Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 394 - Yemen War Mosaic 394

Yemen Press Reader 394: 20.3.2018: Der Westen als Verbündeter von Al Kaida – Rückblicke auf Nahost, Jemen – Saudi-Arabien auf der Kippe – Prinz Salman besucht USA – Propaganda in CBS, WSJ – uam

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March 20, 2018: The West as ally of Al Qaeda (In German) – Looking back to stay and work in the Middle East and Yemen – Saudi Arabia on the brink – Prince Salman's visit to the US – Propaganda in CBS and WSJ – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Höhepunkte der Propaganda in den USA / Most important: Highlights of propaganda in the US

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

[In German above, in English scroll down]

(* B H K)

Der vergessene Krieg im Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen, gegen das Saudi-Arabien einen erbarmungslosen Krieg führt, ist katastrophal. [Kurzer Überblicksartikel]

(** B H K)

Zwischen Cholera und Hungersnot
Der humanitäre Alptraum des Jemen-Kriegs
Seit März 2015 wird der Jemen von einem brutalen Krieg beherrscht, in dem eine von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition einen erbarmungslosen Bombenkrieg gegen die Aufständischen der Houthi-Bewegung führt, dem bereits weit über 10.000 Menschen zum Opfer fielen, über 3 Millionen sind auf der Flucht. Der Krieg wird dominiert von brutalsten Kriegsverbrechen der Saudi-Koalition. Eine „vollständig menschengemachte“ Folge ist die größte Cholera-Epidemie in der Geschichte und die größte Hungersnot seit Jahrzehnten mit potentiell „Millionen von Opfern“ - von Jakob Reimann

(** B K P)

Die Houthis und das Haus Saud: Die Wurzeln des Jemenkriegs
Saudi-Arabien beteuert, die Houthi-Rebellen wären eine Marionette Teherans und rechtfertigt damit den erbarmungslosen Krieg im Jemen, da dieser die Expansion des Iran auf die Arabische Halbinsel verhindern würde. Die tatsächlichen Gründe sind jedoch wesentlich banaler: Riad will die Grenzen seiner 1934 annektierten Provinzen schützen und seinen jahrzehntelangen Einfluss auf die jemenitische Regierung wiederherstellen - von Jakob Reimann

(*** B K P)

Die Houthi-Iran-Connection

Krieg im Jemen: Die Verbindungen Teherans zu den Houthi-Rebellen werden von den Saudis massiv übertrieben. Ein regionaler Krieg wird so zum globalen Kampf gegen den „Schurkenstaat“ Iran.

Daher malt Riad das Bild der Houthis als hörige Marionetten Teherans, der Kampf gegen sie wird so zum Kampf gegen einen feindseligen Iran. Und westliche Politiker wie Medien übernehmen dieses Narrativ größtenteils, ohne es zu hinterfragen oder gar zu überprüfen. Ist der „Schurkenstaat“ Iran das eigentliche Ziel, so ist das bittere Elend der jemenitischen Bevölkerung offensichtlich akzeptabler –Collateral Damage.

Im Jemen-Kontext wird diese Strategie der sektiererischen Aufheizung geschickt mit Macht- und Geopolitik verknüpft. Der Iran als Kernland der Schiiten wird bezichtigt, als Drahtzieher hinter den schiitischen Houthis zu stehen, die von den Saudis und ihren Verbündeten als Werkzeuge Teherans dargestellt werden, um einen Fuß auf die Arabische Halbinsel zu bekommen. AnParanoiagrenzend wird von Saudi-Arabien das Schreckgespenst eines „vom Iran dominierten Jemen“ bemüht, der saudische Angriffskrieg gegen die Houthis wird so zur Selbstverteidigung gegen den Erzfeind Iran umgemünzt.

Doppelstandards und die offenkundige Heuchelei westlicher Staaten im Jemen-Kontext: Der Iran wird aufgrund einer nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesenen Waffenlieferung an die eine Kriegspartei verurteilt, während eben diese vier verurteilenden Staaten zusammengenommen seit dem Jahr 2000 für jeweils86 Prozent der Waffenimporteder zwei treibenden Kräfte der anderen Kriegspartei – Saudi-Arabien, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate – verantwortlich sind.

Mit der „Iranisierung“ des Jemen-Krieges spielt Saudi-Arabien ein geschicktes PR-Spiel. Indem der iranische Teufel in Übergröße an die Wand gemalt wird, konnte die westliche Welt überzeugt werden, dass es sich keineswegs um einen lokalen Konflikt handelt, sondern um einen, der mit der indirekten Bekämpfung eines vermeintlich feindseligen Iran gar globale Kreise zieht. Wer würde schon für einen Grenzkonflikt mitten in der arabischen Wüste die faktische Vernichtung eines bettelarmen Landes tolerieren? – von Jakob Reimann

Mein Kommentar: Dieser Artikel zeigt sehr schön die saudische Propaganda auf, wie sie auch, mehr oder weniger deutlich, die Berichterstattung fast aller Mainstream-Medien durchsetzt hat.

(** B K P)

Das Achte Emirat Südjemen

Krieg im Jemen: Die Emirate wollen zur globalen Energiesupermacht aufsteigen und nutzen dafür den Krieg zur Errichtung eines Vasallenstaats am strategisch so wichtigen Golf von Aden.

Die Emirate verfolgen über die Kontrolle strategisch wichtiger Knotenpunkte auf energierelevanten Handelsrouten den Aufbau überregionaler Strukturen im Nahen Osten und darüber hinaus, um so ihren Handel mit fossilen Rohstoffen nach Europa und Nordamerika zu konsolidieren und weiter auszubauen.

Hierzu drängt sich Abu Dhabi im Eiltempo in die Energie- und Sicherheitsinfrastruktur der Region hinein

Seit gut einem Jahr gewinnen die sezessionistischen Kräfte im Inland mehr und mehr an Einfluss und erhalten dabei tatkräftige Unterstützung aus dem Ausland: von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, die auch auf diesem Gebiet aus der Linie der Saudi-Koalition ausscheren, was mittlerweile als offener Bruch mit den Herren in Riad betrachtet werden sollte.

Die VAE verfolgen ambitioniert das Projekt eines geteilten Jemen = =

und Teil 5 der Serie von Jakob Reimann, Der Westen und Al Kaida, als ersten Beitrag unter cp1 Am wichtigsten.

(* B H K P)

Amnesty: JEMEN 2018

In dem 2017 weiterhin andauernden bewaffneten Konflikt verübten alle Beteiligten Kriegsverbrechen und andere schwere Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht; unzureichende Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Rechenschaftspflicht verhinderten, dass Opfer Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung einfordern konnten. Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Militärallianz, welche die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen unterstützte, bombardierte erneut zivile Einrichtungen und verübte wahllose Angriffe, bei denen Zivilpersonen getötet oder verletzt wurden. Die bewaffnete Gruppe der Huthi und ihre Verbündeten, darunter Armeeeinheiten, die dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh die Treue hielten, beschossen Wohnviertel in Taiz mit Granatwerfern und feuerten Artilleriegeschosse wahllos über die Grenze nach Saudi-Arabien. Dabei gab es Tote und Verletzte unter der Zivilbevölkerung. Die jemenitische Regierung, die Huthi und mit ihnen verbündete Armeeeinheiten des ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh sowie jemenitische Streitkräfte, die sich den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unterstellt hatten, griffen auf rechtswidrige Haftpraktiken wie Verschwindenlassen, Folter und andere Misshandlungen zurück. Frauen und Mädchen wurden nach wie vor Opfer von Diskriminierung und anderen Menschenrechtsverstößen wie Zwangsverheiratung und häusliche Gewalt. Die Todesstrafe blieb in Kraft. Es gab jedoch keine öffentlich zugänglichen Berichte über Todesurteile und Hinrichtungen.

(* B H K)

What Is Really Happening In Yemen?

A look into one of the most horrific humanitarian crises in modern history

In March-April, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Muhammad Bin Salman ordered airstrikes on Yemen that continue to be carried out today. These strikes are ruthless, hitting schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, ports, bridges, and roads. With blocked access to basic supplies, 2.9 million people were forced from their homes, 17 million people face famine, and 7 million people do not know when they will get their next meal.

Yemen is dependent on maritime imports for more than 80 percent of its annual staple food supply. According to theFamine Early Warning Systems Network(FEWS Net), “a prolonged closure of key ports an unprecedented deterioration in food security to Famine (IPC Phase 5) across large areas of the country.” FEWS Net also predicted that this would occur in three to four months if the blockade is not resolved.

Here are some brief statistics on how children are being affected by the Yemen Famine, as provided by Save the Children:

(** B H K)

Film: For those new to#Yemenhere's a 25 minute doco we made 2016 explaining how this UK & US backed war has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in airstrikes, from famine & lack of medical care

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen Millions of children and families are on the brink of starvation UNICEF

(* B H K)

Film: Yemen crisis closes in on third anniversary

More than 10,000 Yemeni civilians have died as a Saudi Arabia-led coalition – with critical support from the US and UK – wages war against the powerful Houthi rebel group. The UN has called the nearly three-year-old war the worst humanitarian crisis in the world =

(* B H)

More than 21 million Yemeni citizens lack access to clean drinking water and need urgent assistance, 17.8 million of whom are unable to meet their food needs, Minister of Agriculture Othman Majali said on Thursday.
This comes during a speech at the fortieth session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome, noting thatabout 19.4 million people lack access to clean water and sanitation services, 9.8 million people can not access the water because of the war.
According to Saba news agency, about 8.4 million Yemenis are threatened by famine, an increase of 24% compared to the data of 2017.
He pointed out that about 14.1 million citizens live without adequate health care, in addition to the fact that at least 2.7 million people have fled their homes to other areas within Yemen or to other countries.

(* B H K P)

Amnesty International: YEMEN 2017/2018

All parties to the continuing armed conflict committed war crimes and other serious violations of international law, with inadequate accountability measures in place to ensure justice and reparation to victims. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government continued to bomb civilian infrastructure and carried out indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians. The Huthi-Saleh forces indiscriminately shelled civilian residential areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery indiscriminately across the border into Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians. The Yemeni government, Huthi-Saleh forces and Yemeni forces aligned to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) engaged in illegal detention practices including enforced disappearance and torture and other ill-treatment. Women and girls continued to face entrenched discrimination and other abuses, including forced and early marriage and domestic violence. The death penalty remained in force; no information was publicly available on death sentences or executions.

(* B H K)

"1- The humanitarian crisis in#Yemenis the most important story in the world,but it rarely receives the coverage that such a massive crisis ought to have.
2- Ongoing blockade by#Saudiand willingness to impose collective punishment on the civilian population.
3- suffering from the largest famine the world has seen 4 decades .
4- struggling with an acute hunger crisis that has effected at least 17M ppl ,third of them considered close to famine.
5- Diseases r spreading like a wildfire,the closure of Yemeni ports will worsen the epidemics.
6- There is a gas and fuel crisis ,people are without salaries for 18 months ,the #Saudi bombardment has really scared our children .
7- Almost daily massacres by #Saudi bombs made in#UK&#US.
8- Poor sanitation,famine,malnutrition,water crisis and etc...
9- The delay to the restoration and expansion of humanitarian access will cost the life of innocent people .
10- The only way to stop the war is if people put pressures on #UK & #US governments to stop selling arms to #Saudi and to find a sustainable peace solution. " =

(* B H K)

Ten things you need to know about#Yemen:

1-Yemen is the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

2-The number of#UK&#USmade bombs, &missiles sold to#Saudisince the start of its bloody war on Yemen has risen by 500 %.

3-There are 1.8 million acutely malnourished children.

4-The war has decimated Yemen's economy, 2 million people are displaced, 3,000 children killed and 2000 injured, 1.5 million born into war zone.

5--No electricity, no salaries, no fuel, no gas, no access to health care, no access to clean water, no jobs, and Famine.

6- 70 % of Yemeni infrastructure have been destroyed, the number of causalities is devastating, 12k civilians killed, and 21k civilians wounded.

7-The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water. In Yemen, collapsing health, water & and sanitation systems have cut off 14.5 million people from regular access to clean water and sanitation, increasing the ability of diseases to spread.

8-1085 days of : Aerial bombing, merciless war, terrorizing children, and living under siege.

9-The incalculable suffering of#Yemeni's people has been a mark of shame for humanity and the failure of world's leaders.

10- Yemeni people call for peace and humanitarian access to every woman, man & child in need.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B K P T)

Der Westen als treuer Al-Qaida-Verbündeter

Krieg im Jemen: Die vom Westen unterstützte Saudi-Koalition hat engste Verbindungen zur Al-Qaida im Jemen. Vertraute des Exil-Präsidenten Hadi sind hochrangige AQAP-Funktionäre.

Als dann im März 2015 das erbarmungslose Bombardement des Jemens durch die vom Westen unterstützte Saudi-Koalition begann, brachte dieser absurde Krieg neben der unvorstellbaren humanitären Katastrophe nur einen echten Profiteur hervor: die Dschihadisten der Al-Qaida, die in den folgenden Monaten so mächtig wurden wie zu keinem anderen Zeitpunkt ihrer 20-jährigen Jemen-Historie.

Hochgerüstet wurde die AQAP einerseits durch Waffenlieferungen der Saudis, die eine Vielzahl von Anti-Houthi-Kräften belieferten. Andererseits plünderten die Dschihadisten im Süden des Landes schwerstes Kriegsgerät aus Militärbasen.

Im Schatten der saudischen Bomben konnte die AQAP erfolgreich in dieses Machtvakuum hineinstoßen, übernahm eine Stadt nach der anderen und brachte so große Teile der bevölkerungsarmen – und dafür umso ölreicheren – Wüstenregion im Zentrum des Landes sowie 600 Kilometer der Küstenregion am Golf von Aden unter ihre Kontrolle.

AQAP erkaufte sich die Gunst der lokalen Bevölkerung durch Großzügigkeiten aus den täglich 2-5 Millionen Dollar Einnahmen – und der 120 Millionen, die sie aus der Zentralbank in Mukalla gestohlen hatte: Die „Robin-Hood-Taktik“.

Der Umstand, dass die AQAP teils fest in den gesellschaftlichen Strukturen im Südjemen verankert ist, gründet sich nicht auf Ideologie, sondern auf Pragmatismus.

Al-Qaida betrieb im Jemen einen „de-facto-Staat vor allem deshalb, weil sie bereit waren, den Müll von den Straßen zu fegen.“, spitzt Ben Watson in The Atlantic zu.

Dort, wo die Zentralregierung versagt hat, stellte die Al-Qaida im gewissen Maß öffentliche Dienstleistungen bereit und etablierte soziale Sicherungssysteme – hierauf gründet sich deren gesellschaftlicher Rückhalt, nicht auf die Terrorliebe der Bevölkerung.

Es ist wichtig, diesen Pragmatismus von Menschen in Angst und Not zu verstehen und nicht jede Person, die in der Nähe einer Al-Qaida-Fahne gesichtet wird, als Freiwild zu begreifen. Der US-geführte Westen hat schon zu Genüge unter Beweis gestellt, welches Chaos er in Ländern anrichtet, deren Gesellschaften er nicht versteht.

Im gemeinsamen Kampf gegen die Houthi-Rebellen wurden Allianzen geschlossen, die nicht nur die „War on Terror“-Logik zum Einsturz bringen, sondern auch die Restglaubwürdigkeit des US-geführten Westens hierin: Die Houthis werden neben den Truppen des pro-westlichen Exilpräsidenten Hadi ebenso erbittert auch von den radikalen Dschihadisten im Jemen bekämpft. Hierdurch entstand die absurde Situation, dass die westlichen Alliierten der Saudi-Koalition Seite an Seite mit IS- und Al-Qaida-Terroristen gegen die Houthis kämpft,

Darüber hinaus finanzieren und unterstützen Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate – die engsten Verbündeten des Westens am Persischen Golf – „ultrakonservative islamistische Milizen“, die Seite an Seite mit Al-Qaida kämpfen.

Die Associated Press bezeichnet Al-Qaida daher vollkommen zutreffend als „de-facto-Alliierten” der Hadi-Regierung und der Saudi-Koalition – was Al-Qaida im Jemen damit zum „de-facto-Alliierten“ des Westens macht.

„Wir“ kämpfen im Jemen gleichzeitig für die Vernichtung und den Aufstieg Al-Qaidas. Das permanent kolportierte „War on Terror“-Narrativ bricht vollständig in sich zusammen – von Jakob Reimann = =

(** B H K)

‘Indescribable fear and suffering’: Reflecting on three years covering the Middle East

I leave the Middle East unable to comprehend what we have allowed our world to become.

For millions of people across this region, the last three years have been full of indescribable fear and suffering.

In these parts, "international law", the "Rules of War" and the "responsibility to protect" feel like antiquated theories discussed in conferences and books, but no longer applied in real life.

The precedents that have been set are staggering. The consequences will haunt us for years.

I won't forget the day I met eight-year-old Faris at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa.

He'd been asleep in his home when a missile fired by the Saudi-led coalition hit his house, killing his brother and mum. Faris was left with severe burns, stomach injuries and a badly fractured leg.

Every second day, medical staff had to change the bandages on the eight-year-old's wounds and there was no anaesthetic.

Little Faris begged the doctors to stop, he was in so much pain.

Children in Yemen have been dying not just from US and UK made bombs and warplanes. In 2016, I also saw them starve to death.

In the malnutrition ward of the Al Sabheen hospital, skeletal, emaciated children lay gasping for air. I met the father of 17-month-old Eissa as he sat holding his son's hand.

An air and naval blockade by the Saudis resulted in one in three Yemeni children becoming severely malnourished — food used as a weapon of war – by Sophie McNeill

(**B H K)

UN worker reveals harsh realities and hidden beauty of war-torn Yemen

Shabia Mantoo's Instagram account is filled with reminders of what it is like to live among conflict.

Ms Mantoo grew up in regional Victoria and spent three years in Brisbane before setting off to work for the UN's refugee agency in Yemen.

"We haven't really captivated the world's attention with what's going on here to really mobilise the amount of support it requires," she told ABC Radio Brisbane.

Scroll through her Instagram feed and it is easy to understand why she feels that way.

Captured are mothers and fathers who are unemployed, their livelihoods ruined when they fled violence.

Children are fearful of bombing raids that light up the sky of the country's capital, Sana'a, day and night.

Food and medicine is in short supply.

But life goes on.

"It's really the civilians, the average person on the ground, that's really suffering and bearing the consequences of this political situation."

(** B K P)

The Kingdom On The Brink - An Interview With Dr. Ali Alyami

Dr. Alyami is a native of Saudi Arabia and a citizen of the US for the past four decades. From an early age he has been advocating for political, economic and social reform in his native homeland.

Ali Alyami (AA): Despite the fact that the embryonic social initiatives you listed are decades (and in some cases centuries) overdue, their psychological and practical impact on Saudi society cannot be underestimated. However, it’s important for your readers, business CEOs and politicians to keep in mind that the recent administrative rearrangements in Saudi Arabia were not designed to alter the absolute monarchical system or to abandon the Saudi’s zealot brand of Islam, Wahhabism (as has been misleadingly reported), but rather to ensure the royal family’s continued iron-fisted rule, a cherished life-long commitment held by King Salman. Thus, he chose his most trusted novice son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (“MbS”) to implement his wish.

By arresting and detaining a handful of corrupt royals and prominent commoners, MbS gave many Saudis a flicker of hope for better things to follow. For the first time in their history, some Saudis felt that the state's draconian policies and practices are being applied to a selected number of the ruling elites who have been spared the severe social injustices, political repression and economic hardships inflicted on the subjugated population. If MbS continues to apply the state’s rules to all segments of society, including all members of the parasitical royal family, he will go down in history books as a liberator.

While many Saudis and others have welcomed MbS’s initiatives, they expressed a great deal of cynicism about his real motives for arresting a handful of powerful and influential princes, businessmen and officials. Many people feel that MbS and his father are more concerned about securing MbS’ future than they are about eradicating corruption.

AA: One of the Saudis’ main objectives in Yemen is to control the strategic Aden region for economic and political reasons. Aden controls the Strait of Bab Al-Mandeb, through which most of the Persian Gulf oil is shipped to international markets, especially to Europe and Asia. There is also oil in Southern Yemen. Controlling the shipping oil routes and Yemeni oil would give the Saudis strategic influence, regionally and globally. This is the reason the Saudis and the UAE are establishing Aden as the new capital of Yemen. This is also the region from which the exiled Yemeni president Hadi came.

The reason the media hardly mentions the carnage in Yemen is because it’s not a profitable business and there is no politically active Yemeni community in the US, despite the fact that there are a large number of Yemenis, most of whom work on farms, and in services and small businesses, like grocery and liquor stores.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

Yemen: 1,081,455 cholera cases as of March 19

WHO's Cholera Response Dashboard reports 1,081,455 cases and 2,267 deaths as of March 19. That is an increase of 577 cases and one death in 24 hours.

(* B H)

#Yemen: As if cholera & diptheria were not enough, measles is now spreading among children. War/blockade has disrupted vaccines/medicine & food shortage has weakened immunity. Measles is not "normally" fatal. But if vaccines & medicine can't get through, children will die. (image)

(* B H)

Film: Yemen: Diphtheria outbreak 'symptoms of collapsed health system'

Since the disease was first detected six months ago, around 1,300 people have been infected and more than 70 have died.

(* A H)

World Health Denies Any Serious Side Effect Caused by #Diptheria Vaccine
The World Health Organization (WHO) has denied any serious effects of the diphtheria vaccine in Yemen, with rumors that the vaccine is paralyzing children.
"The vaccine used in the national immunization campaign against diphtheria is very safe and has been thoroughly tested" it said in its statement on its Facebook page.

