemen, establish the facts, and identify those responsible for violations with a view to ensuring that they are held accountable.

Amnesty visited the Sana’a strike site on 6 November and they, as well as Human Rights Watch, later interviewed one of the factory owners and other witnesses to the strike.

The airstrike took place between 11-11:30 a.m. on 23 September in the village of Matna in Beni Matar district, west of Sana’a. Witnesses and one of the factory owners said that four missiles hit the Radfan Ceramics Factory in quick succession.

Ibrahim Ghaleb Mohammad al-Sawary, the son of one of the factory directors, who was in the vicinity during the attack, said: “I was getting ready to pray, leaning back on the wall of the factory when suddenly I heard whizzing followed by a very loud explosion. I started running away but less than two minutes later we heard the second explosion. I saw people running away from their homes – kids, older people and young people – all of them scared like us and running away without knowing where.”

He later returned to the factory, which had smoke rising from it and was in a state of ruin, particularly the section with heavy machines used to heat and press the ceramics, which was entirely destroyed.

One man in the vicinity, Yahya Abd al-Karim al-Sawary, 28, was killed by shrapnel as he was fleeing the area. A local resident who asked to remain anonymous reported that the victim had been working as a guard at a makeshift detention facility run by Ansarullah, the political wing of the Huthis, a Zaidi Shi’a armed group in northern Yemen. The site had originally been a government building known as the Productive Families Center, approximately 140 meters from the factory compound. The airstrikes did not hit the detention facility.

Ali Ahmad al-Faqih, 55, who was injured in the attack, said that he had been on a motorbike trying to check on his family who live next to the factory during a brief lull between airstrikes – not realising the attack had not finished: “I heard a whizz and knew it was a rocket coming,” he said. “I lay down and prayed out loud. I saw all my body covered in blood.” Al-Faqih was later taken to private hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove shrapnel from his chest.

Another local resident told Human Rights Watch that a second civilian, Elham Hussein Hussein Taher, a 14-year-old girl who lived near the factory, was also injured in the attack.

Ghalib Muhammad al-Sawary, one of the factory owners, told Amnesty International that the factory had never been used for any military purpose. Other witnesses told Human Rights Watch that no fighters or military vehicles were in or near the factory at the time of the attack. and also at The Guardian:

Hadi-Armee / Hadi army

24.11.2015 – Janes

UAE trains new Yemeni army

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is training soldiers for a new Yemeni army at Al-Anad Air Base in southern Yemen.

The UAE's official WAM news agency reported on 23 November that a batch of Yemeni soldiers had graduated from a training course run by the UAE's military.

While WAM did not say how many soldiers were trained, it released a photograph showing four platoons in formation on a parade ground and said the soldiers would either be sent to the frontlines to fight opposition forces or be used to maintain security in government-controlled areas.

WAM said the course is part of an "integrated programme to rehabilitate and train different security and military sectors in Yemen" launched by the Arab coalition fighting to reinstall Yemen's ousted President Abd-Rabuh Mansour Hadi – by Jeremy Binnie

Commentary: And even more being trained to fight instead of talking peace and investing money in peaceful projects. With no work in Yemen joining the army is about the only way that Yemeni men can earn a living.

Saudi-Arabien / Saudi-Arabia

24.11.2015 – Politifact

Bernie Sanders is right: Saudi Arabia is more focused on the conflict in Yemen than fighting ISIS

"Saudi Arabia, turns out, has the third-largest defense budget in the world," Sanders said on Nov. 19. "Yet instead of fighting ISIS they have focused more on a campaign to oust Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen."

Sanders is correct that Saudi Arabia’s military budget is the third largest in the world. But is he also right that the Saudis aren’t prioritizing ISIS? In a word, yes.

Experts said Saudi Arabia doesn’t publicize the exact number of airstrikes it has carried out, but the data shows that the amount of non-U.S. airstrikes overall has been scaled back since the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen began in late March. Conversely, the United States has beefed up its strikes.

