Tausende US-Soldaten werden nach Israel verlegt.

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Wie die Jerusalem Post bereits am 20.12.2011 mitteilte steht die Stationierung einiger tausend US-Raketenspezialisten für ein Grossmanöver bzw. evtl. sogar dauerhafter Bleibe im Frühjahr d.J. bevor.

Spannend ist dies vor allem, weil es natürlich im Zusammenhang des Konfliktes mit Iran zu sehen ist.



The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany – with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces in the event of a large-scale conflict in the Middle East.

The US will also bring its THAAD (Terminal HighAltitude Area Defense) and shipbased Aegis ballistic missile defense systems to Israel to simulate the interception of missile salvos against Israel.

The American systems will work in conjunction with Israel’s missile defense systems – the Arrow, Patriot and Iron Dome.

Gorenc came to Israel for talks with Brig.-Gen. Doron Gavish, commander of the Air Force’s Air Defense Division.

He toured one of the Iron Dome batteries in the South and the Israel Test Bed lab in Holon where the IAF holds its interception simulation exercises.

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