(* A H)

WHO warnt vor Ausbreitung von Diphterie

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO warnt vor der Ausbreitung der Diphterie im Jemen.

Wie die WHO in Kairo mitteilte, haben sich bereits mehr als 1.300 Menschen mit der Infektionskrankheit angesteckt. Etwa 70 Menschen seien bisher an der Diphterie gestorben.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Höhepunkte der Propaganda in den USA / Most important: Highlights of propaganda in the US

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(** B P)

Don’t Believe the Media Hype About Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Positive reforms credited to MbS are minor in the larger picture of a kingdom that brooks no dissent internally and is committing war crimes abroad.

the prince will be selling dolled-up versions of both his repressive kingdom and his favorite product from the House of Saud: himself. But don’t get sucked into the media hype, seeded by well-paid PR firms, that the prince is a reformer who is bringing substantive change to the kingdom.

MbS, as he is known from his initials, is really a brutal bully responsible for bombing and starving Yemenis. He’s also gunning for a war with Iran, blaming Iran for the Middle East turmoil. Meanwhile, he recklessly imposed a blockade of Qatar that has divided the Gulf States and tried to force a bizarre showdown with Hezbollah in Lebanon by holding Prime Minister Hariri hostage. Recent reports reveal that he has even been holding his own mother under house arrest, hidden from her husband King Salman, for fear she would stand in the way of her son’s ruthless power grab.

Yes, it is true that MbS is making some positive reforms.

But these reforms are minor in the larger picture of a kingdom that brooks no dissent internally and is committing war crimes abroad. According to Human Rights Watch, “Mohammed bin Salman’s well-funded image as a reformist falls flat in the face of Yemen’s humanitarian catastrophe and scores of activists and political dissidents languishing in Saudi prisons on spurious charges. Baby steps on women’s rights reforms don’t paper over Saudi Arabia’s systemic abuses.”

The prince’s most destructive policy is his war on Yemen

The prince will certainly use his visit to shore up support for the war, painting it as a fight against the Iran-backed Houthis rather than Saudi interference in Yemen’s internal affairs.

To consolidate his power at home before the death of his father, King Salman, MbS has just pulled off a heist that would make bank robber Butch Cassidy green with envy.

The whole affair was framed as a fight against corruption, but all transactions were conducted in secret and outside the law. Those who have been released are banned from travel and are afraid to denounce bin Salman for fear of further reprisals.

So don’t be fooled. Beneath the veneer of reform is a young man who believes that his bloodline gives him the right to become the next absolute monarch in a family that has ruled the nation with an iron fist since its founding in 1932. The Saudi kingdom is still governed by an intolerant version of Islam, Wahhabism, and spreads that ideology around the world. The government still represses the Shia minority and non-Muslims, and remains a country where atheism is a capital offense and all churches are banned. Free speech and free association are forbidden. There are no national elections and political parties are banned, as are unions and most civic organizations. Criticizing the Saudi regime can lead to flogging, harsh jail sentences or beheading.

While Saudi Arabia will soon lose the distinction of being the only country in the world where women can’t drive, the regime continues to be the world’s most misogynist, gender-segregated country – by Medea Benjamin =

(A P)

Saudischer Kronprinz: Frauen sollen selbst über Kleidung entscheiden

Kronprinz Salman bricht zu einer einwöchigen Promo-Tour in die USA auf und gab zuvor dem US-Sender CBS ein ausführliches Interview, in dem er seinen Reformer-Kurs erklärt.

Der reformorientierte saudische Kronprinz will Frauen keine Verhüllung von Kopf und Gesicht und keine langen schwarzen Roben (Abaya) mehr vorschreiben. Die Gesetze auch des islamischen Scharia-Rechts seien in der Frage sehr klar.

und ähnlich, ausführlicher, mehr Info: =

und auch

Mein Kommentar: Dürftig. Orientieren Sie sich besser auf Englisch. Die Beschreibung von Prinz Salman als “reformorientiert” gibt die Richtung des Artikels schon vor.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s heir to the throne talks to 60 minutes

In his first interview with an American television network, Mohammed bin Salman shared his thoughts on Iran, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, his country's troubled past and its hopeful future.

Known by his initials -- "M-B-S" -- his reforms inside Saudi Arabia have been revolutionary. He is emancipating women, introducing music and cinema and cracking down on corruption, in a land with 15,000 princes. But selling Saudi Arabia won't be easy. In his first interview with an American television network, he was eager to discuss his country's promise and its troubled reputation head-on.

[Full transcript and film]

and parts of the interview:

and these are main points picked out:
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Everything you need to know about Saudi crown prince's first U.S. TV interview

Answering questions from O’Donnell, the 32-year-old prince addressed a range of issues including women's rights and regional tensions.

and these are the points Saudi media picked out:

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Saudi's crown prince speaks out on his country's reforms, troubled reputation

In first US interview, MBS discusses Saudi's problems and promise on '60 Minutes'

In his first interview with an American television network, he was eager to discuss his country's promise and its troubled reputation head-on.

The following are quotations from an interview he gave to CBS News on Sunday’s 60 Minutes programme.

The war in Yemen

Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia has been warring for three years with Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who the prince maintains are backed by predominantly Shia Iran, Bloomberg News said. Thousands have died in air strikes and from a naval blockade that impeded humanitarian aid.

Bin Salman said the rebels have launched missiles at his nation’s capital, Riyadh, and that the US wouldn’t tolerate comparable attacks on its cities from, for example, Mexico. Still, when asked to acknowledge the Yemeni death toll, the prince called the situation painful while shifting responsibility for it to the enemy.

“I hope that this militia ceases using the humanitarian situation to their advantage in order to draw sympathy from the international community,” he said. “They block humanitarian aid in order to create famine and a humanitarian crisis.”

The role of women

Prince Mohammed has implemented some reforms on women's rights, loosening clothing restrictions, pushing for greater participation in the workforce, and, significantly, lifting a ban on women driving.

But guardianship laws, which require women to seek the permission of male relatives for a host of activities, remain in place.

Roots of Saudi extremism

The prince acknowledged Saudi society was dominated by a particularly harsh strain of conservative Islam, which he traces back to 1979, the year of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the seizure by militants of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

"We were victims, especially my generation that suffered from this a great deal," he said.

"This is not the real Saudi Arabia. I

The purge

He defended at length his anti-corruption purge which saw many of the kingdom's princes and tycoons detained for several weeks inside Riyadh's luxurious Ritz-Carlton hotel - widely seen as an attempt to cement his grip on power.

His personal wealth

The prince has been accused of hypocrisy over his opulent lifestyle at a time his government is preaching greater austerity of its citizens and has imposed new taxes.

He was recently revealed as the owner of a French chateau described as the world's most expensive home, according to a report in the New York Times.

But he insisted his wealth was a private matter.

My comment: For critics, se below. Just one point: Saudi extremism does not date back to 1979. It dates back to 1744, when the Saudi clan and the founder of Wahabism agred to a close alliance – which lasts up unteil today. Wahabism – and this is religious extremism and sectarianism – means the DNA of Saudi Arabia.

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Saudi Prince Defends Yemeni Bombing Campaign as U.S. Tour Starts

Middle Eastern nation caught in Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy war

Iran accused of arming rebels who topppled Yemeni government

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman defended his country’s bombing campaign in Yemen at the outset of a U.S. tour to generate good will for his nation, accusing rebel forces of exploiting the situation there to win sympathy from the international community.

The prince spoke about his nation’s relationship with Iran during an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” that airs on Sunday. The interview covered topics ranging from easing strict adherence to Islamic orthodoxy in his country to and nuclear arms.

Bin Salman said the rebels have launched missiles at his nation’s capital, Riyadh, and that the U.S wouldn’t tolerate comparable attacks on its cities from, for example, Mexico. Still, when asked to acknowledge the Yemeni death toll, the prince called the situation painful while shifting responsibility for it to the enemy.

“I hope that this militia ceases using the humanitarian situation to their advantage in order to draw sympathy from the international community,” he said, according to a transcript provided by CBS. “They block humanitarian aid in order to create famine and a humanitarian crisis.”

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In '60 Minutes' Interview, Saudi Crown Prince Boasts Of $100 Billion From Anti-Corruption Roundup

In a wide-ranging interview with 60 Minutes, Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince and de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, said that he has so far netted vast sums from his anti-corruption crackdown. “The amount exceeds $100 billion,” he said, via interpreter.

He made no attempt to explain away how it’s wrong for some members of the royal family to allegedly steal billions from the government but ok for him to buy a $500 million yacht and a $300 million French chateau. Where can his money have come from if not from the state? “My personal life is something that I’d like to keep to myself,” he said. “As far as my private expenses — I’m a rich person, not a poor person.”

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Mohammed bin Salman suggests he is more Mother Theresa 'than Gandhi' in CBS interview

In his first American television interview ahead of a major tour to the US, Saudi Arabia's de-facto king Mohammed bin Salman has boasted of his wealth and magnanimity.

"I'm not [Mahatma] Gandhi or [Nelson] Mandela. I'm a member of the ruling family... We own very large lots of land," he added.

But MbS hastened to highlight his generosity.

"I... spend part of my personal income on charity. I spend at least 51 percent on people and 49 on myself," he claimed.

Remark: He does not mention Mother Theresa at all.

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Graft was costing Saudi govt $20bn a year: Crown Prince

The anti-graft crackdown initiated in Saudi Arabia recently was "extremely necessary" because roughly $20 billion of state funds was "disappearing" every year, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said in a US television interview.

In the interview aired by CBS television on Sunday, the crown prince said Saudi Arabia has recovered more than $100 billion so far in its crackdown against corruption, a report in Arab News said.

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Saudi Crown Prince’s Claims About Gender Equality Don’t Add Up

Mohammed bin Salman says he’s undoing decades of oppression, but women still lack equal rights.

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The CBS Interview With Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman Was a Crime Against Journalism

“AT JUST 32, Mohammed bin Salman seems fearless and determined. He has quickly become the most dominant Arab leader in a generation.”

That’s how “60 Minutes” began its interview with, and profile of, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, Sunday evening, ahead of his visit to the White House on Tuesday.

So why did the segment on MBS resemble more of an infomercial for the Saudi regime than a serious or hard-hitting interview? “His reforms inside Saudi Arabia have been revolutionary,” intoned correspondent Norah O’Donnell prior to the start of her exclusive sit-down with the crown prince in Riyadh. “He is emancipating women, introducing music and cinema, and cracking down on corruption.”

Move over Tom Friedman and David Ignatius — in O’Donnell, the Saudis seem to have found a new cheerleader within the U.S. press corps. Forget the Saudi bombardment and siege of Yemen, described by United Nations agencies as “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” which received a mere two minutes of coverage over the course of a 30-minute segment. Forget the horrific Saudi record of beheadings and stonings, which received zero coverage from the “60 Minutes” team in Riyadh. Instead, we were treated to O’Donnell oohing and aahing over the crown prince’s youthfulness, workaholism, and — lest we forget — support for women drivers.

The interview itself consisted of one softball question after another. (Example: “What’s been the big challenge?” Another example: “What did you learn from your father?”)

So, in a spirit of constructive criticism, and in an attempt to try and push back against the U.S. media’s bizarre love affair with MBS ahead of his D.C. visit …

Here are 10 much tougher, more relevant questions that “60 Minutes“ could and should have asked – by Mehdi Hasan

Comment: Not mincing words, @mehdirhasan punches CBS 60 minutes where it hurts, right in their softball questions to MBS - His alternative 10 questions are exactly what @NorahODonnell should've asked but was perhaps too star-struck to do so ...

(** A B P)

60 Minutes’ Embarrassing Interview with Mohammed bin Salman

The 60 Minutes interview with Mohammed bin Salman was predictably not very informative and served as little more than a platform for the crown prince to spread propaganda. Perhaps the most egregious failure by 60 Minutes was this summary of what has happened in Yemen:

The United Nations says thousands of civilian deaths in Yemen are the direct result of Saudi airstrikes and a blockade, since lifted, of Yemen’s port [bold mine-DL] that temporarily stopped food and medicine from getting to hundreds of thousands of people.

The coalition blockade has not been lifted, and it continues to block the delivery of commercial goods to Hodeidah as we speak.

It is bad enough that Yemen’s humanitarian crisis receives so little outside attention, but to misinform the public this badly on a major news program is inexcusable.

The interview mostly consisted of letting the crown prince offer up self-serving spin. His arguments for the intervention in Yemen were not countered or put in context, and there was absolutely no pushback on any of his assertions.

It is not surprising that Mohammed bin Salman is trying to shift the blame for the humanitarian crisis to everyone except his government and their allies, but his evasion prompts no relevant follow-up questions or challenges from the interviewer.

The average viewer tuning would come away from this interview knowing none of that.

O’Donnell’s follow-up to that exchange is even more embarrassing:

Norah O’Donnell: Is what’s happening in Yemen, essentially, a proxy war with Iran?

Mohammed bin Salman: Unfortunately, Iran is playing a harmful role. The Iranian regime is based on pure ideology. Many of the Al-Qaeda operatives are protected in Iran and it refuses to surrender them to justice, and continues to refuse to extradite them to the United States. This includes the son of Osama bin Laden, the new leader of Al-Qaeda. He lives in Iran and works out of Iran. He is supported by Iran.

It suits Mohammed bin Salman’s purposes to cast the war as a “proxy war with Iran,” but it isn’t accurate.

The absurdity of a representative of the Saudi government trying to link Al Qaeda and Iran speaks for itself. There is essentially nothing that he won’t say to mislead Americans into taking his side in regional rivalries. Once again, the interviewer doesn’t correct or challenge anything the crown prince says, but lets his statements stand.

If this were an interview with the de facto ruler of an adversary, we would not be watching this ridiculous kid gloves treatment of a known war criminal.

There is some news value in interviewing foreign leaders and getting them to explain themselves and their policies publicly. That can be informative, and it can help hold those leaders to account for their actions. There is no news value in giving a foreign leader a major news program to use as his megaphone to spread misinformation and lies. Unfortunately, 60 Minutes allowed itself to be used in just this way, and in so doing they have done a huge disservice to the American public and especially to the suffering people of Yemen – by Daniel Larison

and read what Saudi propaganda makes of it:

(* A P)

Saudis praise Crown Prince’s CBS interview as bold and inspiring

Saudis have been eagerly awaiting Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman’s interview with CBS 60 Minutes ever since it was announced.
As soon as the pre-recorded interview went on air late on Sunday, Saudis started sharing and praising the Crown Prince’s views on local, regional and international issues including Iran, Yemen, terrorism, corruption, education system, and women’s rights.
In his first interview with an American television network, Crown Prince Muhammad shared his thoughts on his country’s past and its hopeful future.

There is no doubt that Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is the leader of change whose vision needs support and encouragement, said Al-Enezi , who stayed up till late at night to watch the interview.

“The confidence in his tone and the vision that he brings make us hopeful that we’re in the right direction,” said Dr. Moutaz Hashim, who specializes in liver transplantation.

and this is critics from Iran – anyway, it’s realistic:

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Mohammed bin Salman's Self-Serving Spin on Yemen An Insult to Average Americans' Understanding

Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has just resorted the US media as a platform to spread propaganda and lies about what is happening in Yemen in an effort to mislead the public opinion, specially in the US, where his naiive lies seem to be more than anything else an insult to the knowledge and understanding of the American people and experts.

- Salman gave the false impression that the Houthi Ansarullah fighters are the ones that gutted Yemen after the resignation of pro-Saudi Hadi. He also blamed Ansarullah fighters as the principal cause of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Far from it. The Saudi blockade is the original problem of delaying and preventing the delivery of essential goods.

- Salman’s self-serving spin went even further. He claimed Houthis are using the humanitarian situation to their advantage in order to draw sympathy from the international community. He said they block humanitarian aid in order to create famine and a humanitarian crisis. Clearly, the man is desperate to shift the blame for the humanitarian crisis to everyone except his regime and their allies.

- The most shocking claim from Salman came when he accused Iran of playing a harmful role in the conflict. He even claimed the Al-Qaeda operatives are protected in Iran and it refuses to surrender them to justice, and continues to refuse to extradite them to the United States!

- Salman claimed resistance to the Saudi-led coalition is fueled by ideology, Iranian or otherwise. This is also inaccurate.

- Lastly, Salman claimed Iran is an aggressive regime in the region. Again, it is the Saudi regime and its allies that are engaging in an aggressive invasion of a neighboring country. Iran has never invaded any country for two centuries.

Taken together, the crown prince has a lot on his plate these days. He is only fooling himself when he says Riyadh has nothing to do with the unrelenting violence and catastrophic human suffering.

And this is the other large propaganda of the day:

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The WSJ’s Pathetic Case for Supporting the War on Yemen

The Wall Street Journal has distinguished itself for promoting pro-Saudi and pro-Emirati propaganda about the war on Yemen, gushing over Mohammed bin Salman, and for credulous reporting on the war and the humanitarian crisis it has created. Now their editors rail against S.J.Res. 54 because it threatens to put an end to the war they have supported for three years.

The WSJ editorial does its best to duck the real issues at stake while casting baseless aspersions at opponents of an indefensible war. U.S. involvement in the war is unauthorized by Congress, and it does constitute engaging in hostilities. U.S. refueling of coalition planes makes our government a party to the conflict, and it means that our military is engaged in hostilities against the coalition’s enemies even if they are not directly involved in the fighting.

The Saudi-led coalition is responsible for most of the war’s civilian casualties. The claim that their “targeting has improved thanks to U.S. intelligence and training” ignores that the coalition has frequently targeted civilian structures and infrastructure on purpose.

The editorial is called “the Senate’s Iran helpers,” but that is as dishonest as can be. Refusing to support the Saudis and their allies in their atrocious war does not make anyone a “helper” of Iran. One has to buy into Saudi propaganda without thinking to make the accusation in the first place. The WSJ‘s simplistic and inaccurate sectarian framing of the conflict might as well come from the Saudi government itself.

If anyone has been helping Iran, it is Mohammed bin Salman and his senseless efforts to “oppose” Iranian influence by destroying Yemen, a country where Iran has negligible influence. He has not only plunged his country into an unwinnable war at great expense, but he has given Iran an easy way to bleed Saudi and Emirati resources while doing almost nothing.

Not surprisingly, the editorial never once mentions that Yemen suffers from the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in large part because of the Saudi-led war and blockade. Indeed, the words humanitarian crisis, blockade, and famine never once appear in their pathetic pro-Saudi screed.

For their part, the editors claim that the resolution’s co-sponsors “are indifferent to these strategic stakes,” but the truth is that opponents of the war on Yemen are paying much closer attention to the effects of the war on regional security and U.S. interests than its supporters are. The only beneficiaries of continuing the Saudi-led war on Yemen are Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Iran.

The WSJ editors complain that passing S.J.Res. 54 “would also needlessly insult Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,” but the rebuke is very much needed and appropriately timed. Mohammed bin Salman would like very much if he can seek out foreign investors and cultivate American support without having to face awkward questions about how his government is causing civilian casualties and mass starvation in Yemen. As one of the chief architects of the failed war on Yemen, he should not be allowed to come to the U.S. without having to face intense scrutiny for what he and his allies have done there

The editors have no problem with the misguided Young-Shaheen resolution because they understand that it poses no threat to continuing U.S. support for the Saudi-led war. It is “fine” as far as they are concerned, because it is completely toothless and will have no impact on the war. That should make it very clear to all senators that the only resolution worth supporting is S.J.Res. 54, because that is the only resolution that can end U.S. support for the war on Yemen – by Daniel Larison

referring to

(* A P)

The Senate’s Iran Helpers

A Senate coalition tries to hamstring U.S. aid for the Saudis in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia finally has a young leader pushing social and economic reform, fighting Iran’s attempt to dominate the Middle East, and even cooperating quietly with Israel. Wouldn’t you know now would be the time that a left-right coalition in Congress wants to snub this ally by pretending to be commanders in chief.

Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders, Utah Republican Mike Lee and Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy are pressing for a Senate vote on a resolution “to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities...

Saudi Arabia finally has a young leader pushing social and economic reform, fighting Iran’s attempt to dominate the Middle East, and even cooperating quietly with Israel. Wouldn’t you know now would be the time that a left-right coalition in Congress wants to snub this ally by pretending to be commanders in chief – by Editorial Board (subscribers only)

Comment: In which @WSJ ignores story re: people laying 5000 flowers on the Capitol lawn for each dead child US bombs / fuel have killed in #Yemen & instead steals our event photo for its article calling us agents of a hostile foreign government. Cool. (photo)

My comment: This article certainly is an extreme low of US political discussion – blaming the promoters and supporters of the Lee / Sanders bill in this way. This reminds the worst days of McCarthyism. This article also shows that Yemen, the Yemenis, their misery and catastrophe do not mind at all for the US establishment. They are totally focused on Iran – the whole region is seen through the distorted US anti-Iranian paranoia lens. The only thing that matters is confronting Iran; Yemen does not matter.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(B K P)

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman 'can end Yemen conflict'

The West must use its diplomatic leverage to ensure the Saudis bring the Yemen conflict to an end, Keith Vaz, British MP and chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Yemen, told DW.

My comment: One more weak statement that explains little and achieves nothing.

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The UAE’s Role in Yemen

For years Dubai-based DP World has been providing Saudi Arabian ports with marine and trade solutions, maintenance, logistics and more. While tension erupted between the UAE and Saudi Arabia regarding their coalition in Yemen, DP World garnered a majority of its wealth from Yemen’s Aden port in 2008. The importance of South Yemen is due to the Bab El Mandab Strait which is a junction for 3.8 million barrels trading via the Red Sea which is critical for the UAE as well.