Here’s a chart from, a project tracking the international air war against ISIS, that demonstrates this point.

"The volume of Saudi military forces deployed to combat the Houthis puts the Saudi deployment against ISIS to shame," said David Weinberg, an expert on the Gulf monarchies at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy – by Linda Qui

24.11.2015 – Spiegel Online

Kampf gegen den Terror: Unser Freund, der Kopf-ab-Saudi

Saudi-Arabien hat in diesem Jahr mehr Menschen enthauptet als der "Islamische Staat". Ohne den Islam der Saudis würde es den Islam des IS nicht geben. Wann ziehen wir daraus die Konsequenzen?

Der IS verstört die Welt mit seinen Gewaltdemonstrationen. Aber im Terrorismus ist es so wie im richtigen Leben: kein erfolgreiches Franchise ohne Vorbild. Alles, was der IS seinen Jüngern bietet - Kopf abschlagen, Steinigung, Auspeitschung - hat er sich um die Ecke in Saudi-Arabien abgeschaut.

Was den Terror gegen Frauen, Homosexuelle oder Andersdenkende angeht, sind die Saudis die Großmeister der Arabischen Halbinsel. In diesem Jahr haben sie schon mehr Menschen geköpft als der IS.

Die Brookings Institution hat neulich die Fans gezählt, die über Twitter den IS anfeuern. Außerhalb des IS-Gebiets sitzen mit großem Abstand die meisten Anhänger in Saudi-Arabien. Man mag darüber streiten, inwieweit die Saudi-Araber den IS auch mit Geld unterstützt haben. Unbestritten ist, dass sie der größte ideologische Sponsor der schwarzgewandeten Kopf-ab-Verwandschaft sind. Der gewaltsame Dschihad ist fester Bestandteil des Wahhabismus, jener Religion, die um ein imaginiertes Kalifat kreist, in dem alles wieder so sein soll wie vor 1400 Jahren. Ohne den Islam Saudi-Arabiens wäre der Islam des IS nicht denkbar.

Es ist jetzt viel von der Verteidigung unserer Werte die Rede. Vielleicht sollte man damit anfangen, nicht länger mit Leuten zu poussieren, die einen Apartheidstaat am Laufen halten, gegen den Südafrika selbst zu seinen schlimmsten Zeiten eine Vorzeigerepublik war – von Jan Fleischhauer


24.11.2015 – Press TV Iran

US backing S Arabia’s ‘illegal war of aggression’ on Yemen: Lawyer

The United States in supporting Saudi Arabia’s “illegal war of aggression” against Yemen because such conflicts destabilize the Middle East and benefit the US arms industry, an international lawyer in Canada says.

Riyadh is attacking and destroying thousands of civilian targets in Yemen but Washington continues to provide arms to the Saudi military, breaking international and US domestic laws, Edward Corrigan told Press TV on Thursday.

Part of the problem is that American lawmakers in Congress have financial interest in supporting weapon sales because they have insider information about defense company stocks and can therefore make huge profits, Corrigan said.

“Something like 75 percent of Congressmen are heavily invested in the military industrial complex and you and I or anybody else would be put in jail if we had access to insider information," he added.

In various countries, trading based on insider information is illegal. This is because it is seen as unfair to other investors who do not have access to the information. =

Großbritannien / Great Britain

25.11.2015 – Amnesty International

UK-made missile used in airstrike on ceramics factory in Yemen

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition used a British-made cruise missile to destroy a Yemeni ceramics factory, a civilian object, on 23 September 2015, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today, based on field research and interviews with eyewitnesses at the scene.

The attack on the factory in the Sana’a governorate, which appeared to be producing only civilian goods, killed one person, and was in apparent violation of international humanitarian law.

This strike, using a British missile supplied in the 1990s, undermines the claim of British government ministers that the Saudi Arabia-led coalition use of UK military equipment is consistent with international humanitarian law, and that the UK monitors such compliance “very carefully”. The organisations are unaware of any credible coalition investigation into this incident, nor any other investigations into other apparently unlawful airstrikes for possible violations of international humanitarian law.