However, capturing the Port of Aden city was not enough to satisfy the UAEs hunger to be a world superpower in the energy sector, Djibouti and Eritrea were approached to lease their ports too. Nevertheless, Eritrea already shares a part of its land with the UAE where its military base exists and Djibouti promptly denied.

Despite having a military base, the UAE came up with the proposal to have ports in Eritrea and neighboring Djibouti. It was clear that the agenda for the UAE was to gain an advantage over Yemen and weaken it.

Having ports around one of the busiest sea trading routes would mean expanding business all over the region.

The UAE played it smart while Saudi stuck to its agenda of driving out Houthis and became the target of the backlash from human rights organizations namely Amnesty UK and Human Rights Watch. It is certain that the UAE was actually driving the coalition.

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The Saudi War in Yemen Is Strengthening Terrorism

Saudi Arabia’s U.S.-backed military campaign in Yemen, now almost three years old, not only drives the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, but also deepens the terrorist threat to the United States.

Ending a humanitarian crisis of this scale is reason enough to ramp up U.S. diplomatic leadership on Yemen. But the country’s connection with international terrorism also demands a renewed American push to end the war.

U.S. airstrikes against terrorist targets in Yemen have failed to diminish the threat.

As we should have learned in Afghanistan and Iraq, neither we nor Saudi Arabia can bomb our way to victory. Extremists prosper in ungoverned spaces and amid war’s misery and deprivation.

The civilian casualties from the Saudi campaign and U.S.-Saudi ties risk creating a generation of Yemeni civilians who see the United States as an enemy

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Humanities Shortfall: Yemen Crisis

Quick history lesson, due to political turmoil the country of Yemen which was already one of the poorest country in the Middle East, feel into trenches of deeper conflict.

Cost of War

Beginning of a conflict means, basic humanitarian rights go for a toss. In Yemen we see a stark situation where in both the sides are actively violating human rights.

Coming ‘Home’

It’s hard to worry about political issues and the right way of governance when you are afraid for your life and the safety of your loved ones. The unprecedented violence triggered large-scale migration in Yemen.

Children are our Future?

During an on-going conflict, education often becomes a luxury. In a situation where everyone is struggling to survive, schooling takes a back step for obvious reason. But the problem arises when the studies never resume.

The thing about war is that it does not discriminate against people, it treats everyone equally which means children are often collateral damage in such times of conflicts. In a war, one of the tactic is to cut the enemies access to basic supplies. Something that can be seen in the tactics employed by the warning sides. In fact, according to the United Nations the dire situation in Yemen has been a man-made disaster.

Final Thoughts

The sad part of the above situation is how desensitized we are to these issues. Death of hundreds of people on a foreign soil doesn’t even make blimp on the radar for us. As long as we are not directly engaged in the conflict, we remain oblivious. The issues that haunts generation of people, doesn’t even become part of a dinner table conversations in most households over the world since international media is not giving the issues faced by people in Yemen enough spotlight.

The situation in Yemen, turned form a political revolt to an ongoing crisis that changed the very landscape of the entire country. The current generation faces all those horrible issues that a war brings. Basic survival is a daily struggle and the future is bleaker than the present. For most people there is no logical end to this conflict. Victory on either side would be loss for humanity as the list of war crimes committed by both sides is a mound of misery. The settlement that, most believe would come after both sides comprise seems like a difficult bargain as the scale of the destruction keeps increasing.

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Interactive Map of Yemen

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Yemen’s Fault Lines

The Saudi-led coalition originally said its intervention was aimed at compelling the Houthis to return to the political discussions they earlier abandoned. It hasn’t worked yet. The Saudis also justify military action as a response to aggression by Iran, which they paint as the Houthis’ master. Independent observers say that’s an exaggeration — that the Houthis receive aid from Iran but don’t dance to its tune. If the Arab intervention was meant to bring stability to Yemen in the long-term, it’s having the opposite effect in the short run.

Remark: A short introduction.

(A K P)

Film: '#GulfShield 1' joint exercise kicks off in #SaudiArabia with forces from 22 nations.

My comment: Kinship with baby killers.

(* B K)

Interactive: The Missile War in Yemen

In March 2015, the Gulf Cooperation Council, led by Saudi Arabia, launched Operation Decisive Storm in order to bolster the internationally recognized Yemeni government led by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. Since then, Houthi rebels within Yemen have launched a significant number of short-range ballistic missiles towards Saudi Arabia and other GCC military installations. Despite major efforts to negate Houthi ballistic missile assets through airstrikes, the tempo of ballistic missile activity does not appear to have abated.

This map shows the relative intensity of missile and missile defense-related activity across the Arabian Gulf which has occurring as part of the ongoing Yemen conflict. Beginning in June 2015, the bulk of these incidents have occurred along Yemen-Saudi border around the cities of Najran, Jizan and Abha.

Remark: Double click at the points on the map.

My comment: This is misleading, beginning from the headline. “Missile War” and “Missile Threat” taken seriously, must include the missiles (bombs) fired by both sides of the conflict. Thus, why Saudi coalition air raids against Yemen are missing? What about giving a read colour to all attacks having caused human losses, and enlarging the points according to the number of those killed? How would Yemen look like in such a map? – And: It is fact that Houthi ballistic missile strikes began AFTER the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen. Intervention was not launched in self-defense but to control Yemen's future.

Comment: Saudi/US claiming 'Missile Threat'. Nothing less. US and Coalition seem to playing the victims' role so well.

(B K P)

There Are Possibilities to Make Peace Between Riyadh, Houthis in Yemen – Scholar

Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Dr. Stig Hansen, an associate professor of International Relations at the University of Life Sciences in Oslo, assumed that Riyadh is seeking to get out of the Yemeni quagmire.

There is a fragmentation amongst Saudi allies on the ground that might just encourage Saudi Arabia to try to negotiate with the Houthis and take advantage of an opportunity to, perhaps, get out of this quagmire, because it's really a quagmire for Saudi Arabia 8with interview in audio)

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Why Yemen's Nearly 3-Year-Old Civil War Remains Mostly Out Of Headlines

Yemen has been in a war that is being fought, in large part, by regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran. Steve Inskeep travels to the frontlines to meet with fighters and displaced civilians.

GREENE: So the U.N. calls this the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, which, I mean, says a lot, given the world we live in today. Why is Yemen mostly not in the headlines?

INSKEEP: Partly that it's so remote, on the end of the Arabian Peninsula - desert on one side, water on the other. It's really dangerous to visit, and the combatants limit access to journalists. Now, there is powerful reporting out of Yemen. Don't get me wrong. But it gets lost in other news. And it's worth a deeper look because of what the U.N. says. Most of the country - maybe 17 million people, David - face food shortages or disease or economic devastation as well as war.

[transcript of an interview, very superficial, and this would be the most polite commentary] (subscribers only; subscribing did not work)

Comment: This really is an odd explanation for the missing of coverage.

Comment: Because most media outlets ignore it

My comment to comment: Oh yes – so simple truth can be.

(B P)

End the crazy war on Yemen

The war on Yemen is senseless, aimless and futile. It will fail to realize the Saudi goals. The coalition has not been able to gain a considerable victory against Houthis who are mostly in north Yemen.

If the Soviets with much greater military power could have won the war against the Afghan rebels in the 1980s or if the U.S. and NATO, now after 17 years, could have defeated the Taliban, now Saudi Arabia could be hopeful that it would bring the Houthis to their knees.

This failure is despite the fact that the United States and Britain have been providing intelligence and logistical support, including aerial refueling, for the coalition.

Even suppose that the Saudi-led coalition wins the war against the Houthis and installs the Mahdi government, then how could that government survive when a proportionate segment of the population is against his rule!

Saudi Arabia can no longer look at its southern poor neighbor as an inferior and punish it if a considerable number of its population defy Riyadh’s orders.

Summarily speaking, the Yemen war is a quagmire for the Saudis.

Remark: From Iran.

(A P)

In a Saudi War Room, Generals Grapple With Ways to Protect Civilians in Yemen

Debate flares over U.S. support for deadly campaign as crown prince heads to Washington

Maj. Gen. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi stands in the middle of Saudi Arabia’s war room and points to a white truck driving across a live drone feed from Yemen nearly 1,000 miles away.

“Look,” he says as the truck silently kicks up dust while passing a small compound, “there is a group of fighters hiding right there that we are watching, but we let him drive away. We’ll watch for hours, days sometimes, and not strike to protect civilians.” – By

Dion Nissenbaum (subscribers only)


My comment: This sounds like propaganda, just in time for MBS’ visit to the US. Have a look, the Saudis do care so much for not hitting civilians… Reality is different. Let’s stay with cars. The civilian cars deliberately bombed by the Saudis hardly can be counted any more. If a car is hit, there is little chance to escape alive… – And several times, when the Saudis seemed to target a car on the road, they had waited just for the one moment when this car had entered a village or town, and just was passing by a market crowded at this very time; and the bomb hit them all. Oh, we are so sorry for this mistake! Might be we once send dates instead. – That’s about the author:

and read this:

(* B K P)

The Indiscriminate Bombing of Yemen and the Failure of Western Media

The Wall Street Journal published a […]report that tries to put the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign in the most positive light possible:

The article leaves out many of the most important facts about the bombing campaign, and in so doing presents a very lopsided account of what the coalition has been doing to Yemen over the last three years.

When a major American newspaper publishes a report that fails to include any Yemeni perspective of a bombing campaign carried out against their country, that makes it easier for Americans to ignore the consequences of the war that their government enables and it makes it very easy for supporters of that war to argue for continued U.S. backing. When Western media outlets obscure the true nature of the coalition bombing campaign, they are misleading their audiences and failing to tell the whole story.

For starters, the report fails to mention that the coalition has deliberately and systematically targeted the country’s economic infrastructure and food production

Another significant omission from the article is that Saudi-led coalition bombing has hit civilian targets more than 30% of the time, and that may be a conservative estimate.

Perhaps the most glaring omission is the failure to mention what the coalition has done to Saada in northern Yemen. The coalition illegally declared the entire area a military target and has made no effort to avoid hitting civilian structures there. As far as the coalition is concerned, everything in Saada can be targeted with impunity – by Daniel Larison

(* B K)

Film: Yémen : la guerre oubliée

France 2 s'est rendue au coeur du conflit qui fait rage depuis trois ans entre l'Arabie saoudite, les troupes loyalistes du Yémen et les rebelles Houtis.

Dans ce décor aride, c'est l'armée yéménite qui escorte les journalistes. À tous les instants, depuis les crêtes où ils sont repliés, les rebelles peuvent cibler les véhicules en contrebas. Au bout du chemin, on trouve Taïz, la troisième ville du pays.

Trois ans de combats ont martyrisé les rues de la cite

(* B K P)

US, Britain Are Gutting Yemen for Saudi Arabia, Heading Into Dangerous Waters

Despite bogus reports by “fakestream” media in the West, this near-three-year conflict is not a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, nor is it a real war between former President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and the Houthi Ansarullah resistance movement. It’s a war of choice by Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Israel against the people of Yemen based on regional designs.

Indeed, it is the illegal military invasion of Hadi's backers - a Saudi-led coalition of Arab states supported by the US, Britain, Israel and others that has drawn the most vehement international criticism and condemnation.

To that end, the US and Britain have been intimately involved in prosecuting the war, supplying weapons, logistical help and diplomatic support to their longtime regional vassal Saudi Arabia and its coalition.

Nevertheless, the civilized world can and should push for Washington and London to face action for aiding and abetting the Saudi war crimes in this unjustified campaign.

It just doesn’t help for American and British officials to distance themselves from civilian casualties, claiming that they have no involvement in the choice of airstrike targets and are not engaged in direct combat.

In any case, it’s not that difficult to prosecute the US or the UK at the International Criminal Court in The Hague despite their massive pressure against any ICC investigation.

The ICC can and should overcome strong opposition from Saudi Arabia, the United States and Britain to launch an investigation which is long overdue.

Remark: This is from Iran.

(* B K)

Photo: This is how Kalabh area, east of the city of #Taiz looks like following a three-year of ongoing #war, where public and private properties were #destructed and the city has become unpopulated after it was a vibrant place.

(* A K P)

Official warns against using Yemen as int’l conflict field

An official at Foreign Ministry warned that known international powers are trying to use Yemen as a field for proxy wars to create an international conflict, which is not in interest of the country or the Arab peninsula and Gulf states.
In a statement to Saba, the official said the statement of US Defence Secretary, Jim Mattis, on Thursday comes within this framework.
The official explained that the US military leadership tries to put its problems with Iran in a beforehand designed international framework accuses the Islamic Republic of Iran of using Yemeni territories, waters and borders a theater for testing its ballistic missiles and marine mines as well as financing and stirring up the war tacking place in the Yemeni territories since three years.

My comment: From Houthi government. It’ s simply true.

(? B K P)

Audio: Yemen: One War or Three?

Featuring Kate Kizer, Emma Ashford, and A. Trevor Thrall

We discuss the ongoing war in Yemen and U.S. involvement with Kate Kizer from Win Without War.

Guest bio: Kate Kizer

Council on Foreign Relations Yemen Backgrounder

Cato’s John Glaser on Yemen

What the President Should Do in Yemen =

Comment: excellent discussion

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

(* B H)

Film: Children on the front line of Yemen's war

Former child soldiers, a landmine survivor and an internally displaced child tell their stories.

They come from parts of Yemen controlled by different parties to the war.

(A H)

In this community in Al Mahweet #Yemen women's daily chore is to fetch water. It means girls miss school. Not anymore. Red markings show rain water harvesting tanks built by community with support from (photos)

(* B H)

Film: Child marriage, girls in Yemen

(* A H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 12 March – 18 March 2018 | Issue 7

Diphtheria vaccination campaign targets 2.7 million children

National and international partners have completed a large-scale vaccination campaign with the aim to control the spread of diphtheria in Yemen. Targeting nearly 2.7 million children aged six weeks to 15 years in 11 governorates, the campaign focused on locations reporting suspected cases of diphtheria and areas at high risk of spread of the infectious respiratory disease.


(A H)

This week, 3 aid planes carrying 59 tons of essential medicines and medical supplies landed in Sana’a Airport, #Yemen. The supplies, provided by WHO and the @WorldBank, contain trauma kits, laboratory reagents, antibiotics, blood bags and interagency emergency health kits. (photo)

(A H)

#Sanaa: a happy moment

Executive Director of the Fund for the Welfare and Rehabilitation of the Disabled People, Engineer Mohmmed Aldailmy, with students from the Challenge Association for the care and rehabilitation of disabled women yesterday. (photos)

(A H)

Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (as of December 2017)

UNDP has partnered with the Social Fund for Development (SFD) to implement the US$ 11,200,000 USAID-funded Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (YECRP) to create employment opportunities, restore delivery of key health and education services, and revive the agriculture sector, thereby building the resilience of vulnerable local households and communities amidst Yemen ongoing crisis.

(A H)

Real time pictures Jewish minority members in #Yemen receiving now monthly food aid packages from @monarelief Our project was funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign.

(* B H)

Despite conflict and hardship in Yemen, 45-year-old Amt- Al Salam is making exceptional efforts to cope with the situation and to fight all norms. With every step she took she was opening a petal one by one. This is her inspiring story.

My shop is in the middle of a market and surrounded by shops owned by men. Recalling the first day I went to the shop and opened it by myself, my heart was racing so fast; my hands were shaking and I literally stumbled every time I was trying to open the door. I felt like everyone was looking at me but I finally managed to open the door. As time passed, I got used to it and I open the shop everyday by myself. This time I opened the petal of confidence.

A year later, I heard about CARE’s Women Economic Empowerment program. My application was accepted, and I received trainings in microfinance, marketing, and life skills.

(B H)

Saudi ambassador said his country has delivered fuel to hospitals in all Yemeni cities. Perhaps you know only 45% of Yemen's hospitals are fully functional after 3 yrs of war. Many shut down bcz of shortages of supplies. 16.4 ml ppl require adequate healthcare-10 ml in acute need

Comment: Provided fuel to the few hospitals left by you guys (45% of hospital left in all rhe country ) is like torturing someone for days then giving a glass of water and saying "you see we care about you "

(B H)

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in Yemen in 2015, providing vital communications services to humanitarians and adapting its activities to urgently meet the evolving needs of responders on the ground.

Jennie Musto, WHO incident manager for the cholera and diphtheria outbreaks, says that she relies on ETC Internet connectivity services in the EOC in Sana’a and outside the compound. She explains that each cholera treatment facility in the field uses a line list – a document that includes medical information on each sick individual - to help keep track of an outbreak and report to higher government levels and the EOC.

“WFP and ETC services are essential to our work as they provide daily support and allow us to conduct video conferences with hubs in the field. In a context like Yemen, it is not always smooth sailing but ETC services are invaluable to us,” says Jennie.

(* B E H)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Government of Yemen: Monthly Market Monitoring Bulletin (February 2018)

Imported food commodities: Nationally, the monthly average retail prices of all monitored imported basic food commodities continued showing an increased trend. Price of 1 kg Rice (average price of both Basmati and Non-Basmati) had the highest increase of 4% compared to January prices.

Food and Non-food Supply and Availability: At the time of reporting, supply and availability of imported key food commodities in nearly all monitored governorates were mostly stable. Imported wheat grains and non-basmati rice were scarcely available in Aden and Al Baidha. Live chicken was scarcely available in Mukalla. Availability of all food and non-food commodities in Sana'a City, Ibb, Dhamar, Hodeida, Hajjah, Shabwah and Hadramout markets had relatively improved compared to previous month.

Fuel Commodities: The national average price of both Diesel and Petrol increased slightly (2%) compared to January

(A H)

Photo: People wait to fill their cooking gas cylinders outside a gas filling station in #Sanaa, #Yemen The price of gas Cylinder has increased by almost 500%. 1 gas cylinder costs :7000 Yemeni Rial, and people are without Salaries for more than 18 months.

(* B H)

Film: Saudi war badly affects life of Yemeni fishermen

Fishermen are among the groups that have been targeted by the Saudi-led coalition. Press TV's correspondent Mohammed Al-Attab has traveled to the Red Sea port of Hudayda to file this report. =

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen UNHCR Update, 28 Feb – 13 March 2018

22.2 million people in need

2,014,026 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

89 per cent of IDPs displaced for more than a year

956,076 IDP returnees

(* B H)

Film: From #Hodeidah and #Zabid: the apocalyptic conditions of the internally displaced who have only the NGOs and charity groups to sustain them

(A H)

Yemen: Al Hudaydah / Taizz Displacement Update (11 March -15 March 2018)

(B H)

Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report with UNHCR - 28 February 2018

11,122 refugees from Yemen.

(* A H P)

Yemen to free 800 African undocumented migrants

Colonel Khaled al-Ulvani, head of the Department of Refugees and Migration Issues, which is part of the ministry, told Anadolu Agency that the minister called them and instructed the freedom of more than 800 African migrants being held at the refugee center in Aden governorate's al-Buraiqeh district.

Al-Ulvani said the minister requested the evacuation of the refugee center and suspended the activities of it.

However, al-Ulvani warned that there are AIDS patients among the African migrants and some of them are also suspected to be members of Daesh and Al-Qaeda terror groups.

He added that therefore freeing them could cause a threat to the social peace and security in the city. =


(* A H P)

What Will Happen To The Over 800 African Refugees in #Aden Soon To Be Released from Brega Centre?

For years, the Yemeni Ministry of the Interior has been holding these refugees in the deportation center of the city of Brega (west) because of illegal entry into the country.
Al-Alwani pointed out that the Minister also ordered him to "evacuate the Brega deportation center and suspend its activities."

In the same context, Al-Alwani pointed to the Minister's suspension of the nutrition allowance for refugees, as a means of pressuring the Chamber to release them.
"We had to provide snacks from restaurants and bakeries for out of personal effort" he said.
Al-Alwani warned that if funds continue to be cut, he will be forced to carry out orders to release the refugees, adding the consequences of the decision.
The implementation of the resolution, according to the same official, would pose a threat to security and social peace in the city

(A H)

Security Belt Forces in Shakra Seizes a Van Full of Africans

Security belt forces seized a van full of Africans in Shakra – Abian. A security sources of the security belt forces indicated that Karn Al-Kalasy post – Shakra, managed to seize a van full of Ethiopians coming from Lahj through Al-Harour road, west of Jear

Remark: “Security belt”: UAE-backed pro-separatist Yemeni militia.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A P)

Black markets enriching Houthis

The black markets that Houthis run in the capital Sana'a and other parts of north Yemen have turned the Shia Islamist warlords into rich businessmen, economists and observers are saying.

The rebels have been restricting the supply of various fuel products from cooking gas to petrol to the black markets which they run from behind the scenes.

While Yemenis especially public servicemen in the Houthi-held territories are more than one year behind their pay and the residents of Sana'a city are restoring to timber and cardboard to cook their food, the rebels garner YR 120 billion a month from these black markets, economists say.

One economic source told al-Quds Al-Arabi daily that the de facto rulers of Sana'a use part of these illicit gains and the public revenues to cover the war expenses and save another part in their bank accounts.

My comment: This is by anti-Houthi Islah Party website, but looking at other reports, this seems to be realistic. But if you think that in Southern Yemen, at the side of the hadi government, things would be better and there would be less corruption, you are wrong.

(* A P)

Fatah denounces Houthi blockade of al-Sha'er

The Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Relief Abdu al-Raqib Fatah has condemned the Houthi imposed blockade on al-Sha'er district in Ibb province.

The rebel militia has been laying a siege of gunmen around the district for days now, kidnapping its civilian population and evicting them out of their villages by force.

In a statement to the sate-run news agency, Fatah called this "a crime against humanity."

(* A P)

#Houthi gunmen stormed the house of Ali al-Siyani located in the 50 Street in #Sanaa and killed two of his sons (Zakaria-Osama) and injured another one. Al-Siyani is from Sanhan tribe. Elders&dignitaries of the tribe consider the incident a crime. (photos)

(A P)

Photo: Houthi wallpainting at Sanaa .

The anti-Houthi text given with it is a bad joke: The insistence of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi and the leaders of his group on the staining of old Sanaa and the rest of Yemeni cities in such a distorted and ugly form indicates that they are a group of mentally handicapped and living outside the context of the age: That’s blaming the Houthis to paint the walls at old Sanaa instead of blaming the Saudis for bombing them into ruins.

(A P)

President meets with a number of women leaders in Sanaa

(A E H)

#Sanaa: 'Touch Wood', literally.
Many residents of the Yemeni capital have been hoping to find domestic gas, notwithstanding the price rise of gas cylinders but with no luck
In the meantime, the Yemeni capital has become a large firewood market, a paralyzed city with a growing crisis and panic over its inhabitants from an uncertain future in one of the country's most populous cities.
Gas stations in Sanaa have been closed since Wednesday, February 28, 2018, as a result of a price dispute between the Houthis and major gas traders. (photo)

My comment: Soon, there will be no more trees to cut.

(A E H)

Domestic #gas crisis still rages on in the capital #Sanaa as the #Houthis continue to adopt multiple plans, through which they could provide gas to their loyalists (photos)


(A H P)

Fuad Rajeh: Cooking gas crisis persists in Yemen's capital Sanaa. Only citizens can't find gas, while Houthi militants have it in large quantities.

(B K P)

Houthis recruit hundreds of school boys to a Sana'a military camp

Houthis have recruited hundreds of boys students from different schools in the capital Sana'a to Raymat Humeid, a military camp in Sana'a outskirt.

The Defense Ministry's website said the rebel militiamen are training the boys in that camp and in other sites close to Sarwah, a warfront in the neighboring province of Marib.

Remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi Islah Party website.

(* B P)

20 checkpoints from Yemen's capital Sanaa to adjacent city Amran run by 60 children under 12. For those who don't know who rules where in Yemen: they're Houthi checkpoints. Houthis have deployed children to most of checkpoints in their regions as they continue to recruit children referring to

(B P)

Photo: Houthi propaganda at Sanaa

(A K P)

This was the youngest Houthi militia soldier in Yemen

The youngest victim amongst the chain of little recruits is Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah Saber, 13.

The Houthi militia took Saber without his parents’ knowledge. The fresh-teenager was taken to the Saudi border, specifically Jizan, where he took his last breath.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A H P)

King Salman Center for Humanitarian Aids Distributes 22273 Food Baskets on Al-Khoukha and Heis at Al-Hodeida

(A P)

Adan Security Chief Meets Peter Sminby, Swedish Ambassador to Yemen

General Shallal Ali Shaia, chief of Adan Security Department met the Swedish ambassador to Yemen, Mr. Peter Sminby. After welcoming the Swedish ambassador, Shaia discussed with him in details the efforts of Adan security forces, supported by the Arab Coalition and UAE, in securing the city and its districts.

(A P)

Abu Yamam Heads a Security Force to Senah – Al-Dalea

Security belt forces arrived to Senah – Al-Dalea on Monday March 19th, 2018

My comment: These two reports from the Southern separatists again show who really rules in Southern Yemen: It’s not the Hadi government but the UAE-backed separatists and their militia (Security belt).


(A P)

Emirati-backed al Hizam Security Forces deployed from Aden, southern Yemen to al Dhaleh governorate, central Yemen to extend their purview on March 19. Local security forces initially opposed the the entry of the forces into al Dhaleh but conceded after the local forces and al Hizam forces reached an agreement to coordinate security efforts.[3]


(A P T)

The Security Belt Forces today started their deployment in the Dhala province as part of their mission to ensure the #safety and #security of the recently liberated areas in collaboration with the #Yemeni police forces. (photo)

My comment: “Security Belt” are UAE-backed pro-separatists militia. Bullying the people and committing human rights violations. The text above sounds quite like propaganda; it shows anyway that the Hadi government has no more power at all.

(* A P)

Yemeni officials: UAE-backed force expanding reach in south

Yemeni security officials say local forces backed by the United Arab Emirates are expanding their reach in the country's south, where they have clashed with forces loyal to the internationally recognized president.

The security officials said Monday that hundreds of Security Belt forces — fighters trained and financed by the UAE, have deployed in the Dhale province.

(A T)

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants ambushed al Hizam Security Forces in Mudiyah district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on March 18. [4]

(A T)

Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council Refuses Any Tries Targeting the Unity of Southern Soil.

Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its regular meeting.

The meeting asserted that Shabwa was and always will be a united southern entity and all tries to control its riches from any corrupt party will be faced strongly.


(A P)

The Public Meeting of Shabwa Citizens Issues a Statement About the Creation of Bihan Military Axis and Joining it to Mareb

(A P)

Demonstrations in Saioun Calling for Deployment of Hadhramaut Elites to Secure the Valley and Desert of Hadhramaut

(A P T)

Film: Yemen - Popular Dissatisfaction Due To The Increasing Bombings In Aden

The explosion that hit the food supply depot of the security belt and claimed more lives in the city of Aden has angered the population from the deterioration of the security situation with the continuation of this type of operations, which are adopted by ISIS and al-Qaeda. The resentment of the population increases as these organizations link their operations to the Islamic religion, while all their victims are Muslims.

(A P)

Yemen Govt. Names Half-Brother of Ex-President Saleh to Head Army Reserve

The appointment could signal an overture between the government of Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, which has fought the Iran-backed Houthi militias for four years, and political factions still loyal to slain Saleh, a government official in Aden said.

(* A P)

Tribal and popular rally in Shabwa province, rejecting the decision to annex Bihan to the province of Marib (Photos)

Hundreds of tribesmen and tribes gathered in Shabwa this morning, rejecting the decision of President Hadi to include the Directorate of Bihan to the province of Marib.

The protesters confirmed their refusal to annex the oil-rich Directorate to the Yemeni province of Marib.

The protestors plan to hold a major event, rejecting President Hadi's decision to include Behan's administration.


(A P)

President Hady Issues Presidential Military Decrees Concerning Bihan that Raises Anger in the Southern Street

These decrees released a wave of anger in the southern street as the decrees appointed persons who are against the southern trends, especially as some military commanders of the third military zone expressed their clear intent in controlling Bihan and its neighboring areas to serve their suspicious interests in the south.


(A P)

In Response to Hady’s Recent Decisions, Tribal Leaders of Osilan Declare their Full Refusal of Military Joining Osilan and Bihan to Mareb


(A P)

Al-Ghaithy: Bihan Belongs to its Sons and Will Never Be a Cake for Hady, Mohasen and other Thugs

(A P)

In a Wave of Public Anger, a Meeting today Against the Decision of Joining Bihan to Mareb

(A P)

Al-Awlaky: Transforming the Transitional Council into a Political Party Will Not Be the Last Rumor and its is Gaining More Confidence in the Regional and International Contexts

Salem Thabet Al-Awlaky, official spokesman of the southern transitional council, negates news shared by some news websites about political understandings to transform the council into a political party.

(A P T)

Saudi channel: tightening security measures in Aden in anticipation of a terrorist act

Saudi Arabia's security services have issued warnings that government, sovereign and international interests may be involved in a terrorist attack, the Saudi-based al-Arabiya television said.

The sources pointed out that the potential operations of terrorists targets headquarters and security sites, missions and international organizations.

(* B T)

UAE-backed counter-terrorism operations unlikely to fully succeed in rooting out Sunni jihadists from southern Yemen

This was the third large counter-terrorism operation launched by UAE-backed local forces since January 2018 across southern Yemen. According to UAE officials, the three operations have almost completely driven out AQAP from the area and degraded its operational capabilities.

Although the stated aim of these operations was to remove AQAP, their geographical focus shows that, in reality, the UAE effort was seeking the more limited and immediate objective of creating a “jihadist-free” zone around key strategic and energy assets in an area where the influence of southern pro-independence forces is growing.

UAE attempts to consolidate control of southern Yemen are likely to cause the Islamic State and AQAP to devote more resources to mounting asymmetric attacks against UAE-backed local forces. (subscribers only)


48 hours following the seizure of a truck smgguling #weapons to the #Houthis in #Marib, another one was seziced in al-Jawf province at one of the checkpoints. the vhicle was carrying munitions and a large amount of weapons and mortar shells. (photos)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

Martin Griffiths assumes the role of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen

Today, I have the privilege of assuming the role of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. It is a position I take very seriously.

The conflict in Yemen has produced one of the most dire humanitarian crises in modern history; state institutions have been severely eroded and the country continues to fragment at an alarming pace.

With the support of the Secretary General, the Security Council and the international community, I promise the Yemeni people that I will work hard to facilitate an inclusive political process based on the GCC Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism, the National Dialogue Conference outcomes, and all relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015). =

My comment: “Congratulations”: By starting from the base of the Hadi government’s preconditions, from the biased UN position of the past three years, the stalemate of UN negotiations, will lasted for 3 years now, will continue as before. And you will achieve little more than your predecessor.


(* A P)

Griffiths: No changes in Yemen peace talks references

The Yemeni government hailed the new envoy’s emphasis on the three references, saying it would positively deal with his diplomatic efforts and proposals. “The Yemeni government welcomes the assumption of the role of the new envoy and reaffirms its support for his mission, as it did with his predecessor, for the restoration of the state and peace in Yemen,” the country’s Foreign Minister Abdul Malek Al Mekhlafi said on his official twitter feed.

Meanwhile, a delegation from the European Union landed in Al Houthi-held capital Sana’a on Tuesday to convince Al Houthis to resume peace talks. Antonio Calvo-Puerta, the head of the delegation, said the aim of the visit was to revive peace efforts between warring factions in Yemen. “It is my pleasure to be back again in Sana’a as part of our efforts to reach out to all Yemeni parties to encourage them to engage in talks to find a durable political settlement,” Calvo-Puerta said. “The EU strongly supports the UN-led efforts to reach a durable political settlement

My comment: Of course, the Hadi government is pleased when its preconditions are accepted without any further discussion. – And all the efforts of the EU will be void – if these preconditions which condemn one side to extinction will not be changed.


(* A P)

Yemeni President Renews Conditions for Negotiations with Houthis

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi reiterated that Houthis must commit to the confidence-building measures, including the release of prisoners and cessation of missile launching into Saudi Arabia before embarking on the upcoming round of negotiations being arranged by the new UN envoy, Martin Griffiths.

The Yemeni president accused Houthi militias of not responding to the concessions made by the legitimacy that wants to achieve peace. He also renewed the leadership's keenness on a permanent peace agreement with the militia based on the three relevant references; the GCC Initiative, the outcomes of Yemen's National Dialogue Conference and UN Security Council resolutions mainly 2216.

My comment: Of course Hadi at once tells this, after Griffith did. Nothing new at all, back to Square 1 and stay cemented to it. These are the old Hadi government preconditions, based on biased decisions from bygone times; they infact demand the Houthis to capitulate, which they never will do if they are not willing to commit suicide; thus, they are the greatest obstacles to peace, as the last 3 years already had shown. Mr. Griffith, you can build your house on Square 1, that’s the place where you will stay.

(* A P)

European ambassadors in Yemeni capital Sanaa, again, after 3 years of 'cut off' Ambassadors of EU France Royal Netherlands Sweden EC Arrived in Sanaa today, seemingly, in a move to help end the isolation imposed by US-Saudi aggression &blockade.


The arrival of the Ambassadors of the European Union, the Netherlands, France, the UNICEF Regional Director and the Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden to Sana'a Airport today in a special visit to #Yemen. and also

(* A K P)

Jemen fordert Untersuchungen über Verbrechen der saudisch-geführten Kriegskoalition

Vorsitzender des Obersten Revolutionskomitees Jemens hat die Verbrechen der saudisch-geführten Kriegskoalition im Jemen als ungerechtfertigt bezeichnet und Untersuchungen gefordert.

Bei einem Treffen mit einem Expertenteam des UNO-Menschenrechtsrats in Sanaa sagte heute "Mohammed-Ali Al-Huthi", die Aggressionen der saudisch-geführten Kriegskoalition verstießen gegen Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats.

Er forderte das Team des UNO-Menschenrechtsrats auf, sich unparteiisch und unabhängig die Realitäten im Jemen anzuschauen und seine Beobachtungen weiterzuleiten.

(* A K P)

Rights experts visit Yemen amid calls for probe into Saudi war crimes

Film: A team of international rights experts has paid a visit to Yemen amid calls for an independent probe into alleged Saudi war crimes in the country. The visit comes just days before the third anniversary of the start of Saudi Arabia’s deadly war on Yemen.

Remark: This UN team had been appointed in early December 2017:

(A P)

Iran Says Ready to Work with Oman to End Yemen Bloodshed

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has highlighted the urgent need for ending the Saudi-led war on the innocent people of Yemen, saying Tehran and Muscat can play a crucial role in resolving the disastrous conflict.

The president expressed hope the two countries could help restore calm to Yemen and end bombardments and bloodshed in the poorest Arab country, as the humanitarian situation in the country is grave.

(A P)

Iranian official urges dialogue between Yemen factions: state media

A senior Iranian security official has called for dialogue between factions in Yemen to end the conflict there, Iranian state media reported on Saturday.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, made the comment during a meeting with Oman’s foreign minister, Yusuf bin Alawi, in Tehran.

(A P)

'Saudi-Houthi secret talks' jeopardise legitimacy of Yemen's government

Reported secret talks between the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi rebels are putting the Yemeni government, currently exiled in Riyadh, on the back-foot.

According to the cited sources, "Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam had been in direct communication with Saudi officials in Oman on a comprehensive solution to the conflict."

While these reported Houthi-Saudi secret talks dominate Yemen's local media and social networking sites, it remains unclear if these talks will bear fruit or not.

Reacting to the circulation of the reports on their dialogue with Saudis, Saleh Al-Samad, the head of the Supreme Political Council, the Houthi-led highest authority in Sanaa, said: "Those who say Mohammed Abdul-Salam is in Saudi Arabia want to blackmail us.

The Yemeni government has shown disbelief in the reported Saudi-Houthi dialogue. Such reports have raised the ire of Yemen's internationally recognised government and officials promptly denied any rapprochement between the Kingdom and the Houthis.

Muamar Al-Eryani, the information minister, described Reuter's report on the Saudi-Houthi dialogue as "fabricated lies."


(A P)

Yemen govt deplores Reuters' report of direct Houthi-Saudi negotiations

The Yemeni government has deplored Reuters' report that Saudi Arabia and Houthi rebels are holding direct secret negotiations apart from the Yemeni government in Oman.

Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani regretted that "a prominent news agency such as Reuters relegates to the level of making lies and ascribing them to official Yemeni sources."

(A P)

Houthi officials did not visit Riyadh ‘because Saudi is not ready for peace’

A senior Houthi official has denied news reports that officials from the group have visited Saudi Arabia to discuss a deal to end the three-year-old war in Yemen, reported on Friday.

“There are news reports that Mohamed Abdul Salam is now in Saudi Arabia,” said Saleh Al-Sammad. “They want to extort us. We know that Saudi Arabia is not ready for peace. It does not own its decision, otherwise we would have talked with it.”

According to the Yemeni news agency Saba, the Head of the Houthis’ Supreme Political Council added, “We will never bargain the dignity of the Yemenis and their sacrifices. We will only accept what maintains the dignity and sacrifices of the Yemenis, who support us.”

The Saudis, he continued, say they want peace. “We are ready for peace, but the peace of the brave.”

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(A P)

Iran Dismisses Saudi Crown Prince's Terrorism Allegations as Lie

The Iranian foreign ministry blasted Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his terrorism allegations against Tehran, calling them as "big lies"

Bin Salman, who is also serving as Saudi Arabia's Defense Minister, in an interview with American television CBS on Sunday, claimed that Iran has been harboring terrorists, such as leaders of Al-Qaeda.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the allegations, and stressed, "Bin Salman's allegations on Iran hosting Al-Qaeda leaders is a big lie."

Qassemi underlined that the Saudi crown prince cannot deny the role of Saudi rulers and government in creating and propping up contemporary history and in terrorist tragedies such as 9/11 by spreading awkward lies.

(A P)

"Delusional": MBS Has No Idea of Politics

Iran's Foreign Ministry says Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman is a "delusional, naive person", who has no idea of politics apart from bitter talk that emanates from lack of foresight.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi made the comments on Thursday in reaction to Bin Salman's remarks in an interview with the CBS news channel in which he said Saudi Arabia would take quick steps to develop nuclear bombs if Iran does so, Press TV reported.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9

(* B E P)

Why does Saudi Arabia want to spend billions to enrich its own uranium?

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reaffirmed the kingdom’s desire to keep up with Iran’s nuclear program, casting doubt on Saudi claims that it seeks to mine and enrich uranium solely for civilian use and reawakening fears of a Middle East nuclear arms race.

The comments on the eve of Mohammed’s visit to the United States are likely to complicate the Trump administration’s efforts to revise U.S. terms for a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement, which is needed before U.S. firms can sell nuclear reactors, technology or materials to other nations.

“Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has confirmed what many have long suspected — nuclear energy in Saudi Arabia is about more than just electrical power, it’s about geopolitical power,” Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement. “The United States must not compromise on nonproliferation standards in any 123 agreement it concludes with Saudi Arabia.”

In recent months, other senior Saudi officials have made comments similar to Mohammed’s, asserting that Saudi Arabia cannot accept nuclear cooperation terms that would be worse than those given Iran under the accord forged by President Barack Obama and backed by international powers — which curbed Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting international sanctions.

But the crown prince’s comments deepened fears among nonproliferation experts already concerned about Saudi Arabia’s insistence that any nuclear reactor deal include uranium enrichment and reprocessing of used fuel rods — each of which could be diverted to produce weapons-grade material.

One reason experts have worried is that there is no economic rationale behind acquiring such capabilities.

(? B P)

Are women's rights in Saudi Arabia progressing?

Film: In an interview Sunday with "60 Minutes," Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said women are "absolutely" equal to men. He even went so far as to say women can choose how to dress themselves. Amani al-Khatahtbeh, founder of, joins CBSN to discuss the progression of women's rights in the country.

(A E)

Saudi Arabia named among world's worst performing property markets

Knight Frank's Global House Price Index Q4 2017 ranks Gulf kingdom 56th out of 59 markets

Saudi Arabia's real estate market continued to be one of the world's worst performing in the last three months of 2017, according to new figures.

Knight Frank's Global House Price Index Q4 2017 ranked the Gulf kingdom 56th out of 59 property markets covered.

(A E P)

Prince Alwaleed's Kingdom Holding likely to spin off assets: BBG

Saudi Arabian investment firm Kingdom Holding 4280.SE is likely to split its $13 billion of assets through a spin-off of domestic property and other holdings, its billionaire chairman Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said.

Prince Alwaleed also told Bloomberg in a television interview that he was working with advisors, including Goldman Sachs, to look for investments as large as $3 billion for Kingdom.

(A H P)

Film: These indians are traped in saudi Arabia from 1 yr ,No one is helping them out to reach India, plz retweet for help, I request you all plz

(* B P)

I would add one question: How can you [Prince Salman] claim that you are popular among young Saudi when the unemployment rate for young saudi is over 32%? Can you allow a free election to verify that? (image)

My comment: Hitting the spot.

(* A B P)

Saudi Arabia cultivating a new resource - entertainment

Move is part of strategy to reduce dependence on oil to fund the economy as well as create jobs

Saudi Arabia has long been known as one of the world's most conservative places, where bearded religious police enforced strict social codes. Concerts and theatre were largely banned, and even the notion of fun was often frowned upon as un-Islamic.

Now the kingdom is lightening up with comic book festivals, dance performances, concerts and monster truck rallies. New Age music guru Yanni performed there in December, as did US rapper Nelly (for an all-male audience).

These are among the changes Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman intends to showcase in the United States this week on a multi-city tour aimed at courting US investors.

My comment: Evidently for propaganda purpose, flanking Prince Salman’s visit to the US.

(B P)

#Saudi strongman #MBS told @60Minutes he is a reformer but he jails the country's bright minds. Here is #US educated Dr. Mohamed AlQahtani exposing Saudi govt support of ISIS & terrorism. MBS sent him to prions for 15 years in prison

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy sent Dr Abdullah AlHamed @Abubelal_1951, a professor of literature, to 15 years in prison for advocating "the people are the sovereign" instead of the "king is the sovereign"

(A P)

Last month #Saudi Monarchy court forcibly divorced Ali AlQarni (south) from his wife Maha AlTamimi (Najd) against their will. The court ruled AlQarni is racially incompatible with AlTamimi. This is akin to a US court divorcing a white woman from her black husband

Listen to Maha appealing to the world to stay with her husband and daughter and film (April 2016): = (Arabic)

(A P)

#Saudi weird news: #Riyadh book fair bans men with long hair & buzz cut from entering its grounds. Saudi MBS reforms i guess.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia beheads Indonesian worker 'forced' into confession

Saudi authorities on Sunday beheaded an Indonesian migrant worker for murder, despite suspicions that the accused was forced into his confession.
The execution of M. Zaini Misrin followed repeated attempts by Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to prevent the sentence being carried out.
Zaini, a driver, was found guilty of the murder of his Saudi employer in 2008, after being arrested four years earlier.
Migrant Care, an Indonesian NGO dedicated to protecting overseas worker rights, says it suspects that the 53-year-old was forced into his confession of guilt.