Kate Allen, Amnesty UK Director, said:

'This was depressingly predictable. Amnesty has repeatedly warned that UK-made weapons were likely to end up causing civilian casualties in Yemen, but those warnings have been recklessly ignored and civilians have paid the price for that complacency.

'The UK is now bound by the Arms Trade Treaty, therefore what is now needed is an immediate stop on UK arms transfers to the Saudi-led coalition that risk being used in the Yemen conflict, a comprehensive investigation into current UK arms transfers and guarantees that we won’t be selling further weapons which contribute to violations of international law.

“It’s completely unacceptable to wait for civilian casualties to pile up before acknowledging the risk, that’s simply not how arms controls are meant to work.'

Amnesty and Human Rights Watch have examined the weapon remnants at the 23 September strike site and identified the munition used as PGM-500 ‘Hakim’ air-launched cruise missile, supplied in the mid-1990s and manufactured by the UK firm Marconi Dynamics. and also at The Guardian:

Niederlande / Netherlands

24.11.2015 – Stop Wapenhandel

Parliament supports proposal for investigation

It is very likely that arms and military systems sold from or transited through The Netherlands are used in the war in Yemen, writes the Dutch campaign group Stop Wapenhandel (Stop Arms Trade) in a recently published research report. It concerns Howitzers, tank communication systems, fighter jets and naval fire control systems.

The war and blockade of Yemen has led to a humanitarian disaster of which all parties of the conflict are guilty. Nevertheless there is still only a one-sided arms embargo, against the Houthis and troops loyal to former president Saleh. Arms export to the Saudi-led coalition continues as usual.

Although the Dutch government still has not published its arms export figures for 2015, from the presently available information can be concluded that weapon types identical to those delivered by The Netherlands are deployed in the war in Yemen. There is also an extensive transit though airport Schiphol and the Rotterdam harbor to the Saudi-led coalition.

Stop Wapenhandel calls for an arms embargo for all involved parties in the Yemen war and a license obligation for arms transit to Yemen. Also, the Dutch government should undertake a comprehensive investigation to find out if Dutch arms or military equipment exported in the past have contributed to violations of international law, including the death of civilians or destruction of civilian infrastructure. This last recommendation is now supported by a majority of the Dutch Parliament. and report in full:

Dutch arms trade with coalition forces in the Yemen war

By desk research, Stop Wapenhandel investigated Dutch arms exported to countries of the Saudi Arabia - led coalition in the Yemen war, and arms transit through the Netherlands to countries partaking in the coalition, in connection with arms recently deployed in the Yemen war. Although there is no comprehensive overview of the arms deployed, our research shows that several types of weapons and military technology as exported from the Netherlands to coalition countries are used in Yemen.

Most importantly: * M109 Howitzers are used by the UAE. The Netherlands sold such Howitzer and is upon recently providing grenades and spare parts. * F16 fighter jets are used by the UAE. The Netherlands is exporting F16 parts. * The Netherlands sold communication systems for Saudi tanks. Saudi Arabia is deploying dozens of tanks in Yemen. Follow- up orders for these systems are expected. * The Netherlands sold gun fire control systems for navy ships of Egypt. The Egypt navy is participating in the blockade. Media reports shelling of Yemen land targets. * The Netherlands sold F-16 fighter jets to Jordan. Jordan is active in air attacks on Yemen with this type of F-16s. Unfortunately, the Dutch government has still not published all of the 2015 arms export data.

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Kommentar: Man mag es kaum glauben. Nach Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien mit den Niederlanden nun das fünfte EU-Land (!!), das mit Waffenhandel mit den Saudis und den Golfstaaten Waffen direkt in ein Kriegsgebiet liefert und damit aktiv zu Mord und Zerstörung beiträgt. Wer fehlt jetzt noch? Schweden und Spanien haben auch noch eine schöne Waffenindustrie, hat man sich da etwa einen Anteil am Geschäft mit zerschmetterten jemenitischen Kindern entgehen lassen???

Söldner / Mercenaries

25.11.2015 – New York Times

Emirates Secretly Sends Colombian Mercenaries to Fight in Yemen

The United Arab Emirates has secretly dispatched hundreds of Colombian mercenaries to Yemen to fight in that country’s raging conflict, adding a volatile new element in a complex proxy war that has drawn in the United States and Iran.

It is the first combat deployment for a foreign army that the Emirates has quietly built in the desert over the past five years, according to several people currently or formerly involved with the project. The program was once managed by a private company connected to Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater Worldwide, but the people involved in the effort said that his role ended several years ago and that it has since been run by the Emirati military.

The arrival in Yemen of 450 Latin American troops — among them are also Panamanian, Salvadoran and Chilean soldiers — adds to the chaotic stew of government armies, armed tribes, terrorist networks and Yemeni militias currently at war in the country.

“Mercenaries are an attractive option for rich countries who wish to wage war yet whose citizens may not want to fight,” said Sean McFate, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and author of “The Modern Mercenary.”

“The private military industry is global now,” said Mr. McFate, adding that the United States essentially “legitimized” the industry with its heavy reliance on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan over more than a decade of war. “Latin American mercenaries are a sign of what’s to come,” he said.

The Colombian troops now in Yemen, handpicked from a brigade of some 1,800 Latin American soldiers training at an Emirati military base, were woken up in the middle of the night for their deployment to Yemen last month. They were ushered out of their barracks as their bunkmates continued sleeping, and were later issued dog tags and ranks in the Emirati military. Those left behind are now being trained to use grenade launchers and armored vehicles that Emirati troops are currently using in Yemen.

Emirati officials have made a point of recruiting Colombian troops over other Latin American soldiers because they consider the Colombians more battle tested in guerrilla warfare, having spent decades battling gunmen of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, in the jungles of Colombia.

The exact mission of the Colombians in Yemen is unclear, and one person involved in the project said it could be weeks before they saw regular combat. They join hundreds of Sudanese soldiers whom Saudi Arabia has recruited to fight there as part of the coalition.

The presence of the Latin American troops is an official secret in the Emirates, and the government has made no public mention of their deployment to Yemen. The Latin American force in the Emirates was originally conceived to carry out mostly domestic missions – by Emily B. Hager and Mark Mazzetti

Commentary: I'm not sure what is so secret about it. The fact that 800 mercenaries have been paid for by Saudi Arabia has been widely publicised for a few weeks now. I think the NYT didn't have its nose to the ground if it missed this event until today


25.11.2015 – Khaleej Times / UAE Interact

Yemen tribal chiefs hail UAE's help

A Yemeni delegation of tribal chiefs and leaders from Marib has commended the performance of the UAE soldiers and the country's fraternal spirit in rebuilding the country.

Work is in progress, the delegation said, and the "highly competent" UAE soldiers are "working hand-in-hand with us".

The delegation told Khaleej Times they came to the UAE to show their gratitude and appreciation for the "great assistance" the country is providing by participating in the Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition.

They said the relations between Marib and the UAE are deep-rooted. The late Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan built the main road in the centre of Marib - which leads to the Yemeni capital Sanaa - and the Marib Dam.

"The Arab Coalition forces managed to liberate the historic dam from the forces of darkness," the delegation said. =

Kommentar: Man mag sich diese rauen jemenitischen Stammesführer aus der Wüste, gut gesponsort, im reichen Wunderland VAE vorstellen. Besonders witzig hier die Aussage, die Koalition habe den historischen Staudamm von Marib „von den Kräften der Finsternis befreit“. Nun, vorher haben die Saudis dieses größte technische Bauwerk der Antike (Mitte 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.) erst einmal bombardiert. So sieht halt „Befreiung“ à la Saudi aus – nicht nur am antiken Staudamm.