(A P)

Saudi women should have choice whether to wear abaya robe: crown prince

Women in Saudi Arabia need not wear headcover or the black abaya - the loose-fitting, full-length robes symbolic of Islamic piety - as long as their attire is “decent and respectful”, the kingdom’s reform-minded crown prince said.

My comment: He told in CBS interview (look at cp1b). Wait and see.

(* B P)

Two Months into 2018: A Rise in beheadings by 167% in Saudi Arabia. Higher than the Monthly Average

During the first two months of 2018, the Saudi government beheaded 32 individuals, 15 of whom were non-Saudi, from Pakistan, Egypt, Nigeria, Jordan and Lebanon, in addition to a stateless “Bedoun”.

These numbers reflect the low credibility of Saudi government claims at international level, in which they claim that they do notissue death sentences except for the ‘most serious of crimes’

Furthermore, these figures reflect the lack of procedural safeguards, and reflect a flawed imbalance in the Saudi justice system.

(* B P)

Mohammed Bin Salman: The Truth Behind The Reformist Facade There is no doubt that Mohammed Bin Salman has shown a ruthless genius in internal power consolidation in Saudi Arabia, with rivals arrested, shaken down or dying by accident. That he is seeking to end corruption appears less probable than that he is seeking to monopolise its proceeds and thus concentrate power, but time will give a clearer picture. There is no evidence whatsoever that Saudi Arabia is stopping its funding of Wahabbist jihadism across the Middle East and South Asia; indeed it has been stepped up by him, as has the bombing of Yemen.

Bin Salman may have a slightly different take on religion to those previously controlling Saudi Arabia, but in fact he is a much more dangerous fanatic. He is an extreme Sunni sectarian, driven by a visceral hatred of Shia Muslims. This is expressed in an aggressive foreign policy, causing a further destabilisation of the Middle East which threatens to tip over into catastrophe, as Bin Salman seeks to turn up the heat against Iran in proxy conflict in Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere.

The elite loves Saudi money all around the world. But the UK is unique in allowing that to blind them absolutely to human rights abuses, the appalling bombing of Yemen, and the extreme dangers posed by Bin Salman’s hyperactive regional aggression towards Shia Muslims. We should be used to seeing Tories kowtowing to money by now. But this week makes me still more sick than usual – by Craig Murray

(A P)

Saudi Crackdown: Court Sentences Three More Rights Defenders To Up To Six Years in Prison

Three more human rights defenders have been sentenced to imprisonment in Saudi Arabia, according to reports received by the Gulf Centre for Human Rights [GCHR]. They have all been tried by the Specialized Criminal Court [SCC], which was set up to deal with terrorism cases. =

and a reminder:

(* B P)

In Saudi Arabia criticizing the crown prince in a manner that "brings religion or justice into disrepute" is considered a terrorist act. referring to

(A E P)

Aramco Scales Back IPO Plan, Eyes Saudi-Only Listing

Higher price of oil has diminished push for large international public offering (subscribers only)

Comment: Another 'Saudi Vision 2030' mirage fades away. All the McKinsey talk cannot disguise the utter lack of Saudi walk.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1b

Main subjects are: The visit by Saudi crown prince Salman; the Lee/sanders bill in Congress against the US involvement in the Yemen war. There are a lot of appeals either to president Trump to critically speak on Yemen to Salman, and to the Congress to pass the Lee/Sanders bill. There is a great bulk of articles.

(* A P)

These 12 Senators have cosponsored @SenSanders' #SJRes54, which will go to a vote TODAY. If your state senators are not on this list, please take 2 minutes & call 1-833-786-7927 before it's too late! Tell them to stop helping Saudi wage war on #Yemen

(* B K P)

Yemen is a humanitarian nightmare. But the U.S. is resisting calls to end its role in the war.

American officials say their involvement has tempered a military campaign that the Saudis felt compelled to conduct, with or without U.S. assistance, and has given them added leverage to press the Saudis to move toward negotiations.

But the continuing U.S. support — fueled by a consensus among American and Saudi officials that Yemen is part of a broader regional struggle against Iran’s influence — may have also reduced pressure on the Saudi government to quickly take steps that would de-escalate the conflict, analysts said.

“The Saudis feel they have time,” said Rafat Al-Akhali, a former Yemeni official who now runs a research project on state fragility at the University of Oxford. The Saudi leadership seemed convinced, he added, that the war was its only shot at reducing a military threat from the Houthis.

When it came to the Saudi’s international allies, including the United States and Britain, “clearly there isn’t enough pressure to stop the war,” he said.

While American officials were alarmed by the Houthi advance, they had little desire to wade into a distant civil war. When U.S. officials learned of Saudi plans to conduct air attacks in Yemen — with what one official said was only 24 hours notice — they initially tried to discourage them. But seeing an opportunity to prove that Washington hadn’t abandoned a key ally, they quickly pivoted to a position of support.

(A P)

Activists place 5,000 flowers for Yemeni children in Washington / Pics

Activists have laid 5,000 flowers outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC, to remember the children killed and injured in Saudi Arabia’s brutal war against the people of Yemen and to protest the inaction of Congress and the administration of President Donald Trump to stop the deadly aggression.

(* A E P)

Enge Beziehungen unter Trump

Am Dienstag empfängt US-Präsident Donald Trump Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman in Washington. Der designierte saudische Monarch machte zuletzt mit seinem Reformkurs von sich reden, gepaart mit einem drastischen Vorgehen gegen innenpolitische Gegner. Nicht minder hart ist sein außenpolitischer Kurs gegen den Iran. Bei diesem darf sich der Kronprinz der Unterstützung Trumps gewiss sein.

Unterstützung für Wirtschaftsprogramm gesucht

Doch für Salman, der in seiner Heimat auch gerne als „MBS“ tituliert wird, geht es bei seiner USA-Reise nicht nur um politische Rückendeckung. Der designierte Monarch möchte sein Land in den kommenden Jahren auch wirtschaftlich reformieren, „Vision 2030“ heißt das mit einzelnen Projekten an der Megalomanie streifende Reformprogramm, das Saudi-Arabien unabhängiger vom Öl machen soll.

Nach den Plänen Salmans soll das Land in Zukunft zu einem global relevanten Technologiestandort ausgebaut werden. Die Ankündigung Riads von vergangener Woche, in Zukunft auf die zivile Nutzung von Atomenergie zu setzen, ist dabei nur eine Komponente von vielen.

(* A P)

Zwei Egos, ein Feind: Trump trifft saudischen Kronprinzen

Kronprinz Mohammed gilt als der eigentliche Herrscher Saudi-Arabiens. Am Dienstag ist er zu Gast bei Donald Trump. Beide eint ein Feind - doch die Allianz mit den Autokraten bleibt für die USA heikel.

Wenn US-Präsident Donald Trump den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman am Dienstag im Oval Office empfängt, dürfte ihr gemeinsamer Feind sie weiter zusammenschweißen. Der Iran taugt beiden als historischer Gegner, wegen dem – etwa im Jemen – sogar Kriege geführt werden.

Trump braucht Mohammed, den eigentlichen Herrscher der Wüstenmonarchie, um Teheran an die Wand zu drängen. Doch der Verbündete reist mit Wünschen an.

Bei seinem ersten Besuch als neuer saudischer Kronprinz dürfte der 32 Jahre alte Mohammed bin Salman, der arabische Führer der Anti-Iran-Koalition, auf mehr als Lob für sein Reformprogramm hoffen. Vielmehr braucht der in seiner Heimat als „MbS“ Gepriesene handfeste Investitionen aus dem Westen, um seinen Wirtschaftsmasterplan, die „Vision 2030“, zu verwirklichen. Sonst droht die Schwächung der Regionalmacht und – auf lange Sicht – der Bedeutungsverlust. Den kann auch Trump nicht wollen, schließlich braucht er Riad, um Teheran in Schach zu halten.

Mohammed bin Salman konnte bei seinem teils brachialen politischen Kurs auf den Segen der USA bauen.

Die ansonsten aber ziemlich unkritische Haltung Trumps gegenüber der Golfmonarchie sehen Experten als eine Art Freifahrtschein für den Kronprinzen

(* A P)

Bin Salman trifft Trump: Atomare Pokerrunde im Weißen Haus

Der Ton gegenüber dem Iran verschärft sich in Washington - und in Riad. Nun treffen sich US-Präsident Trump und der saudische Kronprinz. Der Atom-Deal steht auf dem Spiel. Das könnte eine gefährliche Kettenreaktion auslösen.

Was passiert, wenn die USA den Atom-Deal mit dem Iran kündigen? Das Land wird höchstwahrscheinlich sein Nuklearprogramm wieder aufnehmen - mit allen Konsequenzen für die Region. Morgen treffen sich in Washington zwei mächtige erklärte Feinde des Landes und Gegner des Abkommens. Beide wollen den Deal nicht mehr. Setzen sie sich durch, könnten sie ein gefährliches Dominospiel auslösen.

Morgen besucht der 32-jährige saudische Kronprinz US-Präsident Donald Trump. Viel deutet darauf hin, dass es mehr wird als ein Anstandsbesuch des Thronfolgers beim mächtigen Verbündeten. Bin Salman will neben dem Weißen Haus in Washington auch potenzielle Investoren der New Yorker Finanzbranche besuchen.

(A P)

Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz in den USA

Krieg und Spiele

Wie Mohammed bin Salman Investoren in sein erzkonservatives Reich lockt - und Konflikte mit seinen Feinden eskaliert. (nur im Abo)

(* A P)

Der Prinz und der Präsident

Jemenkrieg, Iran, Atomprogramme – Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Salman bringt viele Themen mit zum Gespräch mit US-Präsident Trump.

Anfang kommender Woche [diese Woche!] nun besucht der starke Mann der Arabischen Halbinsel Washington, nach London die zweite Etappe seiner außenpolitischen Werbetour, der auch noch Paris folgen soll. Knapp vier Tage hält sich der designierte saudische Monarch in der amerikanischen Hauptstadt auf, kein Wunder angesichts der voluminösen Themen, die zu besprechen sind.

Weitgehendes Einvernehmen herrscht vor allem beim Iran.

Dem Ansehen des saudischen Thronerben in Washington kommt zudem seine innenpolitische Reformagenda zugute, mit der Mohammed bin Salman das konservative Königreich Schritt für Schritt umkrempelt.

Anders dagegen beim Jemenkrieg und bei dem rabiaten Umgang mit Katar. Hier wächst die amerikanische Ungeduld.

Ein weiteres heißes Eisen sind die kürzlich enthüllten Atompläne, mit denen Saudi-Arabien seine Ölreserven für den Export schonen will.

Mein Kommentar: „innenpolitische Reformagenda“: Oberflächliche Sichtweise, Schein und Sein sind nicht immer deckungsgleich!

(* A P)

„Russland für Syrien zahlen lassen“: Das wollen Trump und saudischer Prinz besprechen

US-Präsident Donald Trump will bei seinem morgigen Treffen mit dem saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman darüber sprechen, wie man Russland für sein Vorgehen in Syrien und seine vermeintliche Unterstützung des Iran im Jemen „zahlen lassen kann“.

Mein Kommentar: Pervers.

(* A K P)

Senate tees up Yemen vote for Tuesday

The Senate has formally teed up a vote on ending U.S. military involvement in Yemen for Tuesday.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), wrapping up for the Senate for the evening, asked consent that supporters of the resolution be able to call up the measure once the Senate reconvenes on Tuesday, with up to four hours of debate before a vote.

If all debate time is used up, a vote is expected at approximately 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, according to the Senate GOP cloakroom. The Senate is expected to vote on tabling, or effectively pigeonholing, the resolution. and also

(* A K P)

America’s Role in Yemen’s Agony Can End on Capitol Hill

Saudi Arabia’s powerful heir apparent, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is visiting Washington and other American cities this week promoting his image as an enlightened reformer out to modernize his conservative country and encourage foreign investment.

That image is stained by his chief foreign policy initiative, the humanitarian catastrophe that is the war in Yemen

President Trump is unlikely to use his meeting with the crown prince at the White House on Tuesday to try to persuade him to halt the war. Fortunately, some members of Congress want to exercise their constitutional responsibilities over how and when the United States wages war.

Three senators, Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent; Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat; and Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, introduced the resolution to end America’s involvement in Yemen and curtail what they view as unchecked presidential warmaking powers. The administration and some lawmakers have been working against the measure in part because its 30-day deadline would force them to end a military operation they want to continue, and they fear it will ruin relations with Saudi Arabia.

Resolutions like this can and must force serious debate and accountability – by Editorial Board

(* A K P)

Senators Pushing to End U.S. Role in Saudi’s Cataclysmic War

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in Washington—just as a bipartisan group of senators are trying to extricate the the U.S. from Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen.

As early as Tuesday afternoon, The Daily Beast has learned, the senators will push for a so-called motion to discharge the resolution from the committee. If they get a simple majority, it will proceed to the Senate floor for a lengthy period of debate that may stretch into Wednesday. The debate would culminate in a vote, also by simply majority, on immediately ending U.S. military assistance to the Saudi forces MBS commands.

All this comes with procedural hurdles.

But the antiwar senators think that they have the stronger argument. Section 8(c) of the resolution defines the “introduction of United States Armed Forces” to include servicemembers who “participate in the movement of...military forces of any foreign country or government when such military forces are engaged.”

A Senate fight on Yemen during his visit will make him “very upset,” al-Ahmed believes, as “the man does not like to be told no… He feels entitled to get his way. When he hears from the Senate that that’s what the U.S. wants, if that’s what they say, he’ll be extremely upset.” As defense minister, MBS “does not run away from [the Yemen war], he owns it, he says it’s necessary,” al-Ahmed said.

The U.S. military doesn’t go that far, but it has made clear it considers support for its anti-Iran friend in Riyadh more important than the starvation, disease and deaths of millions of Yemenis.

But after three years of the U.S. facilitating the decimation and immiseration of Yemen, senators opposed to the war have perhaps their best shot at both ending the U.S. role and making it a liability for the Saudi heir.

(* A K P)

Film: Will Congress Affirm its Constitutional Power to Stop the War in Yemen?

This week Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman heads to Washington to lobby support for the war in Yemen. However, the Constitution and the War Powers Act are very clear that only Congress has the power to authorize war, says Col. Larry Wilkerson.

(* A K P)

A Senate Vote Could Spoil the Saudi Crown Prince's Arrival in Washington

The Senate will push this week to end U.S. military support for the Saudi Arabia-led war in Yemen, potentially cutting off intelligence, materiel and midair pufueling assistance to the Kingdom’s forces, just as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrives in Washington for a two-week visit of the United States.

The vote, which may come as early as Tuesday, could deliver an embarrassing rebuke to the 32-year old heir to the throne as he plans to meet President Donald Trump and other members of American political leadership. It comes at a time when the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been working to restore their relationship, which has deteriorated in recent years due to an array of diplomatic and security-related issues in the Middle East.

[and background information]

And many other articles:

(* A B P)

The Saudi Crown Prince’s American Charm Offensive

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has won over the American president. He now has a simple message for the American people: we’re the modern Gulf ally you’ve been looking for, to offset the threat of Iran, keep you safe from al Qaeda in Yemen and invest our oil wealth to bring you jobs.

It’s an attractive rebranding of the country maligned for failing to stop the Saudi militants behind the attacks of 9/11, crackdowns on freedom of expression at home, a military campaign in Yemen criticized as indiscriminate, and a fast and furious modernization program that included imprisoning wealthy, allegedly sticky-fingered Saudis in five-star luxury until they agreed to turn over purloined billions. That sounded great to Americans who’d heard for years about Saudi corruption, but not so great to U.S. businessmen who had partnered with some of those imprisoned Saudis.

The crown prince will meet with President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday – a trip he’s made before, but this time, it’s a sort of victory lap after he upended Saudi government, cementing the rule of his father King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and his own.

Then MBS will start a U.S. whistle-stop tour, meeting politicians, businessmen, think tankers, educators and the UN Secretary General. He will “highlight investment opportunities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and also vet viable investment prospects within the United States

For Trump, who at least publicly has seemed more comfortable with Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte than German Chancellor Angela Merkel, this meeting is a slam dunk: an ambitious young son of a ruler has come to make a deal, or several. Brash, take-no-prisoners moves are something Trump understands. The country will be a tougher audience.

(* A B P)

The Saudi Crown Prince's visit to the US will focus on changing his image rather than policy

Experts say the prince's visit will improve the country's image in addition to its policy.

Salman's global tour seeks to shift Western perception of Saudi Arabian society, and ease investor concerns over the nation's heavily-criticized human rights record.

Nader Hashemi, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Denver, told Al Jazeera the main purpose of Salman's visit is shifting the public's perception of Saudi Arabian society in the US.

"Saudi Arabia knows that it has an image problem," Hashemi told Al Jazeera.

32-year-old Salman, a pioneer of social and economic changes, instead wants to present himself as a "breath of fresh air, a reformer … as a liberator of women, as someone who is pro-reform [and] as someone who is taking Saudi Arabia in a different direction," Hashemi told Al Jazeera.

"Saudi Arabia and its public relations firms and allies in the United States have already spent a lot of money in trying to present the new Saudi crown prince as a different form of political leader," Hashemi told Al Jazeera.

(* A PE P)

Salman's global business ventures depend on the country's image

Salman's diplomacy tour may aim to ease investor concerns over the nation's heavily-criticized human rights record.

(* A P)

Saudi Crown Prince ‘s US business agenda revealed: Bypass Trump; rest is easy

You know the saying: Business and pleasure don’t mix but business and politics sure do, and none more so than on this 2nd US visit by now Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

The trip begins with a meeting at the White House with US president Donald Trump on Tuesday, a major hurdle that if bypassed, will pave the way for major business deals.

Business next

Bloomberg said Saudi’s Crown Prince plans to meet top global executives, including the heads of Apple Inc. and Google, according to a person briefed on the trip’s details.

“The prince also will hold meetings with top movie industry executives in Los Angeles,” the person said.

“The crown prince will use the trip to promote investment opportunities in the biggest Arab economy,”

Detailed agenda

In addition to the Trump meeting, Forbes revealed a more detailed agenda of Saudi crown prince’s US trip.


b-Film Industry

c-Oil Services Companies:


e-GE: It is reported that the crown prince will visit Harvard and MIT during his visit to Boston, however, he may also meet with executives from General Electric

f-NYSE: It is rumored and expected that the crown prince will meet with the New York Stock Exchange as part of potential plansto partially list Aramco’s IPO there

(A E P)

Saudi Fund Said to Take $400 Million Stake in Emanuel’s Endeavor

Hollywood talent agency part of kingdom diversification plan

Deal said to come as crown prince begins visit to U.S.

Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund is taking a $400 million stake in Endeavor, one of Hollywood’s biggest talent and event managers, as part of Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman’s grand plan to diversify the kingdom’s oil-based economy, according to people with knowledge of the deal.

(* A P)

Trump to push Saudi Arabia's crown prince on solution to civil war in Yemen

When Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman meets with President Trump, administration officials and congressional leaders this week, he'll be gently nudged to do more to help end the civil war in Yemen that's contributed to an international humanitarian crisis.

(A P)

Saudi crown prince, Trump to hold 'critical' talks on Iran nuclear deal

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in Washington to meet with high-profile political and industrial heavyweights.

The powerful 32-year-old royal will meet with Secretary of Defense James Mattis.

Saudi Arabia is one of America's largest defense industry customers buying $54 billion in foreign military sales.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince will seek clarification from the US over its role in the Middle East

Mohammed bin Salman's American tour arrives at a key moment in US-regional relations

The sacking of the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was replaced by CIA chief Mike Pompeo, happened just before the visit this week of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Washington DC. In truth, this represents an opportunity to force some firmness and exactitude into the US administration’s position on Saudi Arabia’s policy lines.

In contrast, Mr Pompeo is considered one of the hawks when it comes to Iran, while simultaneously being, like Mr Trump, an advocate of strengthening US ties with Saudi Arabia. Yet US policy and the performance of the administration has not instantly become clearer after the mixed signals of Mr Tillerson.

Therefore, in order to be successful, the crown prince’s US tour must seek to diagnose the root of the schizophrenia in US foreign policy and its symptoms. The Saudis must raise obvious and crucial questions, such as what does the US want in the Middle East?

It will be crucial for the crown prince to put pressure on the US president and his team to forsake this ambiguity, because the current stage, whether in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere in the Middle East, cannot tolerate such an approach.

The Saudis must ask: what does the US want in Yemen? In what ways does it intend to pressure Iran to modify its behaviour in Yemen? Does Washington see Yemen as a strictly Saudi problem, or does Washington see Yemen as a good place to launch a new partnership with Riyadh against Iranian incursions?

My comment: This is froim Emirati media. Obviously, the Saudis will demand even greater support by the US. And see also (from Israel)

(* A P)

Saudi crown prince to push Trump for harder line on Iran

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will push Washington for a harder line on Iran and dangle the prospect of billions of dollars of investment in Silicon Valley companies on his first trip to the US since he became the kingdom’s heir to the throne. President Donald Trump has made closer relations with Saudi Arabia central to his foreign policy.

Emboldened by his corruption purge at home, the oil-rich kingdom’s crown prince will seek new investments in high-tech and entertainment companies as part of efforts to diversify the country’s economy and open up repressive social restrictions. Prince Mohammed is due to visit Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle as well as Houston and New York.

“We are just disgusted by this alliance with Saudi and the whitewashing of Saudi and the prince himself,” said Medea Benjamin, an activist who will lead a series of protests around Washington time to coincide with his visit.

“There is a very extensive propaganda campaign to portray [Prince Mohammed] as a reformer while he is really a heavy-handed bully who is responsible for bombing and starving Yemenis, gunning for a war with Iran and who has pulled off one of the most spectacular power grabs in history,” she added.