Terrorismus / Terrorism

In Verbindung mit dem Kampf gegen den IS in Syrien und den Pariser Anschlägen, aber auch für den Jemen von Interesse:

23.11.2015 – Spiegel Online

Finanzquellen des "Islamischen Staats": Die Beute-Ökonomie

Der "Islamische Staat" ist ein Terrorkonzern, geführt mit kühler Kalkulation. Eine Analyse der Einnahmen zeigt: Solange der IS weite Teile Syriens und des Irak beherrscht, ist er finanziell nicht auszutrocknen – von Florian Diekmann

Kommentar: Für die Gewinne aus dem Handel mit antiker Kunst, der andauernd behauptet wird, fehlen bisher die Belege. Im internationalen Kunsthandel sind Stücke, die hierauf zurückgeführt werden können, bisher nicht nachgewiesen. Und die Förderung nicht durch direkte Geldeinnahmen, aber etwa durch sonstige Unterstützung (wie die eifrigen Waffenlieferungen des Westens und von Saudi und Co. an Rebellen in Syrien, die dann zum IS weitergereicht werden), sind hier auch nicht erwähnt.

23.11.2015 – Insurge Intelligence

NATO is harbouring the Islamic State

Why France’s brave new war on ISIS is a sick joke, and an insult to the victims of the Paris attacks

Conspicuously missing from President Hollande’s decisive declaration of war, however, was any mention of the biggest elephant in the room: state-sponsorship.

A senior Western official familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse told the Guardian that “direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now ‘undeniable.’”

The same official confirmed that Turkey, a longstanding member of NATO, is not just supporting ISIS, but also other jihadist groups, including Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. “The distinctions they draw [with other opposition groups] are thin indeed,” said the official. “There is no doubt at all that they militarily cooperate with both.”

Nevermind that under Erdogan, Turkey is the leading sponsor of the barbaric ‘Islamic State.’

We must not ask unpatriotic questions about Western foreign policy, or NATO for that matter.

We must not wonder about the pointless spectacle of airstrikes and Stazi-like police powers, given our shameless affair with Erdogan’s terror-regime, which funds and arms our very own enemy.

We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to “destroy” a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO.

No, no, no. Life goes on. Business-as-usual must continue. Citizens must keep faith in the wisdom of The Security State.

The US must insist on relying on Turkish intelligence to vet and train ‘moderate’ rebels in Syria, and the EU must insist on extensive counter-terrorism cooperation with Erdogan’s regime, while fast-tracking the ISIS godfather’s accession into the union.

But fear not: Hollande is still intent on “destroying” ISIS. Just like Obama and Cameron — and Erdogan.

It’s just that some red lines simply cannot be crossed – by Nafeez Ahmed

Dazu auch:

25.11.2015 – Der Freitag

Kaliber Eskalation

Wer auch immer schuld ist – Präsident Erdogan kommt der Abschuss des russischen Kampfjets gelegen. Eine Anti-IS-Allianz mit Russland widerspricht seinen Interessen – von Lutz Herden

24.11.2015 – Seta’s Armenian

FATHER FRANK’S RANTS Rant Number 657 24 November 15 CANT & HYPOCRISY

George Orwell wrote that England ‘has a reputation abroad of being the land of hypocrisy and cant’. Unfair? Yet Cameron exemplifies that. To be a ‘good ally’ of France and a friend of Gulf nations, the UK must bomb beastly ISIS, he claims. Beyond the rhetoric, what’s the truth?

Second, the Gulf nations. Cant again. Nations like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Oil barrels, regional strategies, intelligence links. Things making unpleasant autocracies valued ‘allies’ of Britain. Shame the ‘Gulfies’ also stock Syrian rebels with oodles of weapons and cash. Rebels like the notorious, al-Qaeda affiliated Nusrah Front. Or Jaysh al-Islam, the Army of Islam. So sanguinary that they publicly behead rival ISIS captives in internecine warfare. The nice, ‘democratic’ Syrian fighters courted by the liberal West are few and far between. Reality check: the freedom-loving opponents of Assad are a patchwork of murderous jihadi groups. As bad as ISIS. Fine allies Britain’s got! – by Frank Julian Gelli

Ein sehr gutes Interview mit Friedensnobelpreisträger Al Baradei:

24.11.2015 – Der Standard

El Baradei: "Tiefes Gefühl der Demütigung" verbindet IS-Anhänger -

Der „Islamische Staat“ ist ein Symptom der Krise nicht nur im Nahen Osten, sagt der Friedensnobelpreisträger und fordert neue Denkansätze. Interview von Gudrun Harrer

Das Leben im Nahen Osten gleicht einer Art Sklaventum, es gibt keine Freiheit, sich auszudrücken, sich zu entwickeln. Dazu kommt so viel Armut, Ungleichheit. Die jungen Leute haben jede Hoffnung auf die Zukunft verloren.

Ich glaube, dass der alle verbindende Grund das tiefe Gefühl der Demütigung ist. Beginnend mit der Palästinenserfrage, die von den Regimen ausgenützt wurde. Von außen kümmert sich keiner, von den eigenen Regierungen wird man wie Dreck behandelt: Da findet man vielleicht Sinn in einer wahnsinnigen Idee einer kollektiven religiösen Erweckung. Und im Fernsehen sehen sie, wie in Gaza, Irak, Libyen, Jemen Muslime getötet werden – und jemand sagt ihnen, das ist eine große Verschwörung, wir müssen kämpfen.

Alles ist mit jedem verbunden. Dieser Krieg kommt überall hin. Er ist eine globale Angelegenheit, deshalb müssen wir alle zusammenbringen. Es ist gut, den IS zu bekämpfen – aber wenn wir nicht überlegen, woher er kommt, dann werden wir einen IS Nummer zwei und drei und so weiter bekommen. Vielleicht brauchen wir ein völlig neues System, vielleicht muss der Staat völlig neu überdacht werden – für die großen Konzerne gibt es längst mehr keine Grenzen, und wir arbeiten mit den internationalen Institutionen, die nach 1945 geschaffen wurden. =

Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Dieser Punkt hat immer mehr Raum eingenommen. Dabei tut sich militärisch im Grunde nicht mehr viel, ein Hin und Her, im wesentlichen Stillstand. Die Kriegsereignisse werden daher an den Schluss verschoben.

25.11.2015 – NZZ von AP

Gewalt im Jemen: Mindestens 47 Tote bei Kämpfen

Bei Gefechten zwischen regierungstreuen Milizen und Rebellen sind im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen 47 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Zwei der Toten seien Zivilisten gewesen, der Rest Kämpfer beider Seiten, verlautete am Mittwoch aus Sicherheitskreisen.

Zu den Kämpfen kam es demnach, nachdem die Rebellen am Dienstagabend die Stadt Dabab in der Provinz Tais gestürmt hatten. Die Regierungsmilizen wollen Dabab und den Rest der Provinz absichern, weil ihnen das den Weg in Richtung der Hauptstadt Sanaa ebnen würde, die seit mehr als einem Jahr von den Rebellen kontrolliert wird.

25.11.2015 – AP

Overnight Fighting in Contested Yemen Province Kills 47

Yemeni security officials say overnight clashes between Shiite Houthi rebels and pro-government militias have killed 47 people, nearly all of them fighters.

They say rebels stormed the town of Dabab late Tuesday. The town lies on a crucial supply route for pro-government forces in the western Taiz province. Securing Taiz would allow pro-government forces to march north to the rebel-held capital, Sanaa.

The officials say two civilians were among the 47 killed in the fighting – by Ahmed Al-Haj

25.11.2015 – AFP

Fierce battle for control of Yemen's Taez province

Fierce fighting raged Wednesday between Yemeni pro-government forces and Iran-backed rebels for control of a region near a key shipping channel at the mouth of the Red Sea, military sources said.