(A P)

Trump to raise 'how to make Russia pay' in Saudi meeting: official

President Trump will raise the issue of finding “joint ways to make Russia pay” for its activities in the Middle East when he meets with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince at the White House on Tuesday, according to a senior administration official.

The president will point to Russia’s support for Bashar Assad’s government in Syria and its decision to block a United Nations Security Council resolution in February that would have put pressure on Iran for allegedly violating an arms embargo on Houthi insurgents in Yemen.

“Part of the discussion will be: Consider how Russia is attempting to exploit these situations to their benefit,” the administration official said on Monday. “They blocked the U.N. Security Council resolution that would have held the Iranian regime responsible … but at the same time have turned to the Saudis and offered sophisticated air defense systems.”

“They ratchet up a crisis and then come in as a way to try to undermine that and move forward.”

My comment: It’s just absurd. Russias “meddling” in Syria is according to international law; US and Saudi meddling is not. The cruelties committed by all warring parties are horrible.

(* A K P)

Yemen Vote in Senate, Russia Meddling Add to U.S.-Saudi Summit Intrigue

Senate to vote on Yemen war measure while crown prince is on U.S. soil

(* A K P)

Pentagon To Senate: We Can’t Know If U.S. Fuel Helps Saudi Arabia Kill Civilians In Yemen

A private Defense Department document shared with HuffPost absolves the U.S. of responsibility for airstrikes the U.N. says have killed thousands.

The Trump administration is doubling down on its claim that it cannot know whether U.S. support for a Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen enables the bombing of civilians, according to a Pentagon document sent to select Senate offices last week and shared with HuffPost.

The Defense Department gave two reasons for not having that information. It said it does not know whether the Saudi and United Arab Emirates planes that receive American aerial refueling are headed for bombing runs or reconnaissance missions, and it cannot investigate the impact of Saudi-UAE airstrikes since Yemen is a conflict zone.

But in the same document, the Pentagon maintains that it believes the Saudi-led coalition has become better at preventing civilian casualties ― offering no evidence of how the U.S. can know that.

The two-pager represents a previously unreported part of the Pentagon effort to solidify opposition to a Senate resolution that aims to end U.S. assistance to the coalition because Congress never authorized it when then-President Barack Obama initiated the aid in 2015.

A vote on the measure, sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), is expected later this week.

The Pentagon document, sent on March 15, fleshes out testimony that Gen. Joseph Votel, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, gave on March 13 to the Senate Armed Services Committee. In sometimes heated exchanges with several lawmakers, Votel said the U.S. should continue its support for the coalition even if it cannot tell whether American fuel or bombs are used in airstrikes that kill civilians.

Read the Defense Department document below:

My comment: “A private Defense Department document shared with HuffPost absolves the U.S. of responsibility for airstrikes”: Absolves? Tries to absolve would fit better; “falsely tries to absolve” would hit it.

(* A P)

Saudi crown prince heads to talks with Trump in Washington

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman headed to the United States on Monday for talks with President Donald Trump and business leaders in his first visit as heir apparent to Riyadh’s closest Western ally.

The state news agency SPA said Prince Mohammed, 32, who has embarked on reforms to modernize deeply conservative Saudi Arabia, would discuss “bilateral relations and matters of common interest”.

He will meet Trump on Tuesday at the White House.

The prince is also expected to visit New York, Boston, Houston and San Francisco for meetings with business and industry leaders, aiming to cultivate investments and political support. Several dozen Saudi chief executives are expected to join him in touting investment opportunities in the kingdom.

(* A B P)

Welcome to Google, forget Yemen: US will pander to Saudi ambitions during crown prince’s grand tour

For 75 years, the US has held its nose at the backwardness and ostentation of its strategic Saudi allies – now it looks to embrace them. The US is naive if it thinks that Riyadh shares its values, and cynical if it doesn’t care.

From the moment he touches down in Washington on Monday, and for the next three weeks, the doors of the most powerful people in America will open before Mohammed bin Salman, the 32-year-old crown prince and de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia.

During the official part of the program, lasting the first three days, ‘MbS’ will be received separately by Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and National Security Adviser HR McMaster.

For the fortnight after, the prince’s private planes and sprawling entourage will make their way through the most respected academic and corporate institutions in the United States. The unofficial itinerary includes Wall Street in New York, Harvard and MIT in Massachusetts, oil giants in Houston, a meeting with Bill Gates in Seattle, and corporate leaders of Apple, Facebook, Google and Uber while in the Silicon Valley.

Whether it is due to the historic warmth of American-Saudi relations, the appeal of a reformist narrative, or Saudi Arabia’s record-breaking lobbying efforts, the US media from across the political spectrum has accepted MbS’s intentions at face value, with columns ranging from the reservedly optimistic to the outright rapturous.

More importantly this faith in MbS is not just shared, but exceeded by some in the White House, not least Donald Trump himself.

But will Mohammed bin Salman return the hopes the US has invested in him?

Nepotism, tribalism and cronyism are not just flaws of the Saudi political and economic system, they are the country’s building blocks, and in his landmark intervention in domestic politics he showed himself a product of that same system.

Perhaps even if he doesn’t share American values, MbS could be a solid rock in the shifting sands of Middle Eastern politics that have seen the US repeatedly outmaneuvered in recent years?

But here he seems like a poor ally. His string of foreign gambits has varied widely in execution, but each has been united by a sense of expensive, destabilizing failure.

In terms of realpolitik, it is undoubtedly still within US interests to retain its ties with Saudi Arabia. But is it necessary to roll out the red carpet for Mohammed bin Salman?

(* B K P)

My message 2 people in #US in 9 points: 1-#MBS will visit your country next week. 2-Can u stand against his visit by marking protests in DC? 3-Can u deliver a message 2 MBS that u r against his bloody war on #Yemen? 4-Can you tell the world's leaders that u r with innocent ppl ? 5-Mohammed bin Salman has killed 14 thousands people including women and children, he has destroyed our infrastructure, more than 19 million people in my home #Yemen need aid, 6- 2 million people are displaced, 3,000 children killed and 2000 injured, 7-No electricity, no salaries, no fuel, no gas, no access 2 health care, no access 2 clean water, no jobs, & Famine. 8-1089 days of living under siege. bombing, merciless war, &terrorizing children. 9-Yemeni people want u 2 call 4 peace & humanitarian access to everyone in need.

(* A B P)
With Saudi Prince on Whitewash Tour, Critics Warn Against Further US Complicity With 'War Crimes' in Yemen

"President Trump must hold Saudi Arabia's government accountable for its serious violations of international law and immediately end the sale of arms to the Saudi-led coalition," declared Raed Jarrar, advocacy director of Middle East North Africa at Amnesty International USA. "Instead, the Trump administration should use its influence to find a political solution to the disastrous war and human suffering in Yemen, rather than send more weapons into an unwinnable conflict and into the hands of a country that uses U.S. weapons against civilian targets," Abramson asserted.

"From political meetings with Donald Trump and Congress to cultural events at D.C.'s Kennedy Center, a talk at MIT, gatherings with tech leaders in Silicon Valley and oil executives in Houston, the prince," Benjamin explained, "will be selling dolled-up versions of both his repressive kingdom and his favorite product from the House of Saud: himself."

"The danger remains that at least some parts of the mainstream press will whitewash MbS's record," William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, warned last week.

"Far from being a force for 'stability in the region,' as the Pentagon routinely claims when it promotes yet another arms deal with Riyadh," Hartung added, "the Saudi regime has become a force for conflict and division in a region desperately in need of peace."

(A P)

Mohammed bin Salman’s American charm offensive

The crown prince’s mission is to convince Americans that he is the leader of a new, vibrant, dynamic Saudi Arabia that can be a partner for the U.S. across a broad spectrum of interests.

The mission will not be easy. Anger over the Saudi role in the Yemeni civil war is driving a congressional push to end U.S. support for the Saudi campaign in Yemen. A vote on the resolution is planned for this week. Similarly, the crown prince will face questions about his country’s respect for human rights and civil liberties while court battles continue over allegations of Saudi support to the 9/11 hijackers.

But away from Washington and New York, the crown prince may well find an audience more open and receptive to the idea that there is a new, more accessible Saudi Arabia in the offing – by Gerald Feierstein, fomer US ambassador to Yemen

(* A B P)

Donald Trump has a unique opportunity to help the Yemen crisis

Prince Mohammed has presented himself as a voice of moderation at home. But abroad, the story is different.

When the White House rolls out the red carpet for the newly empowered crown prince this week, President Trump must prioritize holding him accountable for his country's conduct on the world stage, starting with Yemen.

President Trump needs to make Saudi conduct in Yemen a priority in his talks. Three concrete steps are essential.

First, Trump must bring Saudi Arabia to its senses: Piling human suffering on the people of Yemen is not strategic or defensible. Instead, commercial, civilian and humanitarian supplies need to flow freely to all parts of Yemen.

Second, President Trump must publicly commit US support to international efforts to restart peace talks.

Finally, Yemen needs more than a war economy. Aid organizations cannot be a substitute.

The US has a unique ability to influence Riyadh's actions. There have been some good words, but so far no effect – By Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee council and David Miliband, President of the International Rescue Committee.

My comment: This is quite weak. Trump obviously would be the totally wrong person to do all this. – “First, Trump must bring Saudi Arabia to its senses”: Since the first day of the war, Saudi Arabia is. They just do not care. – And: Why the best way to stop the war is omitted? This would be a stop to the whole US support and arms supply. The best way to achieve this would be a positive vote for the Lee/Sanders bill in Congress. Why not mentioning this here?

And there are more articles appealing on Trump:

(* A P)

Washington Must Tell Saudi Prince No More Help For Yemen

The Saudi intervention in Yemen is a strategic catastrophe that has added to regional chaos and fostered the most acute humanitarian crisis on the globe. President Trump must stop making the Saudi intervention in Yemen possible.

The senators are right in their elucidation of Congress’ constitutional war powers. Washington must recognize its support for the Saudi coalition is a counterproductive “government failure,” as the senators wrote, and it would be wise to change course. While May is busy raising concerns, Congress may finally act.

(A P)


Refugees International calls upon President Trump to use this opportunity to press for an end to the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. In the absence of Saudi Arabia taking swift and concrete measures to protect and assist Yemeni civilians, the president should make clear that the United States will not continue to support a war that endangers millions of lives.

(A B P)

After Meetings In Washington, Saudi Crown Prince Will Focus On Business

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the heir to the Saudi Arabian throne, arrives in Washington Monday on a mission.

After meetings with the Trump administration, he will embark on a two-week, coast-to-coast tour of U.S. business and technology centers, hoping to woo new investment and convince Americans that he and his country are modern, worthy partners.

Some of those tasks are likely to be easier than others. Kushner, who visited Mohammed last fall in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, will have a private dinner with him during his four-day stay here, according to an administration official.
But U.S.-Saudi ties are not without strains. Among other things, the administration would like to see an end to an ongoing boycott by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and others of neighboring Qatar, whose Al Udeid Air Base is the operations hub for the U.S. campaign against the Islamic State and hosts the regional headquarters of the U.S. Central Command.
Trump, who will host the rulers of the U.A.E. and Qatar separately after Mohammed's departure, hopes to persuade the three to return in May for a summit with him to settle their differences. (This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


(A B P)

Trump prepares for visit by Saudi prince who has rocked the kingdom

Donald Trump will host Saudi Arabia's crown prince in Washington Tuesday, giving the president a receptive audience to denounce rival Iran and a chance to take stock of significant changes the prince is engineering in the kingdom.

But they are also expected to take up major developments for Saudi Arabia, both internally and externally: the end of a ban on Saudi women driving, the unprecedented detention of dozens of people that was billed as a high-level anti-corruption purge, Saudi involvement in the war in Yemen, and the crisis with the Gulf state of Qatar.

"It's jaw-dropping how many policy changes the Saudis have pursued at home and in the region since that last meeting," said Lori Plotkin Boghardt, a former CIA analyst now with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "Many of these changes have touched US security interests."

Early on, the prince announced an ambitious "Vision 2030" initiative to build an economy less dependent on oil, while luring more foreign investment.

Toward that end, Riyadh wants to greatly accelerate the pace of its civilian nuclear energy program.

My comment: This article and the one before are very similar. This is preparing the US audience to the visit – and it’s much more positive than critical. Yes, it is propaganda in some way. And also the next article, in which “Yemen” only plays a quite minor roll:

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia's powerful 32-year-old crown prince is coming to America. Here's what we know

The trip will be a crucial test of the 32-year-old Salman's ability to justify to wary investors the harsh tactics that have accompanied his social and economic reform efforts.

The Saudi government has released few details about the trip.

The first leg of Salman's trip in the nation's capital is expected to focus on defense ties.

The next stop on Salman's trip is likely New York, where the crown prince is expected to hold meetings on Wall Street and potentially with a group of American CEOs, according to sources.

Saudi Arabia is trying to attract foreign capital to the kingdom.

Explaining the campaign to investors and easing their concerns will be one of the crown prince's key goals during the visit, analysts told CNBC last month.

The Saudis will likely seek to minimize opportunities for Salman to be put on the spot about the arrests, but anti-war groups planning demonstrations in several cities could also create troubling optics.

Salman's agenda in Houston, the nation's corporate energy capital, is not yet clear, but it's likely the Saudi delegation will discuss investment opportunities in the kingdom, the world's biggest oil exporter.

(A P)

5,000 flower memorial calls for an end to U.S. participation in Yemen war

Activists will place thousands of flowers on the US Capitol lawn to memorialize Yemeni children killed or harmed by the U.S backed Saudi Bombings of Yemen.
The demonstration planned by international advocacy group Avaaz comes on the heels of the Saudi Crown Prince's visit to the United States.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia’s leader could tell a better story if he’d end his vicious, no-win war

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who arrives in Washington this week, is a man on a mission with a story to tell.

But it’s a narrative that should not silence the other, far less rosy story of Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen. As it trudges toward its third-year anniversary this month, Riyadh’s campaign in its destitute neighbor’s civil war has been an unmitigated disaster.

As is customary for officials from virtually all countries involved in military operations of this sort — the United States included — Saudis will say it is just a matter of time. They point to Houthi losses and their own allies’ gains. This year, they recently told us in Riyadh, will be the critical one — just as they said 2015, 2016 and 2017 would be.

Even if the Saudi-led coalition (the largest other participant is the United Arab Emirates) advances along the Red Sea coast, as it appears to be doing, the Houthi front will not collapse

Houthis have stated they want to negotiate with Riyadh.

This presents an opportunity for Mohammed bin Salman. First, the crown prince could unconditionally allow unhindered humanitarian and commercial access to all Yemeni ports.

He should also allow the resumption of limited commercial flights to Sanaa airport.

Next, his representatives can engage with the Houthis to devise a set of principles that would allow Saudi Arabia to end the coalition’s military intervention and support inclusive intra-Yemeni negotiations led by the new U.N. envoy

Saudis regularly complain that they did not begin this conflict, Iran is aggravating regional tensions, Tehran is aiding the Houthis, Houthis are at least equally responsible and the horrors in Syria are far worse. All of which may be true, but most of which is beside the point. The United States is sanctioning Iran, providing Saudi Arabia with billions’ worth of weapons and directly assisting its coalition’s operations in Yemen. Saudi Arabia is a U.S. ally, and far from an inconsequential one at that. An alliance must go both ways. When it comes to U.S. interests and the fate of the Yemeni people, the direction Riyadh has taken in Yemen simply is not the way to go.

And this is bad propaganda flanking the visit of Prince Sakman to the US.By Robert Malley and April Longley Alley

My comment: The Saudi complains quoted in the last paragraph are propaganda. From this, nothing at all “may be true“.

(* A P)

Senators to force vote to redefine U.S. role in Yemen

The measure calls for the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. military from Yemen without congressional approval.

A bipartisan group of senators are seeking to force a vote on a war powers resolution for Yemen as early as Tuesday in an attempt to reign in what they say are unchecked presidential powers and to extract the United States military from the bloody civil war that has become a worsening humanitarian crisis.

The effort is being led by an ideologically eclectic group, including Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and represents the latest attempt by members of Congress to reign in executive authority over the use of force.

Remark: Again an overview on the Lee/Sanders resolution, already often reported.

(* A P)

Before Saudi Visit, Congress Questions U.S. Support for Yemen Campaign

The Trump administration is furiously trying to fend off a bipartisan effort in Congress to halt American military support to the deadly Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen as the kingdom’s influential young crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, arrives in Washington this week for talks with President Trump.

Top Pentagon and State Department officials rushed to Capitol Hill last week to warn senators in a closed, classified briefing that approving the Senate measure could seriously damage relations with Saudi Arabia.

The Pentagon insists that all of its military aid is noncombat assistance, like advising the Saudi Air Force on adopting bombing practices that kill fewer civilians. But at the same time, the defense contractor Raytheon is courting lawmakers and the State Department to allow it to sell 60,000 precision-guided munitions to both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, another member of the air campaign, in deals worth billions of dollars. – By ERIC SCHMITT and THOMAS GIBBONS-NEFF

[with more overview]

(* A P)

U.S. Senate Becomes the Newest Front in Yemen’s War

Given the military stalemate on the ground in Yemen, it may be that the next meaningful battle in that war is about to be fought on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Perhaps as early as Tuesday, March 20, just about the time Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will be meeting with senior administration officials in Washington, the Senate may vote on S.J.Res.54, which calls for “the removal of U.S. armed forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.”

Notably, the resolution only addresses the support provided by U.S. forces battling the Houthi insurgency, and specifically excludes the small contingent of U.S. special operations forces conducting counterterrorism operations with counterparts from the United Arab Emirates and locally recruited militias against fighters associated with Al-Qaeda.

The coincidence of the vote on the Senate resolution likely taking place just as the visit to the United States of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gets underway is a function of the legislative calendar more than any design of the bill’s sponsors.

Nevertheless, the timing offers the White House an important talking point for the conversation that will almost certainly take place on Yemen. It allows the administration to point to the impediment an increasingly recalcitrant Congress poses to an open-ended U.S. commitment to the Saudi-led coalition’s war. Perhaps the prospect of steadily diminishing U.S. support will spur Saudi leadership – including the crown prince, the architect of the kingdom’s military intervention in Yemen – to begin to investigate means other than military to resolve the conflict.

It is too early to tell if momentum in Washington to bring the war to a negotiated settlement will be sustained – by Stephen A. Seche, previously U.S. ambassador to Yemen.

(A P)

Elisabeth Warren: We can help end this humanitarian crisis by supporting @SenSanders & @SenMikeLee's resolution to end US backing for the Saudi-led bombing campaign without congressional approval (film)

(A P)

Film: Afghanistan veteran @Perry_OB asks @SenatorCollins to support SJRes54 and put a stop to endless war.

(* A K P)

Congress Should Ignore Trump and Vote for S.J.Res. 54

The Trump administration is pulling out all the stops to oppose S.J.Res. 54, the resolution that would end U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen.

Congress needs to ignore the administration’s pressure and it needs to deliver a long-overdue rebuke to the Saudis and their allies over their conduct of the war on Yemen. Halting U.S. support for the Saudi-led war is absolutely the right thing to do for the sake of the people of Yemen, and it is also in the best interests of the United States. The Obama and Trump administrations have committed the U.S. to having a significant role in supporting this war without debate or authorization, and it is imperative that Congress reclaim its rightful authority in matters of war.

The best way that the U.S. can pressure the Saudi-led coalition to end their intervention is to deprive them of the assistance that they have relied on to carry it out. Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to the U.S. provides the ideal opportunity for cutting off that support.

Administration officials are warning “that approving the Senate measure could seriously damage relations with Saudi Arabia.” That is probably the only true thing that defenders of the current policy have said about it, but it just shows how noxious and destructive the current U.S.-Saudi relationship is. If good relations with Riyadh require that the U.S. aids and abets their war crimes and crimes against humanity, that is proof that the relationship is not worth preserving in its present state – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

Saudi Crown Prince Must Answer For Atrocities In Yemen

Saudi Arabia’s much-discussed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is coming to America this week. Washington policymakers are likely to praise the future king’s much-marketed economic reform plans and pundits will likely speculate on how his stance on Iran will impact American diplomacy. What is less likely to be examined in meeting rooms or on the nightly news is what he’s done in Yemen.

The Houthis, too, deserve their share of blame, but it is the Saudi crown prince the United States is welcoming.

The U.S. can use this visit to try to put a stop to the coalition’s many abuses. If President Donald Trump won’t, Congress should.

Millions are now facing hunger and disease. But wartime famine and cholera are not inevitable. Certain individuals are behind the abuses and have the power to curtail them and minimize harm to civilians. If they don’t, they should be held accountable for what they’ve done.

This includes Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The United States has supported Saudi Arabia in the Yemen conflict from the very beginning.

President Trump should recognize that by selling arms to a military force that is likely to use them unlawfully, he is putting U.S. officials at risk of aiding and abetting war crimes.

Crown princes should not escape accountability – by Kristine Beckerle, the Yemen researcher at Human Rights Watch.

My comment: Taking the headline: He already has answered; he did this so often already: Always when speaking about the Yemen war (Just now in the “60 minutes” interview) and without words he did it daily, by sending his fighter jets to bomb Yemen. Taking the last sentence: Yes, he must not “answer”, he must be held accountable.

(* B P)

Will Trump once again fall for a Saudi charm offensive? Let's hope not

We need to resist the spell of the Saudi royals. The U.S.-Saudi relationship is increasingly conflicted, and mutual expectations are unlikely to be met.

We should welcome the reforms that MBS (as he's known) promises for Saudi society, particularly if they lead to changes in a virulent strain of Islam, and his desire for Saudi Arabia to become more self-reliant abroad. But we need to avoid falling under the spell of a future king whose assertive policies don't always align with our own.