Sixteen rebels and eight loyalist fighters have been killed in 24 hours of clashes in the Dhubab area of the southwestern province of Taez near the Bab al-Mandab strait, they said.

Government forces backed by air and ground support from a Saudi-led coalition last week launched a major offensive aimed at driving the Huthi Shiite insurgents out of Taez.

25.11.2015 – Emirates 24 7

Key Yemen rebel camp seized: National Army and resistance fighters kill 20 rebels

Yemen’s national army and resistance fighters backed by Arab coalition air strikes seized a key military camp controlled by the Iranian-backed coup rebels after heavy fighting that lasted more than 20 hours, a news network reported on Wednesday.

The army and resistance attacked the Omari camp overlooking the strategic Bab Al Mandeb waterway for the second time in a week and clashed with the Houthis and their allies with heavy weapons and rockets.

Masdar Online said the attack was backed by heavy air strikes carried out by the Saudi-dominated Arab coalition seeking to quell the coup and restore legitimacy to Yemen.

“After fighting of more than 20 hours, the national army and resistance men seized Omari camp and expelled all the rebels.

“Eight of our men were martyred while at least 20 rebels were killed during the clashes,” a resistance source told the network.

It said the national allies seized the camp in a major offensive last week but had to retreat shortly afterwards because of landmines and rocket shelling by the rebels.

“Our forces launched a second attack and clashed with the rebels for more than 20 years until they succeeded in fully seizing the camp on Monday night,” the source said.

Kommentar: Hier sind Yemens National Army die gegen die Huthis kämpfenden Truppenteile, resistance fighters sind irreguläre Milizen.

25.11.2015 – Press TV Iran

Yemeni army, allied fighters kill dozens of Saudi mercenaries

The Yemeni army, backed by Popular Committees loyal to the Houthi Ansarullah movement, has killed dozens of Saudi mercenaries in a retaliatory attack in the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta’izz.

According to a report by Yemen’s official Saba Net news agency, Yemeni forces also liberated the al-Kasarah and Ra’as al-Najd districts of Ta’izz from Saudi forces late on Tuesday.

Ansarullah fighters also destroyed a Saudi tank in the al-Omari district of Ta’izz.

Also on Tuesday, two Yemeni civilians were killed in a Saudi airstrike on the al-Rahedah district of Ta’izz.

In another development, Saudi fighter jets mistakenly bombarded the Riyadh-allied militants who fight against Ansarullah forces in Yemen’s southern province of Shabwah, killing 18 of them.

In a similar incident, Saudi warplanes targeted their allied militants in the central province of Ma’rib four times.

24.11.2015 – Almasdar News / ABNA

Saudi-Led Coalition Suffers Heavy Casualties in Southern Yemen

Over 20 Saudi-led mercenaries were killed and 70 others were injured as the Yemeni army and popular committees frustrated their attempt to advance towards al-Omari military camp in Taiz province, according to battlefield sources. und

Kommentar: Yemeni forces hier: Huthis und Verbündete

25.11.2015 – Yemen News Today from Saba Agency

Five mercenaries killed, six injured in clashes in Marib
Five mercenaries were killed and six others injured in clashes in the city of Marib on Wednesday, against the backdrop of protests to demand financial entitlements

Local sources told Saba that groups of mercenaries organized protests to demand their salaries and financial entitlements, but they were repressed by the militia of Muslim Brotherhood, which resulted in the outbreak of clashes

On the other hand, the confrontations renewed between militias in al-Hamah camp in Falaj area of Marib city, which led to the killing of four people and injuring several others.

Now this is from Saba news agency, which is controlled by Houthis, but it is interesting. According to them, some of the mercenaries fighting in Yemen were demanding their rights but were assured that their rights were not going to be upheld by a blue-on-blue purposeful repressive attack. Hmmm.

Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 1-54: / Yemen Press reader 1-54: oder / or

Fotos Luftangriff auf Aahm / Photos from air raid at Aahm:

(18+, Nichts für Sensible, Graphic!)

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Dietrich Klose

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