MBS’ efforts to remove obstacles in his path to power, including his recent campaign to arrest hundreds of rich Saudis, reveal that he’s got a much deeper authoritarian streak than his predecessors.

The beaming smiles and bonhomie of this visit cannot hide a much deeper problem in the relationship. The oil-for-security bargain that was long the glue that cemented the U.S.-Saudi relationship has come unstuck, leading the two nations to pursue conflicting interests.

Trump’s fascination with the Saudis has been driven by personal, policy and business considerations.

(A P)

Washington Must Tell Saudi Prince No More Help For Yemen

The Saudi intervention in Yemen is a strategic catastrophe that has added to regional chaos and fostered the most acute humanitarian crisis on the globe. President Trump must stop making the Saudi intervention in Yemen possible.

The senators are right in their elucidation of Congress’ constitutional war powers. Washington must recognize its support for the Saudi coalition is a counterproductive “government failure,” as the senators wrote, and it would be wise to change course. While May is busy raising concerns, Congress may finally act.

(* A P)

As Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, visits DC next week, one word should *never* be absent from the discussion. In every op-ed, every event, every single effort to show engagement with MbS & Riyadh, that word should be present. That word is "Yemen".

(* A P)

Mohammed bin Salman visits US: The four big issues to watch

Riyadh has spent millions on its well-oiled PR machine, persuading wonks and lawmakers that bin Salman is a reformer – lifting bans on cinemas and women drivers as he counters religious bigotry and weens the kingdom off its declining oil reserves.

But the mostly-Saudi 9/11 hijackers cast a long shadow over US-Saudi ties.

For this, he must persuade US investors he is no wildcard.

It won’t be easy, said former CIA officer Bruce Riedel. The sparkplug royal will have to leverage his personal ties with Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner and others to further his goals in a frenetic White House, Riedel told Middle East Eye.

“Saudi strategy toward the US is built on the Trump family connection, expensive lobbyists and bashing Iran. The prince has little experience of the intricacies of US politics, which are more complicated than ever in the Trump era,” Riedel said.

As MbS fever grips America, MEE picked out the four key issues to watch.


Qatar and White House reshuffle

Tillerson’s exit opens up Riyadh’s ability to pressure Doha.

“The Saudis are much assured by Pompeo moving to State, they know him and he is a hawk on Iran,” Riedel told MEE.

Aramco selloff

On a recent visit to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), executives told MEE they were working hard to convince Saudi officials to trade oil giant Saudi Aramco on Wall Street, rather than rival bourses in London, Hong Kong and elsewhere.


For the US deal to go ahead, Washington has urged Riyadh to sign a so-called 123 nuclear agreement, under which it would not enrich the uranium used to power nuclear reactors, which can also be enriched further to build atomic weapons.

(* B P)

Saudi Crown Prince in the US

Yemen, Iran and Saudi political developments are among topics to be discussed in the upcoming meeting of Donald Trump and Mohamed bin Salman in Washington next week

“Yemen is a big headache for the international public relations campaign that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia is trying to conduct towards his eventual ascent to power in Riyadh.

“It is still too early to announce anything at this moment because the Saudis are still not fully determined; they want complaints about the humanitarian situation in Yemen out of the way, but they are not sure they want to settle for a situation whereby their archenemy, Iran, would be afforded any presence.

(* A P)

Exclusive: Saudi crown prince to meet Pence and McMaster, visit US film industry

Cultural and business ties expected to overshadow political agenda on Mohammed bin Salman's US trip

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is expected to be received separately by Vice President Mike Pence and National Security Adviser HR McMaster besides meeting President Donald Trump during a highly anticipated visit to the United States that starts on Monday.

The crown prince's meeting with Mr Trump on Tuesday will be followed by a dinner hosted by Mr Pence on Wednesday, and another by Mr McMaster later this week

According to a tentative itinerary confirmed by US sources, the Crown Prince Mohammed will arrive in Washington late on Monday, where he will spend three days in official meetings, including with Mr Trump at the Oval Office on Tuesday and with Congressional leaders from both parties. On Friday, Prince Mohammed may head to New York where he will attend business meetings and a US-Saudi forum.

After New York, the Saudi Crown Prince may travel to Boston, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles and Houston.

In Los Angeles, the Saudi crown prince, who ended a 35-year ban on movie theatres in his country last December as part of wide-ranging social change, is expected to meet major names from the film industry to encourage investments in the kingdom.

The first days of his visit are likely to be devoted to regional issues, particularly the push to counter Iran, the war in Yemen, and the Middle East peace process.

(* A K P)

Senators: It’s time for the U.S. to defend its involvement in Yemen — or get out

Senators are starting to question what the U.S. is doing in the Middle East, and why we’re involved

[Overview on the whole story]

(* A K P)

Congress moving to end US involvement in Yemen

Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Chris Murphy (D-Ct.) are invoking the War Powers Resolution to trigger a floor vote on their bill, S.J.Res. 54, to terminate US involvement in hostilities on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula.

It’s time for lawmakers to support the Lee-Sanders-Murphy initiative. Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to declare war.

If the Pentagon insists on perpetuating a senseless, unauthorized war first launched by President Obama in order to appease Saudi Arabia, the White House must persuade majorities of the House and Senate to approve of U.S. hostilities against Yemen’s Houthis.

The new measure from Lee, Sanders, and Murphy would restore the rightful balance of power in our government

[with overview]

(A K P)

End U.S. complicity in Yemen conflict

U.S. is providing unauthorized military support to Saudi Arabia to fight this war in Yemen, especially because so many civilians are at risk.

Involvement in Vietnam began in largely the same way — through sending military advisers and weaponry to the country. This open-ended engagement then escalated to full-fledged conflict. Ending U.S. military support would limit Saudi Arabia’s ability to cause such rampant and unchecked destruction in the country, help restore U.S. legitimacy in Yemen, and help even the playing field in Yemen enough that the parties could credibly meet at the negotiating table.

The United States has blood on its hands. Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn should back Senate Joint Resolution 54 or otherwise end U.S. involvement in Yemen. The lives of Yemeni civilians — and perhaps our own service members — depend on it.

(A K P)

End U.S. Support for the War on Yemen

We call for an immediate end to the U.S. war on Yemen, which has created the largest humanitarian catastrophe on Earth, devastated the poorest country in the Middle East, and fueled misery and destruction for millions of Yemenis.

We therefore unequivocally support and endorse Senate Joint Resolution 54, which would cease the U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen by invoking the War Powers Resolution of 1973.

(A K P)

Congress should do its job and end U.S. support for the Saudi war in Yemen

(A K P)

Sanders is right about Yemen

But first, we must bring peace to Yemen. The resolution from Sanders is a start, by stopping any U.S. enabling of the conflict. Diplomacy and humanitarian aid must be sustained to save lives and end the fighting. The U.S role is to be the peacemaker, to bring the sides together to end a senseless civil war. Our role is to help feed the hungry and rebuild the war-torn country. That is the great humanitarian tradition of the United States which can help save Yemen.

(* B P)

If Trump will meet with Kim, why not Rouhani?

If US President Donald Trump is willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, perhaps Iranian President Hassan Rouhani could be next.

The notion of a Trump-Rouhani meeting at first seems a long shot. Trump has labeled Iran a “murderous regime” and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a deeply flawed agreement to curtail Iran’s nuclear weapons program. But there is precedent. Trump, who has a flair for the dramatic, actually sought a meeting with Rouhani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September, via French President Emmanuel Macron, but the Iranian delegation turned down the request.

The point here is that a diplomatic track with Iran would and should not be a sellout of Israel and Saudi Arabia, as Jerusalem and Riyadh complained about the JCPOA. A Trump-Rouhani meeting would be an opportunity to press ahead on means to avoid an Israel-Iran-Hezbollah confrontation, and to allow Saudi Arabia an honorable exit from the nightmare in Yemen. These outcomes may be ambitious and not assured, but there is no chance absent US diplomatic leadership.

(* B E P)

Saudis' $190 Billion in Promises to Trump Never Materialized
Meanwhile, last May, when Trump visited Riyadh, he touted approximately $190 billion of commercial and military agreements with the Saudi kingdom, but for the most part they have not happened, as American investors are wary about investing in Saudi Arabia, reports The Post.

The list of transactions included $110 billion in military deals and another $80 billion of commercial sales, according to a spreadsheet The Post obtained from a White House official.

(* B P)

How Jared Kushner forged a bond with the Saudi crown prince

As their countries’ chief negotiators on Israeli-Palestinian peace, Kushner and the Saudi prince were both seeking to prove their worth on the international stage. They consulted with one another frequently in private calls over the following months, according to people with knowledge of their communications. Kushner successfully pushed the president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit last spring.

Kushner is now set to play a major role hosting the crown prince as he arrives in Washington Monday to kick off a tour of United States. In addition to official meetings, he is scheduled to attend several dinners with Mohammed, along with other U.S. and Saudi officials.

In courting the Saudi prince, Kushner has displayed an un­or­tho­dox approach to diplomacy that has unsettled national security and intelligence officials — relying on personal relationships instead of standard government channels to tackle complex problems, according to multiple ­people with knowledge of ­Kushner’s role.

Some officials fear the president’s son-in-law has been freelancing foreign policy in one of the most volatile regions in the world. There is particular wariness about Kushner’s embrace of Mohammed, now the Saudi crown prince.

(B H)

How a Yemeni man became an NYPD captain

He is the first Yemeni-American to attain the rank of Police Captain in the New York City Police Department.

Al Arabiya spoke to Taheri to find out how it all started.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B E P)


Al-Akhbar, Lebanon, March 4

But May’s government is not acting out of kindheartedness. We must remember, of course, that Muhammad’s royal welcome is part of a broader British strategy to court the House of Saud ahead of this year’s expected initial public offering by the massive Aramco oil company. Johnson and May want the company listed on the London Stock Exchange, and not in New York, and they are doing whatever they can to entice the Saudis to strengthen bilateral ties. Unfortunately for the protesters, this means that May’s government will continue providing Muhammad with all of the support and backing he needs, regardless of the humanitarian toll.

My comment: It’s good to be reminded wherefore the British government helps to kill people in Yemen and to bomb a country into ruins.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B K P)

Canada's arms deal with Saudi Arabia includes 'heavy assault' vehicles

'These are combat-ready vehicles and certainly not the jeeps that the government once told us that they were'

Canada's multi-billion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia includes a substantial number of "heavy assault" armoured vehicles and a maintenance deal that would see the Ontario-based manufacturer embed teams at multiple locations throughout the kingdom.

CBC News has obtained documents that — for the first time — lay out the major elements of the original agreement signed in early 2014 and approved by the previous Conservative government.

CBC News has obtained internal records that show the deal struck in February 2014 involved 928 of the most modern light armoured vehicles, known as the LAV 6.

Of those, almost 40 per cent — 354 — are standard troop carriers.

The order also includes 119 LAV 6 vehicles of the "heavy assault" type, with powerful 105 millimetre canons affixed to their turrets.

(A P)

Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of leading human rights defender @Ahmed_Mansoor's arrest in the UAE. His whereabouts remain unknown. #WhereIsAhmed #FreeAhmed #UAE

(* A K P)

France faces legal risks over Saudi, UAE arms sales: lawyers

France and its arms suppliers face heightened legal risks for supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE despite warnings such arms could be used in the war in Yemen, a law firm’s report commissioned by human rights groups said on Monday.

The report follows criticism of President Emmanuel Macron by rights groups and French lawmakers over his support for the coalition, opaque arms sales and inadequate safeguards to prevent its weapons being used in Yemen operations.

The report came at an awkward time for Macron, who is due to host Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in early April. French-Saudi relations are more strained than in recent years.

However, French officials say privately they have already told weapons suppliers that they should refrain from seeking new export licenses for Saudi Arabia and the UAE. and also


(A K P)

Le Yémen, les ventes d'armes françaises et Amnesty

Les transferts d'armes françaises à l'Arabie saoudite et aux Emirats arabes unis sont-ils légaux? Si la réponse est négative, cela pourrait rendre la France "complice des crimes de guerre au Yémen", assure Amnesty International et l'Acat dans un rapport à paraître mardi.

L'association humanitaire Acat (Actions des chrétiens pour l'abolition de la torture) et Amnesty International dévoileront mardi une étude du cabinet d'avocats Ancile selon laquelle il existe "un risque juridiquement élevé que les transferts d'armes françaises à l'Arabie saoudite et aux Émirats arabes unis soient illicites au regard des engagements internationaux de la France". Cela pourrait la rendre "complice des crimes de guerre commis au Yémen".


(* A K P)

VIDEO. Yémen : des armes françaises impliquées ?

Selon Amnesty International et l'Acat, la France pourrait être considérée comme complice de l'Arabie Saoudite qui bombarde les populations au Yémen, puisqu'elle lui vend des armes.

Les armes françaises ont-elles tué des civils au Yémen ? Sur la ligne de front, l'Arabie Saoudite utilise depuis trois ans beaucoup d'armes américaines, mais pas seulement. La France a vendu des chars Leclerc, ou encore des canons Caesar, arme redoutable engagée par les Français en Irak.

Dans un rapport rendu public aujourd'hui 19 mars, Amnesty International et l'Acat, une ONG contre la torture, dénoncent ces livraisons d'armes.

(A P)

The Yemeni government wants the State of China to play a big role in Yemen after the end of the war with its political or military capabilities.

In less than a week, the Yemeni government held three meetings, which were started by Yemeni President Hadi with the acting Chinese ambassador to Yemen, Jin Hu.

The Prime Minister stressed that the republican system and Yemeni unity are crucial issues that will not be neglected. He thanked the Chinese friends, the leadership, the government and the people for their continued support for Yemeni legitimacy at the bilateral level and in international forums.

My comment: The Hadi government hopes for Chinese support on the international stage (at the UN) and at Aden: Renting Aden port to the Chinese would mean to keep the UAE out.

(* B K P)

UAE is using local instability to sow discord in Somalia

The UAE stands accused of encroaching upon the sovereignty of Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen, over disputes arising from its control of regional ports.

Tensions between Somalia's Federal Government (FGS) and Somaliland's government have come to a head over a tripartite revenue-sharing agreement among the Republic of Somaliland, the Dubai-based company DP World, and the Ethiopian government, based on DP World's management of a port in Berber

The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) is notably absent from the deal.

By now it is apparent that the UAE has taken advantage of fragmentation on both sides of the Gulf of Aden in pursuit of its regional interests.

The Berbera agreement has flared tensions between Somaliland and the FGS.

(A K P)

Suakin: 'Forgotten' Sudanese island becomes focus for Red Sea rivalries

Turkey has signed a 99-year lease to redevelop Ottoman-era port as a tourism hub; Riyadh and allies fear Ankara also has military ambitions.

(A K P)

Photo: #Kuwait Air Force deploys AH-64 attack helicopters to #SaudiArabia for exercise '#GulfShield 1'

(* B K P)

Die Emirate werden die Polizei und das Militär von Somaliland ausbilden

Die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, die eine Militärbasis in Somaliland besitzen und den Hafen von Berbera betreiben, haben sich gerade verpflichtet, die Polizei und die lokale Armee auszubilden.

Somaliland ist ein nicht-anerkannter Staat. Es wurde von Israel künstlich gefördert, das dort seinen gemeinsamen Generalstab mit Saudi-Arabien gegen den Jemen installiert hat.

(A P)

#UAE: 1 year later, award-winning human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor remains missing. He was arrested solely for his peaceful human rights work. This is outrageous. #WhereIsAhmed?

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Regional Foreign Policy is Fracturing the Gulf

At the height of the previous Arab Cold War between Egyptian Gamal Abd Al-Nasir and King Faisal of Saudi Arabia in the 1960s, the level of hostility between rival camps took several years to be contained. Today, a new Arab Cold War is raging across the Arabian Peninsula without any prospect of resolution in the near future. One camp is led by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, backed up by Cairo and Manama. Surprisingly, Israel is standing firmly on the side of this camp.

The target of this alliance is Doha, which has managed to secure the backing of non-Arab regional powers such as Turkey and Iran. This round of inter-Arab rivalry and hostility is not entirely new, but there is an element of unpredictability and danger specific to the current Saudi-Qatari conflict. The entry of three regional powers—Turkey, Iran, and Israel—into this conflict may have a long-lasting impact on the region.

Remark: This article is from Sep. 2017, I missed it at that time.

(A E P)

Qatar has asked US regulators to investigate the American subsidiary of the largest bank in the United Arab Emirates, accusing it of "bogus" foreign exchange deals designed to harm its economy as part of a blockade by Gulf neighbours.

(A P)

With Tillerson Out, Qatar and Saudis Left Sweating on Where Pompeo Stands on Gulf Crisis

The ousted secretary of state was a vocal critic of the Saudi blockade of the Emirate, with Mideast experts saying his departure puts the Qataris in a weaker position with the Trump administration (subscribers only)

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp12

(** B K P)

Film: America's Guns: Secret Pipeline to Syria

How has the international arms trade exacerbated conflict in the Middle East? People and Power investigates.

It's well known that the United States exports billions of dollars' worth of arms and ammunition to its allies. What isn't as widely understood is that many of the guns it supplies to "partner forces" fighting wars in the Middle East - particularly to rebels in Syria - are Soviet-style munitions such as RPGs and Kalashnikovs which are obtained from manufacturers in Bulgaria, Serbia and other Eastern European countries.

There are many reasons for this, of which the most obvious are that fighters in the region have long been familiar with these types of weapons and would rather use them than anything else

Nevertheless, the process still necessarily involves complicated procurement and supply routes, and a less than diligent application of the "rules" that are theoretically supposed to constrain the international sale and movement of guns into such a volatile environment - embargos, sanctions, "end-user" certification and so on.

Meanwhile, a host of other players, from Russia, to Turkey, to Saudi Arabia and Iran are all doing variants of the same thing: providing deadly weapons to their own proxies.

It's also inevitable, in this murky world of shifting alliances and often hidden deals with irregular militias on an ever-fluctuating battleground, that some of these arms do not always end up where they were meant to.

So how does this secretive but deadly trade function?

In a special two-part probe about America's guns, People and Power's Juliana Ruhfus and filmmaker Seamus Mirodan teamed up with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project to investigate US arms transfers overseas, and, subsequently, the consequences of lax rules governing the arms market closer to home. =

and this film from Jan. 2014 by RT:

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia beefs up plans for domestic defence industry

mission to establish a domestic defence industry in a country that is one of the world’s biggest arms buyers. These plans are an integral part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s efforts to help the kingdom diversify its economy away from oil revenues. “We spend between $50bn and $70bn annually on the military. We are the world’s third-largest spender on arms, and 99 per cent of that goes outside the kingdom,” the crown prince, who also serves as defence minister, said in a television interview last year. “This is a huge opportunity to create Saudi-based industries and jobs.” The push to build a domestic defence industry comes as Saudi Arabia has been widely condemned for its role in the war in neighbouring Yemen.

The kingdom set up the state-backed Saudi Arabian Military Industries and appointed Andreas Schwer, a former head of combat systems at Germany’s Rheinmetall AG, as its head. It has also set up the General Authority for Military Industries, a government body with broad powers in military procurement as well as research and development. The world’s big defence companies know that if they want to continue selling to one of the world’s top military spenders, they will have to locate more manufacturing in Saudi Arabia.

If international companies are to help the Saudis design and build missiles, their governments need to agree to loosen restrictions on the export of technology.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Film: Architekturjuwel im JemenZabid fürchtet Bürgerkrieg

Bisher ist die von den schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierte Stadt von Kämpfen verschont geblieben, doch die Sorge ist groß, dass die sunnitischen Regierungstruppen die Stadt früher oder später ins Visier nehmen könnten.

(* B K)

Film: Yemen's historic town threatened by Saudi airstrikes

Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen will enter its fourth year next week. since the war began in March 2015, the conflict has expanded to almost every corner of Yemen, and now has reached its historic capital, Zabid. The town that has so far been spared from damage is now being threatened by Saudi airstrikes. Our correspondent Mohamed Attab reports.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E)

Austrian oil company gives green light in Yemen

Oil production in the southern province of Shabwa could resume next month

Oil production in the south of Yemen could resume as early as April after OMV, an Austrian company inspected oilfields in the south of Yemen.

This would indicate the first time an international organisation would redeploy oil engineers in the country since the conflict escalated in September 2014.

A team from OMV traveled to Shabwa on Sunday to assess oil production opportunities in the near future.

(A E P)

Petsec Energy completes acquisition of onshore oil permit in Yemen

Petsec Energy Ltd (ASX:PSA) has completed the acquisition of a 40% working interest in the Al Barqa (Block 7) licence and operatorship in the Republic of Yemen.

Block 7 is an onshore exploration permit covering an area of 5,000 square kilometres.

(A E)

An oil engineering team belonging to Austrian oil company #OMV, has arrived in al-Oqlah oil field in eastern Shabwah province, southeast of #Yemen, to prepare for the resumption of the company following the improvement of the security situation in the province. (photo)

(B E H)

Fiber glass manufacturer on #Hadramout coast #YEMEN employees 30 workers to help produce new fishing boats. A project designed and implemented by @SMEPSYEMEN (photo)

(B E H)

To promote sustainable #development, more than 250 SME clients have received grants to offset debts and sustain their #business operations, within @WorldBank funded #YECRP implemented in #partnership with @SFDYemen

(A E P)

Yemen Central Bank Receives $2 Billion Deposit

Optimism prevailed in the banking sector in Yemen, with hopes rising that the Yemeni currency would stabilize following the signing of an agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni government to deposit $2 billion at the Central Bank of Yemen.
Bankers in Aden and Sanaa reported to Asharq Al-Awsat that they expect a gradual progress of the Yemeni currency against foreign currencies in the coming days. and

My comment: This will not last for long, as Yemeni economy is smashed.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

Erste Überstellung aus Guantanamo unter Trump kommt voran

Laut US-Militär könnte es bald eine Rückführung nach Saudi-Arabien geben

geplanten Rückführung von Ahmed Mohammed Hasa al-Darbi in seine Heimat Saudi-Arabien.

(A T)

Exclusive: U.S. advancing toward first Guantanamo repatriation under Trump

The United States is advancing toward the first transfer of a prisoner from the Guantanamo Bay detention center under U.S. President Donald Trump, the U.S. military told Reuters on Monday, a move that would repatriate the detainee to Saudi Arabia.

(A T)

Reports surfacing since yday of US #drone strike in Ma'rib #Yemen on suspected #alQaeda vehicle. Even pro-#AQAP wires (so far) appear not to know victims. Note that no AQAP ops were claimed in Ma'rib in 2017-18. This isn't proof of AQ absence but there may be risk of drone abuse


(A T)

A reported U.S. airstrike killed #AQAP militants in the Wadi Obeida area of Ma'rib governorate, northern #Yemen. Locals reported that a drone had been hovering in the area for the past two days. The U.S. conducted several airstrikes targeting AQAP in Ma'rib in 2017.

(A T)

#AlQaeda #Yemen support wires claim ambush of #UAE-supported Security Belt forces patrol vehicle yday evening in Mudiya, Abyan with several dead/injured (Local press reports 1 dead, 2 injured). No claim yet on formal #AQAP wire but AQAP comms have been struggling in recent weeks

(B T)

Radio interview with Fr Tom Uzhunnalil

The kidnapping of Indian Missionary Salesian priest Fr Tom Uzhunnalil made international news headlines in March 2016 when ISIS terrorists attacked a home for the elderly run by the Missionaries of Charity in Aden, Yemen. The brutal attack led to the killing of four Missionaries of Charity sisters and 12 others.

Fr Tom was held captive for 557 days before his release in September 2017. In this broadcast Fr Tom Uzhunnalil talks to Lavoisier Fernandes about his time in captivity in war-torn Yemen, life after release, and meeting with Pope Francis

listen online at:

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A P)

No escape for Persian turbaned Hitler from fate of history

IRAN is getting closer to the edge of a precipice due to the policies of its adventurous regime which rendered it an outcast internationally. Iranians are suffering from two bitter issues — their livelihood or even their dealings and movements with the rest of the world.

Hence, events in international corridors in relation to the cancellation or suspension of the nuclear treaty and increasing sanctions over ballistic missile projects; as well as the major international political movement towards the Mullah regime, are considered a prelude to witnessing the 1979 event in Iran once again, but in a more dramatic manner.

It is clear to the world that Iran's game of using its missiles in Yemen against Saudi Arabia is a threat to international peace and security, in addition to operating outside the international laws.

Events in the past four decades proved that Saudi Arabia has a firm vision and it does not operate on reaction policies. With the help of its allies, Saudi Arabia is able to foil the Iranian scheme without engaging in an open confrontation or direct war.

My comment: That’s almost comedy.

(A P)

UN has abandoned its resolutions on Yemen, researcher and activist says

Liza a Badwi a female Yemeni researcher and human rights activist, said the UN has in effect abandoned its Security Council's resolutions concerning Yemen in terms of not following through to have them enforced.

My comment: Odd. Look at cp7. – Apart from this report (on two websites), this woman makes no other matches on Google.

(A P)

Trump to Mohammed bin Salman: Focus on Iran

When Donald Trump meets with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, the president should have three clear and forceful messages for his reform-oriented guest: Focus your undivided attention to adopting a soft power approach to the Iranian regime, end the war in Yemen and lift your blockade of American ally Qatar.

These three interconnected messages that President Trump should deliver to MBS (as he is known) stem from a geopolitical reality that has been in existence for over 39 years: The Iranian regime continues to be the most serious threat to regional security in the Middle East and the major state-sponsor of terrorism. Concomitantly, the Iranian people continue to be the most serious threat to the Islamic regime and the only real hope for a fundamental change in Iran.

Mr. Trump and his national security team should make it clear to the crown prince that Saudi Arabia’s efforts to confront the Iranian regime by war through proxy in Yemen has not deterred the IRGC. Sadly, the conflict in Yemen is draining Saudi Arabia’s precious financial resources. According to some estimates, the Saudi effort to confront the Iranian regime in Yemen is costing the Kingdom around $1 billion per month.

After spending billions of dollars, Saudi Arabia is not close to thwarting the designs of Ayatollah Khamenei to build a beachhead on the Arabian Peninsula by supporting his Houthi allies

(A P)

Iran wants to form another Hezbollah in Yemen, says Saudi ambassador to US

Prince Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the US, said on Monday that Iran wants to form another Hezbollah in Yemen through its support of Houthi militia.
He told CNN that Iran wants to destabilize Saudi Arabia, and that it poses a threat to the entire region and international security.

“We’ve been focusing on the weapon of mass destruction, the WMD. What we should really be focusing on is the MD, the mass destruction that Iran is committing in the region.”

My comment. Odd. There just one “mass destruction” is to be seen in this theater of war: Saudi coalition air raids in Yemen.

(A P)

The crown prince’s US visit and the Yemen war

In Yemen, it is actually very much in Washington’s interest to end the fighting and ensure the return of legitimacy as prerequisites to eliminating Al-Qaeda and stopping Iran’s meddling through its Houthi proxy.

Regardless of the motives of the bill’s sponsors and those seeking to limit US military cooperation in Yemen, the major US authorities involved, such as the Pentagon, consider the coalition war in Yemen to be important for the United States as well, and thus advocate providing support in those three areas.

Senator Bob Corker argues that what is being offered to Saudi Arabia is similar to what the US offers to its friends around the world, and hence, believes that the provision of these services to Saudi Arabia does not constitute “an involvement in hostilities that requires the use of the War Powers Resolution”; warning that regarding it as such would lead to a dangerous problem.
The Saudi crown prince’s planned meetings with the US president and congressional leaders will focus on key issues for both sides, including Yemen. Most of those who view the war in Yemen only from a humanitarian perspective are ignoring its causes. Indeed, it is crucial to make clear that merely stopping the war would not solve the problem, because the fighting would continue anyway between the local forces themselves.
Moreover, ending the war on its own would not secure food and medicine and restore civilian life, since there is no effective government there. Consequently, ending the war without a decisive political or military solution would only increase the human tragedy there.
Therefore, what is hoped for is the insistence on ending the insurgency, speeding up the return and consolidation of the legitimate government.

Yemen will remain a source of threat to the world if chaos continues without a legitimate government and the elimination of the insurgency.

(A P)

What the Crown Prince didn’t say!

AGAIN, we make headlines! Again, our Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman “MBS” is making waves in world media. And, again, Iran and company are in a media blitz against the prince and his nation.

We love to talk about our young prince and his “vision.”
In three years, he managed to realize an overdue list of hopes and dreams — not just for the young and women. He took our breath away with the scale and scope of his projects. They cover a wide variety of developmental, economic, political, cultural and even religious dimensions.
MBS is undoing lots of what has been done in the last forty years. His relentless war on corruption alone was undreamed of only few months ago. Not in our wildest dreams we expected the untouchable becoming so touchable, or that stolen public money that made a whole class of people multi-billionaires would be fully returned to state covers.

Religious extremists who hijacked our society and polluted our culture for ages had looked so secured in their ivory towers that we wouldn’t dare to even question their stands.

We have built the Arab Alliance to liberate Yemen and the Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism. We have strengthened relations with trusted friends and traditional allies, like France, Britain and the United States.
If Iran dares to build a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit, right away, as our Crown Prince warns. Iranian army is no match to ours. We are fully capable to defend our nation by all means. No more Mr. Nice Guy! A new Saudi Arabia is born.!

(A P)

Crown Prince’s White House visit a major concern for Iran

Iranian leaders fear that one of the topics that will top the agenda is discussing the threat the regime poses to the Middle East. This issue has become more pressing as Iran continues to blatantly violate international laws.

In addition, the regime continues to pose a threat when it comes to its nuclear program because the Iranian leadership does not allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect some of its military sites, such as Parchin military base.

As a result, the timing of the Saudi Crown Prince’s visit is significant and intriguing. Inside Iran, at this critical time, the strengthening of ties between the US and Saudi Arabia is considered a blow to the leadership.
Iranian leaders fear the convergence of interests, as well as the current powerful alignment of shared geopolitical and strategic interests between the Trump administration and Saudi Arabia.

Finally, Iran fears that Saudi Arabia and the US could take measures to whole-heartedly assist the Iranian people who are disaffected with the regime, as well as support the opposition.

(A P)

Foreign Minister: HRH the Crown Prince's visit to US will Discuss many Files 2 Washington

On Yemen, the Foreign Minister said, "The war in Yemen was imposed on us and we did not start it," pointing out that Houthis retreat from dozens of agreements before the coup against the legitimacy of the country. He said that the Houthis use the mined boats in Bab Al-Mandab.
Al-Jubeir explained that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a mechanism to assess the incidents in Yemen, saying that mistakes occur in all wars, pointing at the same time to thousands of points not targeted by the Arab coalition forces to avoid civilian casualties.
He referred to the Houthis' threats to the security in the region by directing missiles towards the Kingdom's lands and Yemeni cities, and targeting ships and boats in the Red Sea.
Foreign Minister Al-Jubeir said Saudi Arabia had sought political solutions to the crisis and supported humanitarian efforts, and currently, fuel is flowing and nearly $ 1 billion in humanitarian aid to Yemen.
"We have maintained the operation of ports on the Red Sea, stabilized the air route, and we are still working to lift the suffering of the Yemeni people and achieve stability, but the Houthis are seeking instability and lack of a climate that allows humanitarian assistance" Al-Jubeir said. He added that Houthis' strength has ended and they now control only 15% of the territory of Yemen. =

My comment: Just putting a great part of all Saudi crazy propaganda into one statement.


(A P)

On eve of Trump-Saudi meeting, Riyadh calls Iran nuclear deal flawed

Saudi Arabia called the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers a "flawed agreement" on Monday, on the eve of a meeting between the Saudi crown prince and U.S. President Donald Trump who have both been highly critical of Iran.

"Our view of the nuclear deal is that it's a flawed agreement," Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told reporters in Washington.

Jubeir called out Iran for what Riyadh has long slammed as Tehran's destabilizing behavior in the region. "We've called for tougher policies towards Iran for years," he said.

"We're looking at ways in which we can push back against Iran's nefarious activities in the region," Jubeir said, lambasting Tehran's support for the Houthi militia in Yemen and support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. =

(A P)

still putting that "Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology" to good use i see (image)

(A P)

Significant boost to Saudi-Egyptian ties

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s efforts to address security and economic challenges facing the Arab region has come in for praise from security experts. They stressed that he has adopted a strong political and military stance to block Iran’s expansionist designs, which have already extended to Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon. They described him to be the new Arab knight who seeks to ensure the security and stability of the Gulf and the region.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to unveil evidence Iran is arming the Houthis

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen is set to unveil evidence proving that Iran is arming the Houthi group in a conference today, The National reported.

“New evidence will reveal Iran’s involvement in smuggling ballistic missiles and weapons to the Houthi militia, which threatens regional and international security and spreads chaos,” Turki Al-Malki, Saudi-led coalition spokesman said. and by Emirati media

(A P)

More Saudi / UAE “We are benefactors” propaganda.

(A P)

Weapons shipment to Al Houthis is worrying

It will embolden Yemeni rebels to keep the war raging at the behest of their masters in Tehra

The seizure of an arms shipment in Yemen’s Marib province is troubling at a time when the conflict has shown no signs of abating. The driver of the truck transporting assault rifles says the consignment was destined for the Al Houthis fighting the internationally-recognised government of Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi. That’s more cause for alarm. For it shows that Iran has continued to arm the rebels in their ceaseless efforts to destabilise Yemen.

Iran has poured funds and arms in a fervent bid to expand their hegemony in the region. The Al Houthis have not only used these weapons in the war in Yemen but also have launched Iranian-made missiles towards Riyadh.

The Iranian interest has kept the war raging for nearly three years.

And that has shattered the lives of Yemenis.
My comment: The Houthis certainly have more guns than they would need; such a shipment will be of little use for them. This story is putting upside down. This shipment (if it really was addressed to the Houthis) just filling a small part of a truck is baby toys compared to the arms sold by US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and many others the Saudis and UAE. – “
The Iranian interest has kept the war raging for nearly three years”: LOL. Iranian does not lead any war there; it’s the Saudi and UAE interest and intervention keeping this war alive.

(A P)

Yemeni Military Source: Iranian Expert Helps Houthi Militias in Yemen

The Yemeni military intelligence revealed that an Iranian expert holding European citizenship helps the Houthi coup militias to set up military plans in order to enhance the Houthi fronts, particularly in Saada governorate.

My comment: By Saudi Press Agency. – Well, even if it’s true: Just British Aerospace alone has 6,000 staff in Saudi Arabia. So what, really???

(A P)

Riyadh and Washington ready to face down Iran

Since that day, everyone has been noticing that the deal has caused more chaos and wars and increased the Iranian regime’s dominance inside and outside Iran; contrary to the West’s perception that Tehran would abandon its hostile policy and focus on development and peace.

As Donald Trump took office and Prince Mohammed bin Salman came into the picture, and as they announce on Monday that they will unite against Iran, the deal loses its sanctity. Europe can bow to the supreme leader in Tehran and continue to work with him, but the US will have the last word.
The problem does not lie in the deal itself, but in the nature of the Iranian regime. The US is fighting in Iraq and Syria because of Iran’s incursion. Saudi Arabia is fighting in Yemen to defend itself and save Yemen from the Iran-backed coup. and almost identical

My comment: Odd propaganda. US and Saudi propaganda coincide. Iran is the target of US geostrategy; Yemen and Yemeni lives do not matter at all.

(A P)

Yemen PM Bin Dagher: Ending the Houthi militia is the only solution available to peace

Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher repeated his view that the only solution available to peace in the country lay with the military and political defeat of the Iran-backed Houthi militia.

My comment: That would be victory, not peace; and trying to reach this, would mean endless war.

(A P)

MBS is now printing propaganda magazines available at local grocery stores. (photo; from US)

(A P)

Feature: Saudi Arabia gains headway toward post-oil Vision 2030

Saudi Arabia has achieved initial gains in implementing its Vision 2030, a grand plan targeting the post-oil age through drastic social and economic reforms.

Supported by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the plan was rolled out by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud in April 2016, aiming at seeking economic diversification to reduce the kingdom's traditional and nonproportional dependence on oil revenues.

The grand plan was introduced following an oil price plunge in mid-2014

Moreover, the Saudi government took some dramatic measures in the past two years to show its determination to return to a "moderate Islam" like before 1979.

My comment: Pro-Salman propaganda even from China now.

(A P)

Film: Could Saudi Arabia be the next Dubai? - BBC Newsnight

How should we view Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's promise of reform? Evan Davis asks Saudi journalist Abeer Mishkhas and Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik.

My comment: This is BBC propaganda from Oct. 2017 I overlooked at that time. The text clearly tell ist: “How should we view…”, yes, you are told how you should view. Wake up, daily TV propaganda sheep audience.

BBC whitewashes Saudi dictator MBS. It only mentions his murderous war on Yemen in passing, referring to it merely as a "mistake" and a "blot," providing no information on it—like the fact that the US-backed war has created the largest catastrophe on Earth

BBC security correspondent (and UK Army reserve officer) reluctantly acknowledges Saudi dictator MBS is a repressive autocrat and "is no democrat," but defends him because he will "liberate the economic power of Saudi." Capitalism always trumps freedom.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K PH)

Saudi coalition air raids day by day:

March 19:

March 18:

March 17:

March 16:

March 15:

March 14:

March 13:

(A K PS)

Marib: Arab Coalition bombs sites of Houthis in Sarwah

Local sources said that the positions of the militia in the district of Sarwah, west of Marib, were subjected to air strikes.

My comment: As always claimed, might-be they had targeted farm houses and killed farmer families instead.

(A K PH)

Marib: The collapse of the Wadi Hubabad bridge on the Khawlan road as a result of previous incursions

Today, Wadi Habbadz bridge collapsed on Khawlan Marib road.

The director of the Directorate of Jahana Sana'a Governorate Mohammed al-Bishari that the bridge in the area of Mesor and the arrows and the link between Khawlan Sanaa and the province of Marib collapsed completely because of the earlier attacks by the American air aggression of Saudi Arabia. (photo)

(* A K PS)

"#Saudi officials say they have carried out more than 145,000 missions over #Yemen over three years" — WSJ

(* A K PH)

22 Saudi-led coalition air strikes hit five provinces

(* A K PH)

Aggression coalition's jets wage 28 raids on 3 provinces, Jizan

(A K PH)

Film: Saudi air raids at bridges, roads in Taiz province (no dates given):

(A K PH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

March 18: Hodeidah prov. Saada prov. Hajjah prov.

March 17: Amran p. Farms, Hodeidah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

(* B K PS)

Film: Yemen - Houthis Immerse Taiz’s Landmarks By Destroying Hundreds Of Homes

More than 120 houses in Taiz were destroyed by the Houthi forces in an attempt to obliterate the city. This adds to the Houthis record of crimes a new crime that has claimed the lives of hundreds of families who lost their homes. The bombings and house demolitions continue in a clear attempt by the Houthis to displace the city's residents, including the citizen Majid al-Ghanim, who recounts the tragedy of being homeless with his family after they completely destroyed his house and it became rubble.

My comment: The other side is shelling houses as well, also committing air raids in taiz province. This side of the story of course is not mentioned here.

(A K PH)


(A K PS)

Saudi citizen wounded by military projectile from Yemen

The Spokesman of the Directorate of Civil Defence in the Saudi city of Najran, Captain Abdul Khaliq Ali Al-Qahtani, has announced that a Saudi citizen was wounded after the fall of fragments of a military projectile fired by Houthi from Yemeni territory on Sunday.

(A K)

#Saudi mortar shell killed a man and his wife today in their village in Monabeh area #Saada #Yemen I know that it is not an important news for the world, but I am doing my best to publish my country crisis.

(A K PS)

Using artillery, the #Houthis are shelling the houses and properties of #civilian citizens in al-Zoub of Qaifa area in the central province of al-Bayda . (photos)

(A K PH)

Saada prov.: In Razeh border district different areas has been hit by a Saudi rocket and artillery shells resulted in damages to farms and property of citizens.

(B K PS)

Houthi massacres turn Taiz amusement place into cemetery

Houthis massacres have turned the only amusement park north of the city of Taiz into a cemetery for the increasing victims most of whom are civilians the rebels killed over the past three years.

My comment: This is propaganda. No other war victims than those by the Houthis???

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B P)

EXCLUSIVE: The secret yacht summit that realigned the Middle East

Arab leaders from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Jordan plotted to counter Turkey and Iran, and replace the GCC and Arab League.

George Nader, the Lebanese-American businessman and convicted paedophile, who is co-operating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign funding, organised a secret summit of Arab leaders on a yacht in the Red Sea in late 2015, Middle East Eye can reveal.

Nader proposed to the leaders gathered on the yacht that they should set up an elite regional group of six countries, which would supplant both the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the moribund Arab League.

Nader said this group of states could become a force in the region “that the US government could depend on” to counter the influence of Turkey and Iran, according to two sources briefed on the meeting.

Nader is reported to have told the leaders: “If you agree to this, I will lobby for this in Washington,” two sources with knowledge of the meeting told MEE. Those who attended liked the idea.

The secret summit on the Red Sea took place towards the end of King Salman’s first year in power, when his son MBS was only deputy crown prince.

Nader the go-between

Nader has recently emerged as a key back channel between Bin Zayed and Trump. The New York Times has reported that Mueller is actively chasing financial links in order to establish whether the Emiratis illegally contributed funds to Trump’s presidential campaign.

It reported that in recent weeks Mueller’s investigators have questioned Nader and pressed witnesses about any possible attempts by the Emiratis to buy political influence by directing money to Trump’s presidential campaign. =


Film: Because of fuel crisis in #Yemen : This man made a small fuel efficient car in #Taiz and he said that he will not drive his @Jeep car anymore.


Teachers and students of Dar Al-Mustafa go with the people of the city of Tarim [Hadramaut], led by scientists, dignitaries and students of science to attend the birth of the Prophet, which is held annually in the Sheikh Omar Al-Mihdhar Mosque, on the occasion of the month of Rajab Asab.,_Yemen#/media/File:Minaret_Al_Muhdhar_Mosque_Tarim_Yemen.jpg

(* A)

Genius at Work: A Yemeni young man has invented a solar-powered stove to face the gas crisis in Sanaa.

The device is a small barrel connected to a solar panel with a small fan installed at the bottom to ignite the coal that is placed on top of the container.
The young inventor has already managed to sell some of his stoves at a cost of 2000 YR (ca 4 USD) (photo)


A Yemeni artist found only the walls to convey the tragedy of her country and the calamities of her people.
Between wall and wall untouched by destruction, artistic aesthetics sparkle the darkness of war. At the same time, it embodies the suffering inflicted upon the Yemeni people by the signing of the young Yemeni artist Haifa Subay.
Haifa recently dedicated her artworks to portray the suffering left by the war in Yemen, especially women and children, on the walls of the capital Sana'a in a campaign called "Silent Victims."


Yemenis are quick to take up brushes and create art whenever they are offered the chance. Maybe Yemen would have been better off if it had more brushes and colors than weapons. Photo taken by @thi_yazen in Sanaa

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-393 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-393: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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